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Lord Thaxilius

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About Lord Thaxilius

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    (1) Prestidigitator
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  1. I'm playing DS. I used to play Light, but now it just doesn't feel right anymore... Dark Side gives you far more offensive abilities adn can make you a Force powered slaughtering machine. Plus, LS buffs have to be recast all the time... Of course, if KotOR II still uses the Thug Side, then things'll be a little more difficult to enjoy...
  2. That's exactly the point. They thought the could use me, so they saved me. That was a horrible mistake that cost them their lives.
  3. I used to play LS only, simply because I couldn't play DS. Then I started doing it one day, and felt very guilty. About half way through the game, however, I was enjoying it greatly. I can't play LS anymore. The DS options are just too tempting... I appear to be a minority though... Most forumers here are LSers. I prefered the DS ending because I finally got the ultimate reveange on the Jedi Council. They tried to use me to overthrow the Sith? Well, all they did was reinstate me to power!
  4. As of now, I'd have to say Bastila. I she had a nice, explored backstory and personality (at least if you could get her to be herself and not Lady I art Holier Then Thou). This may change once KotOR II is released and I can more fully understand the new characters.
  5. I'm here because I have a lot of time on my hands and no new games to really suck it up with.
  6. You have a good point. I find it entirely feesible to have your ability to use the Force weakened if you go for several years without using it.
  7. Will KotOR 2 support the newer video driver catalysts?
  8. I picked just KotOR 2 because I have no knowledge on what RC is. Plus, being a PC user, I wouldn't get them both on release, so if I do decide to get RC, it'll be months after KotOR 2.
  9. According to the novel Traitor, it is possible for another being to sever a Force connection.
  10. Halo is horrible on computer. Plus, you might be more inclined to 'whine' if it was X-Box that was suffering this delay. A broken promise requires a show of apology.
  11. I picked other because I was looking of Sith Soldier. It is entirely possible that he is some sort of elite Sith commando or somesuch that you can get to join you if you join the DS. Either that, or he's just a new, random NPC.
  12. I understand you B) I would prefer that KotOR have X-Box limits but be playable on PC rahter then be X-Box only. I also think that we PC gamers should indeed get some extra content. Obsidian did break their release promise to us, so we deserve some compensation.
  13. Ahh... It is always enjoyable to start a trend of sophisticated word usage. Here's a term for you to ponder: quidnunc. Anyway, PCs are more universal then consules. With consules you can have either Gamecube, PS2, X-Box, or any combination of the three whilst PCs are only PCs.
  14. In my opinion, having a multitude of romantically interested NPCs could improve the game. For those who find this disturbing, I do possess a life and a do not consider computer genertated beings to be attractive, nor do I have any attachment to them. I am purely interested in the story design factor it offers.
  15. Initially I wielded duel lightsabers, but I later came to the conclusion that a mere one lightsaber would suffice for my objectives.
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