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Darth Abomination

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Everything posted by Darth Abomination

  1. it'de be risky but at the same time it would make the game a lot more interesting.
  2. I agree my jaw hit the floor when I heard her voice.
  3. its true with all games, you don't need a game with great graphics or an a cutting edge engine the basics of video games will never change the most important part must be the story.
  4. its just a creeping feeling kind of like when you know you shouldn't do something but you do it anyway. Like say when your girl friend says its either me or Star Wars and you say Star Wars.
  5. good point sorry for my bad grammar I'm dislexic so its hard to type things fast. P.S. I know I didn't spell dislexic right but I didn't have time to spell chack it.
  6. Like I've been saying I think its safe to assume that KOTOR 3 will be for the Xbox 360 so its quite possible that one planet will be just as big as one the entire game in the previous games.
  7. I have an idea thats kind of the basis of Jedi Academy, you are one of the new members of the Jedi Order. Your master would be Bao-Dur, Brianna, Disciple or Atton. Eventually, Mira comes to the Academy, and says that the Exile and Revan desperately need assistance, so Atton and co take off to assist Revan and the Exile, you and a few other Jedi students smuggle yourselves aboard the ship (Personally I think the other Jedi students should include a Kel Dor and Yoda creature). So after you and your companions get discovered, Mira says she'll return them to the Academy and make sure that they remain there. Upon returning to the Academy it is bombed by "The True Sith" Mira gets all the students off the planet were the Academy is located but dies before she can get to a transport. So you and your companions fly around the galaxie trying to find a place to land and hide for awhile. You eventually crash land on Visas' home planet, Visas saves you and your companions from the ship just as it blows up. Visas sensing the strength in you and your NPC's decides that she should continue your training, she teaches you about the force and you build your light sabers, (throw a Jedi Academy Lightsaber building system in there) your companions come to you for advice on which kind they should build (you choose theirs as well). Then Visas tells you to find Jolee and Juhani so they can teach you about Revan and other important things. You then find Jolee and Juhani who ask you what Revan looked like and you get to choose on of the faces from the first game, then they ask you what The Exile looked like, you choose a face from the second one. Then they tell you to warn Carth and the republic about the Sith then go to Dxun to find Canderous and the Mandalorians and warn them. After you find those guys Bastilla comes to you and charges you with going to the unknown regions and bring Revan and the Exile home (Yes bring the others back to) and prepare for the war. And that concludes the training missions, the rest of the game will be you and your companions getting older and becoming full fledged Jedi.
  8. I have a creeping feeling that if they do make a third game and you do start out as a PAdawan you'll be on Dantooine not Coruscant.
  9. I liked the ending because it kind of left room for a third game, one thing would have made in a lot better though. Having the Exile's companions in a strange room with young children teaching them about the force. (I'm talking LS I don't care for DS very much)
  10. what would really Rock is RockStar making the next KOTOR but I somehow doubt it
  11. you really have way too much time on your hands bud
  12. If they do make another KOTOR I hope Bioware takes the reigns again, no offense to Obsidean but you had so much potential but let yourself get bullied by a money grabbing corporation.
  13. This would be extremely hard in an RPG but I think it can be done
  14. The only Character I didn't really like was GO-TO sure Carth annoyed me and Krei's bitchyness got on my nerves but they both had their strong points.
  15. I found KOTOR 1 an all round more fulfilling game therefore prefered the Star Maps.
  16. speaking of Xbox 360 anyone have any articles on it?
  17. I don't know were to begin 1: There would be enemy respawning 2: After you make your party members Jedi you can have Master apprentice Convos with them 3: Light Sabers would have a customization system like Jedi Academy 4: Atris would be hot and not such a biatch 5: the master that was dead would be alive 6: Mira would be a romance option 7: The romance options would have some depth to them Thats all I can think of right now.
  18. danm I was hpoing on my next play through if I did the land mine thing and got uber powerful I'de get a light saber before Dantooine
  19. since were on the subject I'll ask this question. I was messing around and I took a quick look at the back of my game case and found that on Telos when you fight the HK 50's the picture has Exile with a lightsaber anyone know anything about that?
  20. Obsidian did cut that they also cut out the getting your lightsaber from Atris thing and the tombs of the Sith Lords on Korriban theres a bunch of other stuff but thats just what I can think of off the top of my head.
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