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Posts posted by marelooke


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    Sounds like they are going back to a lot of the elements from X3 and earlier that were stripped out streamlined from the abortion that was X: Rebirth.  That's great, as I love X3 and still play it sometimes.  Building giant stations and making a galactic trading empire is my jam.  What worries me is that they are still trying to have you be able to walk out of your ship and walk around stations to talk to people and such.  While this seems like a desirable feature on paper, anyone who played X: Rebirth saw how well it was executed last time

    It was garbage


    Egosoft has never been able to make even mediocre looking character models nor halfway decent character animations.  They will need to improve in this area significantly if they want the interiors of the stations to not completely suck this time around.  What I saw in the video was not entirely encouraging in that regard, albeit that was pre-alpha footage.




    Don't really get it either. Sure it makes for nice screenshots and it is, ironically, also the reason why EVE 'spreadsheets in space' Online has some of the best character creation in any game (some newer MMOs come close nowadays). They tried the same thing and nobody wanted it because it got in the way of, y'know, getting stuff done in the game. In the end they had to introduce the ability to turn it off entirely...


    Well, sorry that happened to you. I was done with two clicks.


    It's probably because I'm the only one left that still uses Firefox instead of Chrome. :)



    I'm not quite prepared to hand Google even more personal data than they already have either. (and Firefox is still the superior browser in my book, I honestly don't see why Chrome gets so much hype, marketing?)


    The game sold well despite its troubles, the way that this whole thing has been handled does smell of corporate ****ery and lends credence to the claims that BW Edmonton was out to sabotage the project.


    I doubt there was any corporate sabotage. EA offered to let BioWare push back the release date six months, but they declined. More than anything, I see this as combination of recognizing that ME:A was a stinker and distancing themselves from it as quickly as possible, and just wanting to reallocate personnel to work on Anthem. (Remember, BioWare Montreal was originally EA Montreal, and EA loaned the staff out to BioWare to make (under BioWare supervision) ME:A.)



    We don't know the terms attached to "pushing the release date back six months", they might very well have been deemed unacceptable.

  4. I just hit Arboretum. Still seems the same. Why would you ever not take human stuff? I can understand not taking Typhon stuff if you're worried about unfriendly turrets, but I don't see any drawback in taking human.


    Once you start exploring from there, not once you arrive there, seemed to me that after that point the story pace picked up, as did the enemy variety and I finally started feeling like I could adequately deal with enemies.


    Going either full Human or Typhon is an achievement, for one (full human is kinda promoted by January as well, which was the main reason I went that way first time around, only found out about the achievement after). The other reason is kind of related to the game's ending: I'm curious what will happen if you go full Typhon.


    (fwiw, there's only one room I couldn't get in as "full human" that I might have cared for (can't know if it was really interesting since I, you know, couldn't get in ;)), it was one in the Crew Quarters, the room of


    Mikhaila Ilyushin

    , all the others were just storage or medical rooms and I was kinda drowning in most things by the end of the game anyway. Only things I remember really crafting because I had a use for them were Neuromods and Gloo ammo)

  5. Still not quite feeling Prey, but I'm chugging through it. I'm cheating resources to give me lots of neuromods though, which works for me. This progression system gives me absolutely no clue as to what I can expect to be able to hit through normal play, so I'm trying to grab all the stuff that's interesting now.


    I think my main problem is there has been absolutely no big hooks in the game so far. Nothing I've seen has amazed me. No great characters, no breathtaking vistas, no fun fights, even the interesting powers all seem like something I'd get very limited use out of. Maybe mindjacking will be useful, we'll see.


    Not sure how far in you are but for me the game only really started once I started exploring around the Arboretum.


    Also the lack of inventory space in my Typhon-power-only playthrough is rather annoying. Not sure why that needed to be a "human" skill (or a skill at all, really. I'm well past the age at which I even vaguely considered inventory management fun). So far I must say that my human-only playthrough actually seemed easier too (I just got through Psychotronics, now entering the G.U.T.S.) but of course haven't really met any of the truly OP aliens yet to nab their powers.


    I must say it does give a whole new dimension to the game and I would almost be tempted to advice people to stick to one or the other (Human or Typhon) it's pretty interesting to see how getting around changes just based solely on that choice (eg. not being able to repair anything is a much bigger deal than I would have thought, at least early on. Lack of hacking is also...interesting, not sure if there is a Typhon way of dealing with that actually). Tbh I kinda fear just grabbing stuff from both bags would make the game trivial in short order. (that said, if you care about reading as much backstory as possible going human-only seems to be the better option of the two, since you have to forego access to repair and hacking without human powers, it seems as Typhon-only there are much more and much bigger areas you cannot get to)

  6. Yeah, I couldn't force myself through the first one, not touching 2 with a barge pole.


    The little I played from the second game gave me a much better impression than the first game, especially dialogue wise (well, other-things-wise as well). But I didn't want to spoil too much for myself before the release so haven't played all that much. I found the first game tried too hard to be funny too much of the time, the pacing (and just writing in general) seemed much better in what I played of the second game.


    I should probably warn you all that I more or less grew up in the city where Larian's main studio is located, so yeah, I might suffer from a Belgian/Flemish sense of humour. (so you can now all make a note to never take advice about comic relief from me, assuming you hadn't already, that is ;) )

  7. Finished Prey, the ending(s) was/were interesting...


    Massive spoilers follow (obviously):


    I played through three endings. As far as I know there are only three with varying dialogue in the post credits sequence based on your actions.


    Speaking of which, for me the post-credits bit was bugged for Danielle Sho, I freed every single human from mind control but she claims most of them died. Apparently using the Stun Gun makes them register as dead... Using mindjack doesn't suffer this problem (but I was doing a human only playthrough so yeah...), see here.


    One thing I noticed is that the ending seems to "glitch" at the point when they show you Earth, suggesting that it might be another simulation? (Simulations all the way down!)


    A few other things I noticed:

    • the "cook" talks to you when you head for the Reactor/Psychotronics, I thought that was a nice touch (I assume he kinda doesn't when you kill him...)
    • when I tried to track Sarah Elazar while heading for the reactor she "disappeared", she was still shown as being in Life Support (though when you'd head in there she wouldn't be there) but wasn't shown as alive nor dead, but rather as "-----" (aka.: unknown). Which I thought was weird.
    • trying to go anywhere else on the station is kinda pointless as most sections are blocked off by the black stuff, and walking through it is a bad idea (I tried it in cargo bay, funnily enough while doing that I saw some people that were marked as dead on the terminal being very much alive on the other side of the door, though I'll attribute this to a glitch rather than anything meaningful)


    Anyway, I had a blast and I'll probably try a Typhon-only playthrough later. I also hope they expand a bit on the (post-)ending with DLC, my curiosity is piqued to be sure.


  8. Feels like I'm nearing the end of Prey and it's starting to show. By which I mean that the extreme attention to detail of the first part of the game seems to be gone,


    I an into some, imho, terrible design choices (if not outright bugs). Pretty big spoilers:

    So I saved Elazar and company in the Cargo Bay, then went after Dahl. Once I took down Dahl and his flunky Elazar decided to move to the Life Support area. So far so good.


    However, while going there the game randomly kills 4 people of her group. This made me waste a lot of time trying different things to keep all of them alive (first time through I had been sloppy mopping up the killer bots, second time I made sure I killed all of them and blocked the dispensers) but their deaths are apparently scripted and unavoidable (corpses are always in the exact same spots and often placed rather glitchily to boot. Googled it and turns out it is indeed scripted, yay). Imho this is a really cheap thing to do in a game where you otherwise have so much agency.


    Now there's even more issues with this story arc, because after all this I went back to the Cargo Bay and there two of the people I rescued earlier were getting murdered by Typhon. Why the hell were they still even there when they were supposed to be with Elazar?



    By now I've maxed most of my weapons, maxed most of my "human" abilities (remember, not using any "powers" in this playthrough) and enemies aren't much of a threat anymore (except Telepaths in zero gravity, bastards). I also noticed most "do everything" achievements don't actually require you to do so, eg. got the achievement for finding everyone aboard Talos I but there's still a few I'm missing (not counting those you apparently can't get to depending on your choices).


    Oh yeah, I also killed you-know-who instead of hiding out, two clips of the golden pistol took care of that.


    Anyway, think now it's just wrapping up the sidequests I still have and getting to the finale, barring any surprises the game might still throw at me.

  9. Sooo, I returned to prey and just barely avoided seeing the sun come up again. Getting past the little slump was really worth it.


    Especially now that enemies generally aren't really much of a threat anymore (as long as I don't get caught off guard, of course. Oh, and I've not tried fighting you-know-who, preferring hiding it out instead, boring as that is) and I've maxed out most human abilities so the station is wide open for exploration (think the only area I've not been now would be the Bridge)


    I can imagine going through the game again, this time with powers. I think using powers and then going back to avoiding them would be harder as you'd have been able to get to everything the first time around.

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    Hope it runs at a stable 60fps.


    Heh, I didn't really feel the game needed a remaster. Now a sequel, that's another matter entirely... Then again, if I can import my save I might actually get the last few achievements done, assuming it's reasonably priced.

  11. There are a lot of ways you can play the game. The more stuff you kill, the more aggressive the aliens get, ...


    Wait? What? In what way do they become "more aggressive"? Aren't they always hostile anyway?


    You are not in combat the majority of the time in Prey.


    Well, enemies don't usually respawn in the "regular" sense, appears to be based on your actions (eg. pushing the plot forward is a surefire way to have a bunch of new enemies waiting...everywhere), so murdering everything gives some measure of peace, for a while. Some locations do seem too have enemies spawn regularly on entering though (workshop, I think?)

  12. Mostly Guild Wars 2 lately, Prey's going a bit slower currently.
    Been wondering what set GW2 apart from other MMOs that it has been able to keep my attention and then I stumbled upon this video by Kungen (of Ensidia fame):
    He makes some really good points imho (we disagree about Black Desert Online though). Raiding has turned into such a singular focus that "the rest" of what constituted a MMORPG has pretty much disappeared from most MMOs. In GW2 Raids are just one of the things you can do when you hit max level and the loot you get from them isn't any better than things you can get elsewhere either. And "elsewhere" includes crafting. Moreover they're committed to leaving the level cap alone, meaning that all "old" content stays relevant. Net result being that they need to be more creative to keep players playing which imho can only be a good thing (ofc, not everything they tried worked out so great, but hey, win some, lose some).


    Here's to hoping they can keep their identity even after a bunch of their major developers left. Guess we'll know when the next expansion hits (somewhere near the end of the year, I think)


    I never liked these "make everything dark, blurry, bloomy" graphic mods. I don't think it looks good, and you can't see crap anymore ingame.


    It's only really at night, in dungeons without light or very early morning, which I prefer to be dark and foreboding, as I'm also playing with some hardcore survival mods. It always bugged me that you could see things with perfect clarity 200m underground with no lightsources.



    I always play as a Vampire so that solves that issue from a RP perspective ;) (doesn't deal with everybody else seeing perfectly in the dark though :p)



    Maybe the Ishimura just broke space station/ship scares for me (and sue me, but yeah that's the game I had to think of when I started playing Prey) but the tense atmosphere is mostly not there for me.

    Remember that Prey isn't trying to be a horror game, just survival. And yes, the combat got on my nerves too. It's a lot better on my second playthrough when I started properly using environmental hazards, but that took getting used to.


    Question, how are you guys playing? I only got a few mods to help me with combat by upgrading my weapons, but then again I did pre order so I had a nice shotgun from the beginning. Even so, I still stealthed through some sections to avoid being killed. All moot once I got my alien mods.



    I've avoided the alien mods so far. I tend to just kill the enemies as much as possible (using canisters, turrets and flaming pipes where possible) if only so I can hear ones that I didn't know where there coming more easily. But I've avoided dealing with the big ones so far (like the technology corrupting jerk)


    Not sure whether respawns just happen or they are triggered by certain events, so far at least the Lobby seems to have been free of spontaneous respawns as has the Neuromod research area.


    Oh yeah, and I think I'll avoid hacking as much as possible, some horrible minigame that is.


    EDIT: found a mod that "fixes" the hacking minigame, yay \o/

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  15. Grabbed Prey during the Steam sale and playing that currently. So far it's been...OK, I guess. Combat ranges from "meh" to "annoying". Enemy spawns are generally predictable (you just completed an objective so we've filled the rooms you came in through with a bunch of enemies again. You're welcome.) and I find myself dreading having to fight them more than fearing them. Though I'll admit that some "new" enemy types did raise my heart rate... Story so far's been fairly predictable overall, though I expect there to be some twists down the road (fwiw, trying to get the main elevators working now).


    Not sure how "common" Neuromods are (eg. whether spreading out skills is going to bite me later)


    Maybe the Ishimura just broke space station/ship scares for me (and sue me, but yeah that's the game I had to think of when I started playing Prey) but the tense atmosphere is mostly not there for me. (also: I tried throwing something through the "blocked" balcony door at the very beginning, guess it suddenly got less sturdy later ;))


    I really like the look of it. I think it's nice to see games with low poly modeling. This generation focuses too much - wayyyy too much on photorealism and not on gameplay (I'm looking at you Sony!)


    I'd rather play this than a good portion of modern racers, how Need For Speed and Gran Turusmo have fallen. And we have the horrible racers that are called Driveclub and Assetto Corsa... etc etc. The only racer to enlighten me lately is Forza Horizon 2 but I'm going to wishlist this new "Racing Apex" as it tickles me fancy!


    Thank you.

    Seriuosly... you call Assetto Corsa horrible racer? OMG... I really have to question your sanity... it's the most realistic car similation, that was ever made for home entertainment systems and you call it horrible... Playing FH2 compared to it, feels like playing a games for toddlers...





    In all fairness, AC is, as I understand, supposed to be more on the simulation end of the spectrum. Forza Horizon edges more to the arcade (and FH3 has gone full ret...I mean, arcade, with the Hot Wheels idiocy). A comparison with the likes of Forza Motorsport 6 and Project Cars seems more appropriate.


    (FWIW I like Forza Horizon because the cars at least handle somewhat realistically (I mean, other entries in this genre are games like The Crew...where all cars handle pretty much the same) *and* I can drive them on the open road. Though as far as I'm concerned even FH3 is nowhere near the first TDU (except for looks), way too little road to actually drive on and the drivatars aren't known as "drivatards" for no reason. Man, such a bummer TDU2 was such a disaster...)

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    How did Fallout 4 take the fun away?

    It introduced a new system which is basically not Steam Workshop and it will eventually introduce paid mods which is not good in my opinion.


    Steam Workshop was never ideal for Skyrim mods, so why would it be great for Fallout 4? Nexus was and still is the better option and is still available.


    The in-game mod management is awkward, I will admit, but you're not required to use it.


    As far as paid mods go, they're optional. Not playing them won't harm your game experience. I doubt most mods will have prices attached.


    I mean I don't like them either, but I don't have to touch them.


    Here's Bethesda's creation club page.



    The problem was that they disabled achievements and that you had to use hacky stuff to make that go away. Given how these games (Bethesda's ES/FO games) are usually so broken as almost require unofficial patch the entire thing was seriously bad manners, to put it mildly.


    Anyway. Games that excite me:

     - Metro!

     - Forza Motorsport 7 (because it's the first "real" Forza for the PC, and yes, I'm ignoring the tech demo that was Apex on purpose)

    With some luck the XCOM2 expansion will make the game less of a chore to play, but I'll be awaiting reviews before I bother with that as I haven't even managed to struggle through the original yet. Also haven't played the new Dishonored yet so bit premature to get get excite about an expansion as far as I'm concerned ;)


    Now i can go back to dreaming about a new S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game...

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  18. Keep in mind that the problems with the original ME were blamed on the Unreal Engine.


    Sure, but the animations "suddenly" got worse with DA:I, coincidentally the first Frostbite game by BioWare (not to mention that the performance, for me at least, was lacking, especially as far as loading times were concerned, I imagine the large maps were pushing the limits of the engine already)

  19. Still slogging through XCOM 2, can't put my finger on it but the game just feels worse than the previous one. Assuming I make it to the end I doubt I'll ever replay this one.


    They also need to talk to the Mordheim devs about their Random Number Generator, it's seems to suffer from the same issues they fixed in Mordheim (basically: it's not nearly random enough)


    Had to add this:

    I'd rather have a new game with the old graphics, but I'll take that.



    As long as they manage to hold back on "improving" the actual gameplay I'm down for this as changing the gameplay of a classic is always risky and more likey than not controversial.


    That said I'd love, love, love a "fixed version" of KotOR2 with improved graphics (as in, with the cut content put back in so the ending at least makes some semblance of sense).

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