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Everything posted by Fionavar

  1. Patches & Utilities OS (Core/Codecs/Drivers) K-Lite Audio/Video Codec Pack (9.3.0 32b/64b) Software Ahead Nero (12.0.02000) Commercial CD/DVD Burning Software Google Chrome (22.0.1229.79) Freeware Internet Browser Maxthon ( Freeware Internet Browser Mozilla Firefox Browser (15.01) Trillian ( Adware/Commercial Multi-Network IM Client Utilities BitTorrent P2P Protocol Core (Windows 7.7.27987) CCleaner (3.23.1823) Freeware Windows Optimisation
  2. Most welcome. Enjoy the community - they're not half bad
  3. To what would you like your name changed Ohmigish? PM me ...
  4. I also think that LC's analysis is correct. But I would wait for an official update from Admin, as so much is in flux with the phenomenal support!
  5. You have done nothing wrong Some of the badges can be found here: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/obsidian/project-eternity/posts/316398 I also believe that Admin is working on other possibilities and I have let them know this thread has raised this question. with respect, Fionavar
  6. @ Hurlshot: Thanks for sharing the hopeful news! Handing out shiny new OOoE titles and now off to walk the pack ...
  7. The man must be quick, seems mine has already changed I'm big, green, scaly and like never to leave the Roost. This is just one other distraction that allows me to procrastinate
  8. Good afternoon OOoE! Hope all is well. Latest members added and main page list updated with respect, Fionavar
  9. Thanks again to dlux: Order List updated here & on first page:
  10. All done. Main list also updated and alphabetised on the first page. Thanks everyone - your support and energy is AWESOME! with respect, F
  11. A gift of eternity added Obsidian Order's Green Dragon
  12. I was in early, but may have gotten lost among the flood! Chronicler of the Obsidian Order You'd make my day Fionavar! Done
  13. Some of the forum names are not correct I think. We'll have to fix that on the next update. Gfted1 is correct - we are assigning the title as they have been posted on the first page. So, if you send me them in that same format through PM each day, I'll make sure to make the changes Its not me editing the individual poster titles. They are probably just copying whatever you give me to update so be sure its correct.
  14. If someone who is maintaining the list wants to send me updates each day, I will adjust title accordingly - work for you? Thanks - so exciting to see such engagement and support! with respect, Fionavar PS I think everyone on the current list has a new shiny title
  15. Always a gift to see the community do what it does when at its best! Thanks Ausir. Let me know if I/the Mod Squad can be of any assistance! with thanks, Fionavar
  16. Got to play with new trolls ... always fun to see variations on a theme
  17. It seems that we have once more arrived at a place where the sand to box ratio is out of whack. Always a gift to be able to discuss ideas of sexuality and how it does or does not affect game design. As with any art, it reflects the culture and, in turn, the sub-cultures that form the dominant narrative. Thanks for the input thus far and I think we'll take a break for the moment as the Squad cleans up the playground. with respect, Fionavar PS If you've got more to say, feel free to take the discussion to PM.
  18. Hello everyone, Rather than infer intent as to this post – or anyone’s for that matter – the reality of personal experience is always valid. Sharing it in certain contexts can actually create dialogue when offered with intention and care. The reality, however, is that such experience is not germane to this discussion. If people want to explore the nuances of experience and how they relate to sexuality, consider doing so in WoT in a manner that is respectful and constructive. As for this discussion, I think it is appropriate to take a time-out. The sand is out of the box and some sweeping now needs to occur. Feel free to return to the topic in a little while by beginning anew. With respect, Fionavar PS If you are concerned or upset, please do PM me, always nice to have a chat about endeavouring to be a species that does not accept violence rationalised against those who experience oppression ...
  19. I am grateful for the comfort to share just an aspect of one's story. I also do not think - in respect to the intent of this forum - that such content fits with the intent herein. Obsidian has a clear and explicit history of encouraging inclusivity and acceptance. This expectation governs the moderating of these fora and the expectations of constructive and respectful posting. with respect, Fionavar
  20. Hi everyone, I just want to take a moment to thank you all for discussing this important matter for gameplay (and which obviously acts as a mirror to our own context) in a relatively constructive and respectful manner. I also want to explicitly remind everyone that OBS openly advocates a policy of inclusivity. As such, you may be on different pages in respect to sexual orientation, inclusivity and what means/looks like in your own lives, but the parameters for any discussion in these fora is very clear. I thank you for your input and your own endeavouring to hear one another, even when you may disagree. with respect, Fionavar
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