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Everything posted by Woldan

  1. Also, I have to increase the production of cobwebs in here, the mosquito invasion is getting a problem. Where are spiders when you need them?
  2. Thinking about moving chest day to tomorrow. Tired as f***. Don't want to squish my head with a 130kg barbell.
  3. We all have already posted chicks with enhanced boobs so.... *UT Announcer voice* : MULTI FAIL!
  4. Absolutely. I'm laughing my damn butt off. But our houses are well insulated as well, we have winters with -20 degrees too (unless its one of those damn mild winters that happen from time to time). Record was -30 degrees one night two years ago. The water in my eyes was freezing.
  5. A temperature increase of 1 or 2 degrees for a couple of days doesn't make it tons hotter than other summers. Just a bit to break a record. Personally, I found the 35 degree Celsius for 5 weeks with no wind and high humidity more uncomfortable than a couple of dry 39-41 degree days. I remember I did a bike tour along the Danube river on that record breaking day and I did 75km, I was surprised when I read about the broken record later that day.
  6. On hot summers - yes. Summer last year we had 41 degrees followed by weeks of humid 38 degrees and no wind. What I did today: more classic strongman exercises. 42Kg dumbbell power cleans and pressing with shoulder only and no leaning. Fun exercise.
  7. Be careful, those super huge grasshoppers have a nasty bite. Years ago one landed on my shirt and bit me, the wound was bleeding for an hour. That was such an unexpected attack. O_o This is a female specimen, look at the ovipositor. Also, think its funny to see people from Finland and Sweden complain about the heat, 30 degrees is perfectly normal in Austria and considered ''Warm' - unless temperature climbs close to 40. We have kind of cold winters though.
  8. Its both, at the beginning you can hear a radio voice telling about ''people killing for gasoline''. I guess in such scenario all the essentials are scarce and worth killing for.
  9. They're not going to put relevant story parts into a trailer of an action movie. Don't worry, I'm sure it will have just as much story as the other Mad Max films.
  10. I can't believe people are digging that video, with that Chicks horrible form and cheating. That workout is a joke. She let herself hang from the bar like a towel, when doing pullups you must stay under tension the whole time and activate your core, you must not lower yourself till you shoulders are squishing your head. She has weak abs, thats why she is bending rearwards when doing those chin ups.(Back muscles pulling) When power cleaning that light weight she used momentum created by her legs when pushing the weight over her head because she has no shoulders or traps whatsoever to actually push it. Also they didn't show her legs when she was doing chin ups and dips. Why? She was using her legs to push the first 1/3, a common technique used by beginners who can't do one rep. I would have loved to see her crap out at exercises where strength is really needed and cheating is impossible. Where are the dead lifts? The most important exercise there is? Bench pressing bodyweight with dumbbells, where is it? Squats? Military presses? The most basic strength exercises? What she displayed here is the completely average strength of a skinny woman. People only freak out because she is a woman that touches and lifts weights, and because people have no idea what strength is and how proper lifting works.
  11. I think I can live with a few CGI 'splosions and sandstorms, the cars are real and look amazing, so do the actors. Also something I noticed, when Max fires the rifle it recoils. So? Well, recoil is hard to simulate with blank firing guns, so props to the director or the weaponry-advisors. You don't see recoil in most ''realistic'' over hyped war movies so thats a nice little detail.
  12. As long as it feels demanding its good. Slowly pedaling up a really steep mountain or speeding up a light slope with 23mph - both will increase your endurance.
  13. That was awesome xD he's an inspiration to us all. Inspirational as in ''why do it the normal way''? Next time I'll mow the lawn with fire.
  14. Wha...., 6%, 8% and 12% inclines??? I don't want to be a smug arse but you really should come to Austria, here cycling routes feature several mountains with 1-hour long 20-25% inclines, if you want them or not. 8% is considered a perfectly flat road around her, which are rare. The upside is, all those painful 20% inclines eventually result in very rewarding 20% declines. And then, rinse and repeat. 4 miles doesn't sound bad, you could actually benefit from it if you use those 4 miles for warm up! I wish I had a warmup section.
  15. How long does it take you to leave the city to hit the country roads where cycling is much more comfortable? I can't even imagine how biking in the city works, you can hardly go full speed anywhere and the stops and goes on traffic lights must make you go insane. Not to mention the lack of inclines and steep hills to climb. Thats no way to increase your endurance.
  16. Mad Max 2 was definitely the best of the series, with Mad Max 1 being a close second. Beyond Thunderdome had some redeemable scenes but the whole children-savior crap was really really bizarre, a failed try to make it family-friendly. Also, I'm pretty sure that guy in the car with the deadhead-jaw-mask-thingy and the white long hair is Hugh Keays-Byrne aka ''Toecutter'', who was confirmed to play a role in this movie.
  17. Yes, it seems like it is true to the original series in terms of action and general craziness, which is great. I also think Tom Hardy is a good choice. What I do not like about it is the guns. Which is funny, because I'm a gun collector nut. I was hoping to see more crazy improved firearms and brutal meele weapons instead of pistols and lever action rifles. But this is just a tiny personal gripe. Well, looks like I just found another reason to stay alive for one more year.
  18. Well, here it is: Personally, I find those weird special effects....weird. Reminds me of 300 for some reason.
  19. I've never let rain stop me from cycling, in fact, riding a bike during rain can be fun. Its cools you down when its hot and humid, and you don't have to sweat. Try it out, cycling in rain is not even half as bad as you might think.
  20. Eww, shes already bad at WW, her as Xena would be even worse. That being said, I can't think of anyone who could pull off a Xena in a remake of the series. Lucy was just too awesome.
  21. There are pics of her on the set, she looks even skinnier. Hollywood....
  22. This is supposed to be Wonder Woman? Shes not even in shape....
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