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Everything posted by Woldan

  1. ^ Ew. I like fit girls but this one looks like a caricature. A tad too much. Man, she is gorgeous.
  2. You know, those insects are better than us. The die happy, most people don't. Spiders are not insects. My point still stands.
  3. Had some dreams tonight that make me seriously question my sanity.
  4. Maybe it was the extra sauce in the beer.
  5. You know, those insects are better than us. The die happy, most people don't.
  6. Fitness stuff of course. And I'm an extremely well paid personal trainer who does nothing but instructing steaming hot girls in tight sport shorts on how to perform proper deadlifts and barbell lunges while touching their butts and hips. My life is so hard. What, me a liar you say? How dare you sir! Nah, just wishful thinking. I push pencils and polish chairs with my butt in a renown promotion agency. A currently very understaffed promotion agency. My job involves: * Doing customer babysit....errm I mean service for multi million bucks companies * Offers * Order confirmations * Communication with printers * Communication with embroidery companies * Logistics * Sometimes graphical stuff when our graphics designers have screwed up and said stuff needs to be done and sent RIGHT NOW (= always) * Finances and bills * A lot of other things I don't care to remember right now And I'm doing all of these things simultaneously. Because order is boring. Chaos weeds out the weak.
  7. Today I was in the office from 9:30 till 11 at night, and it was a quite busy day. Now I have to cook me a meal, lift weights, wash my laundry. And tomorrow its rinse and repeat. How am I supposed to have a girlfriend? I don't even have enough time to take a proper dump.
  8. I said hot girls.
  9. The designer responsible for that belly-free boobplate armor should be dragged through a pit of glass shards. All day long.
  10. Your finger bones might rotate...what the hell did you really do to your hand? Which bones are broken? In any case, get better soon and I hope it isn't as bad as it sounds. You don't happen to know some hot girls that give hugs for free? Darn. My employer doesn't get any extra help because I'm his little b!tch. Or maybe because of budget reasons. Probably both.
  11. Had a really bad day in the office, maybe it had something to do with me doing hard cardio the day before and only having slept 4 hours. I fell asleep in my chair several times. Torture. But despite those negative things I miraculously managed to easily beat my personal best in deadlifting, 3x 3 repetitions of 170 kilograms (375lbs). Thats not bad considering I'm weighing 97. It wasn't even very hard and my back feels great. (I want to be able to deadlift 200 some day though)
  12. If I'm not mistaken she's eating pickled pork with noodles. Which means anyone accompanying her has about two hours before she goes off like the foghorn on a tugboat. Looks more like a high speed accident victim with noodles.
  13. Since everybody here is having a vacation I have to do the jobs of two people, and things always get super busy when this happens, as if everyone in the world knew about my situation. I have to ******* do ten things simultaneously. Kill me. KILL ME Hitler was a vegetarian.
  14. Nah, i don't know what i am seeing...all those flashy stuff, hurt my eyes... Yeah its still too hectic and flashy, though it looks like I might be able to play it without puking every 10 minutes. Combat seems to be much better than in DA2, I don't love it and won't enjoy it but it looks ''acceptable''. DA2 was a mess.
  15. Tell your son to eat the Playstation controller instead. It tastes much sweeter. I would have politely declined my marriage. For 2 hours.
  16. Some kind of raw volcanic glass I found on the Vatnajökull glacier.
  17. There are some berries out there where a single fruit can trash your liver and kidneys forever, if you survive. You must teach your children not to eat or even touch any berries (and mushrooms) unless you can identify them 100%. True Lover's Knot, common spindle, yew, their fruits are very common, look colorful and tasty but ingestion will surely change your life forever. Also teach your kids to never eat fruits growing low on the ground. Fox tapeworm also seriously screws up your liver.
  18. I've never been so bored in my entire life.
  19. I'd love to have BG3 continue the god-child story. I'd make it canon that the protagonist chose to fill the throne of Bhaal and would continue the story on a more epic level, among the divines and gods themselves.
  20. Heavy. I freaking love heavy.
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