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Everything posted by solamyas

  1. I think that mail sent to all backers at the end of countdown
  2. I think only the No Rest for the Pro is hard. Ofcourse if you try other two in your first gameplay without knowing new rullset and the game you can't get it.
  3. Yes your ranger can learn mechanics. However, she can only do it on level up even if she has unspent points. Are unspent poinst usable when you level up next time?
  4. BTW is there any special item for the real members of the Obsidian Order?
  5. Are you awere that characters in PoE are 3D? IIRC character sprites in IE were converted from 3D, basicly you render highquality models and create animations then turn them to "gif". That is the reason why characters don't look weird upon handdraw backgrounds in the Enhanced Editions of IE games, they are outdated for prerendered standart but not so much for real time render standart. PoE maybe wouldn't age fast as NWN or any other "full 3D" games but it would age faster than IE games. It isn't just the 2Dvs3D look at the first Witcher, it made in first NWN engine yet it looks better than NWN2 and DA:O and its age slower than them. And all of them made in 3D Bioware engines. Games needs good art style to be good looking in the future and PoE have it.
  6. I get the backer achievement after I created new character, I hope my first character isn't locked from achievements. Also other steam features works fine now.
  7. @Hydra092 I would contact them if I were you. But was it same at 2012, long before value of $ incraised stupidly?
  8. That's great, except I-- and I assume many others-- are already playing in english. Everything I have is already set to english in every capacity. It does not fix it. That's great, except I-- and I assume many others-- are already playing in english. Everything I have is already set to english in every capacity. It does not fix it. I wouldn't understand anything if I was not playing the English version of the game, so that is either nothing to do with it or only a part of the problem. it is unreleated to language you play, someone else said steam acts like game is still in beta and he is right only closed betas acts like that in steam.
  9. Did you completed the survey? Someone else had the same problem because he didn't completed it in time and devs said it would be add in a future patch.
  10. You have decent grasp of D and C#? After reading your posts in this topic it is hard to belive you can manage more than "hello world!"
  11. IIRC only backers who pledged more than 100$ are in the credits that was one of the backer rewards wroten in kickstarter.
  12. Not sure if you've ever played it, but the Miniature Giant Space Pig is a reference to Baldur's Gate II. Specifically to the character of Boo (of Minsc and Boo fame), the Miniature Giant Space Hamster. "Go for the eyes Boo, THE EYES!" Mincs and Boo was in the first Baldur's Gate game too. And Minsc is few of the recurring companions in BG2 from BG
  13. Yes it is. Steam is a software to manage digital restriction per se. Some games are less linked to it, yes, that doesn't mean no DRM that means less DRM. For some games and almost all Paradox published games and all Paradox developed games, Steam is just download manager and isn't different than login on GoG to download games or using GoG's downloader. If the game you have on GoG isn't an old game or isn't from Witcher series GoG don't have any benefit from any other reseller.
  14. It is otherwise around, Unity engine have built in generic graphic settings and UE can even change asset quality from a PC game to android/iphone game automatically.
  15. select a character during (or outside of) combat, click on leftermost button above his/her portrait, select the new set when options appeared above it.
  16. Minimap is a thing that can help with spatial awareness in games but how can I say it without spoilers I dont know... our character have some problems about awareness
  17. Odd... they were supposed to add this... they literally had a discussion on it during the developer meeting they filmed a few months ago. I dont know if it was in the beta but you can see the limit if you tried to make camp.
  18. I have "Backer Item and Achievement" DLC but didn't get the achievement and I dont have the wurm Hey, I am not sure why you don't have the achievement. Do you have the cloak? Also, for the wurm you had to have a tier of $50+. Not sure if this applies to you or not, but something to consider. Let me know if you are supposed to have the pet, but do not. Oh, then nothing wrong about the wurm. I have the cloak.
  19. I have "Backer Item and Achievement" DLC but didn't get the achievement and I dont have the wurm
  20. I restarted the steam but still no acgievements for me
  21. I have the Cloak, Pig and Ring but I dont have the Wurm o.O also achievements aren't works for me :/
  22. Yes if they also require said client to install said games. One of GOG's main selling points is their DRM-free game installers, which means that installer don't any way check if user has right install with said installer. For example in Finland going around DRM system gives company right to sue person doing so (which means that same is at least in some level true in all EU countries as it was EU's copyright directive that cause such change in Finnish copyright law), which means for example that if you use Steam to install game and then copy it flash drive and copy it to another computer put you in situation where you are actually liable to copyright law suit, as you have broken technical measure avoiding prohibition. Although courts probably will say that such DRM isn't strong enough that going around it merits compensations, but going in court cost hundreds or even thousands, if there is complaint to higher court, euros and especially persons time, so companies could easily use threat of such law suits as extortion method, like for example how music industry has done in recent years. How can you be liable to law suit when the Paradox Developers themself teach the method to us. I can think only 2 possibly better scenario than paradox: 1-Obsidian and other kickstarter/indie rpg developers form a new publisher as equal share holders. 2-CD Project Red grown their retail branch to outside of Poland market too and became a "safe haven".
  23. Well, so what are these: And I'm sorry, but one can't dismiss online activation even though you have to buy the game on a website. Because on each install, the game requires to be online to activate it. That's the whole point of DRM-free webstores like GOG or DotEmu: yes you have to be online to purchase and to download but that's it. You can install your games on a offline machine, no need to install another software, no need to have a web connection. Burn DVDs or transfert on a HDD, and install into the offline machine. You could say that the no-steam.exe allows you to copy the installed files to transfert them manually, but it's a workaround, and in the first place, again, Steam is used as an online activation DRM. So again, I disagree. For someone like me, using a Linux PC only to go online to purchase goods, to browse the web, etc... and using another offline Windows PC to play Windows games, and using another PC which is a data server (where I store my backups, installers, saves) in a local network, well it's important. My boxed copy of CK2 disagrees with you. Mount & Blade isn't a Paradox Development Studio game, Its developed by Tale Worlds and published by Paradox Interactive. At ve Kılıç edition (aka Turkey edition) of that have 2 options. You can install from disk and later manually download patches from taleworlds.com or you can activate and download it at Steam. Those CK2 and EU4 boxes isn't maked by paradox. Third parties buy the "steam key" from paradox or other stores then sell the keys in a box. It isn't different than cd key seller web sites.
  24. As far as i know Autodesk don't give much discount to their old customers so upgrading Maya/3d Max is more difficult than Unity.
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