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Master Cypher

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Everything posted by Master Cypher

  1. Indeed :D. Well, we shall see what ideas they'll come up with with KOTOR 3 - if there willb e a KOROR 3, of course. Hmm. I come tot hink of Bloodlines; one of the characters there I found to my liking was Maxmillian Strauss, the Tremere Primogen/Regent. In the vampire world, few would trust a Tremere considering their dark history, but Maxmillian has the kind of character and behaviour that makes him trustable despite his clan's dark history and his own, carefully hidden motives. Such a character in a KOTOR 3 could be great indeed :D. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Very true but does LaCroix ooze slimyness? Also nines just gives of the cool rebel thing! Like James Dean or Han solo!
  2. To clearify? Do redemed Sith lords and apprentices count? If so you can redeme Yuthura? So does she count?
  3. Yeah, what's really annoying me is that just before it comes out worldwide, I go to America! That's really annoying! Plus I couldn't find the caves on Dantioone! help anyone?
  4. Someone's going to thr pinkside joke any moment now... Oh and it' light because it's more challenging than using your force powers or just being nasty, most of the challenges in KOTOR 1 were hard as the lightside.
  5. Hopefully it will still be on course for feburary! Please let it be feburary!
  6. Mutions are accidental, all evolvation is planned, it's just an adaptation to the environment e.g red blood cells Story: Big bacteria tries to engulf little bacteria by phagocytosis and surround it but can't digest, the little cell provided a source of aerobic respiration and see that's how mitochondria in our cells. P.S why couldn't GL think of the force being the energy inside use, than make up an organelle that couldn't actually work!
  7. It's not about who's the main baddy, it's who's seen the most, MSG I think will be hidden alot where as you see Sion multiple times! Plus you can't stand against all the shades of Black!!!!!
  8. You can always watch movies with subtitles. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It loses the feel of the movie, though! That's why dubbing is prefered over subtitles. Espically bad anime dubbing, that's the worst!
  9. This might be the build up to that with it going from early sith history to the more recent events, they'll only need to add a few more things: *The mandalorian war *The Jedi Civil war *Back/new stories or events of note. P.S Is there any back stories so far on Sion?
  10. I just hoping that there won't be an anti-climax like Jedi academy, kill big boss, stupid looking force got of ragnos disappears Katean and luke arrive to late (random talk about the dangers of the dark side to the idiot apprentice... The end! But This the KOTOR series and Obsidan, so that won't happen... I hope!
  11. Wow, That does sound cool! It make the plot more unpredictable and fun! Thanks
  12. Dude Just go to KOTOR2.com and look at the video on the planet Telos :D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Weather effects would be cool, mod for PC version where you can program your own weather could work.
  13. There won't be to many spoilers, I don't think it will hurt to much!
  14. That is overkill, true but overkill. you can prove ignorance by just stepping out the door... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's like there being a magical apperance of a pipeline in Afganistan, the states wanted oil because they were worried about there gas guzzlin' hmmers would run out of fuel, so they depose the regemy that they had been there under the guize of 'liberty' and give themselves free trade on the side, cutting themselves a major slice of oil pie and probably riping of the Iraqi's at the same time!
  15. *Restraining self* The era of ignorance is NOT over. Do you realize how many times in history a population believed that previous societies were ignorant, and the current society had solved ignorance? That was the rationale behind colonialism. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, it has always been like that hasn't it? We always think we are better than our ancestor, and then we go and do something as stupid or most of the cases, "stupider" <-- not a word i know, but you get what i'm getting at. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> True, very true! Just so Ghost of Anakin doesn't get pi**ed again, it's like what Jolee said about not thinking your time is the most epic because your in it! See! Where on topic! :D
  16. What do you mean? why i have a headache? because i've been sitting in front of my pc the whole day. Or why i agree with you on the ignorance? well, because it can be applied to religion too in a way. and ok, i brought hitler up because what Lacan wrote about killing homosexuals reminded me of hitler and the extermination camps. What the? did i put it in a positive light? NO!!!!!!! read the post thouroghly!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I might not saying you did! Sorry if I implied that because I didn't think that, I just saying that, that's all! Or people want to ignore the problem they just would do anything about it! It's the old "What can one man do excuse!" Which is really pathetic! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ok, i get what you're saying now. as long as we don't go and accuse someone of something which they didn't mean at all. (made sense) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No worries! I not upset! :D :cool:
  17. 1000 years ago, but not today???!!! So Bush saying that god was advising him to invade Iraq is not? I didn't say I blame religion as a malevolent, self-conscious force, but it is a tool nontheless. You cannot blame cigarettes either, but they facilitate the problem. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Using religion to validify something like a was is so lame it untrue, but I better becareful what I say or I could be extrodittted as terrorist!
  18. What the? did i put it in a positive light? NO!!!!!!! read the post thouroghly!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I might not saying you did! Sorry if I implied that because I didn't think that, I just saying that, that's all! Or people want to ignore the problem they just would do anything about it! It's the old "What can one man do excuse!" Which is really pathetic!
  19. Hitler *COUGH* nazis *COUGH* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So Hilter was Godsent?? :ph34r: <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Should have elaboratedthat a little more No, he was sick and should not have been born. I meant that hitler did that, exterminate homosexuals, jews, poles, russians and so on. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Gennocide can not be put into a positive light, is sick and wrong! Full stop"
  20. That's piousness, not faith!
  21. "The opium of the people" according to marx who said it religion reinforces the ideological control of the ruling classes by justifying suffering!
  22. Apprantly Eve wasn't the first women, Another (who's name I forget) was created and it had something to do with submissiveness (partly in sex) that she was scraped by God and Eve was created from Adams Rib! Sexist or What? True the slaughter does outweigh the kindness of the world!
  23. Religion does give strength to alot of people. But it also gave many more a reason to go to war, to murder to slaughter. We see it today still. religion has good sides but also many downsides. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Exactly an example of balance between to things!
  24. That sounds star-warsy. They believe in the force which is generated by all living things. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Isn't it like budha or something? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Kind of, but the force would kick ass because like buddism it focus on the balance! Look around and see that most if not all things are balanced (though not always equally) in every part of life. Look if you want, that's me not shoving it down your throat, that's just my beliefs!
  25. Perhaps God(s) and life are the same like the snake eating it'self? One is part of the other? Hell I am no Theologist! Now look you made me do my Bindo impression!
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