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Everything posted by Fionavar

  1. Well met & welcome to our newest members of the Oo)E! Proud Members of the OBSIDIAN ORDER OF ETERNITY: Members must post what forum title they would like to have in this thread (or any last minute corrections) and OOoE member Lephys will add you to the list so you can receive your personal forum title as soon as possible.
  2. Welcome: Proud Members of the OBSIDIAN ORDER OF ETERNITY: Members must post what forum title they would like to have in this thread (or any last minute corrections) and OOoE member Lephys will add you to the list so you can receive your personal forum title as soon as possible.
  3. Welcome! Proud Members of the OBSIDIAN ORDER OF ETERNITY: Members must post what forum title they would like to have in this thread (or any last minute corrections) and OOoE member Lephys will add you to the list so you can receive your personal forum title as soon as possible.
  4. Welcome Proud Members of the OBSIDIAN ORDER OF ETERNITY: Members must post what forum title they would like to have in this thread (or any last minute corrections) and OOoE member Lephys will add you to the list so you can receive your personal forum title as soon as possible.
  5. Welcome to the OoOE Proud Members of the OBSIDIAN ORDER OF ETERNITY: Members must post what forum title they would like to have in this thread (or any last minute corrections) and OOoE member Lephys will add you to the list so you can receive your personal forum title as soon as possible.
  6. Welcome! Well isn't that shiny - the OOoE just passed the 700 member-strong-awesomeness! Proud Members of the OBSIDIAN ORDER OF ETERNITY: Members must post what forum title they would like to have in this thread (or any last minute corrections) and OOoE member Lephys will add you to the list so you can receive your personal forum title as soon as possible.
  7. Welcome Proud Members of the OBSIDIAN ORDER OF ETERNITY: Members must post what forum title they would like to have in this thread (or any last minute corrections) and OOoE member Lephys will add you to the list so you can receive your personal forum title as soon as possible.
  8. Welcome! Proud Members of the OBSIDIAN ORDER OF ETERNITY: Members must post what forum title they would like to have in this thread (or any last minute corrections) and OOoE member Lephys will add you to the list so you can receive your personal forum title as soon as possible.
  9. Welcome! Proud Members of the OBSIDIAN ORDER OF ETERNITY: Members must post what forum title they would like to have in this thread (or any last minute corrections) and OOoE member Lephys will add you to the list so you can receive your personal forum title as soon as possible.
  10. Welcome! Proud Members of the OBSIDIAN ORDER OF ETERNITY: Members must post what forum title they would like to have in this thread (or any last minute corrections) and OOoE member Lephys will add you to the list so you can receive your personal forum title as soon as possible.
  11. Have you managed your pledge at the Eternity backer site? Status is OK. Have you completed the entire Pledge process? If so, PM me details as usually no badges means that the process remains incomplete.
  12. Rayne - as you have no badges, I am wondering whether you have completed the Pledge Process? Until you do so, no badges will be displayed.
  13. Welcome The OOoE is now over 690 strong! Proud Members of the OBSIDIAN ORDER OF ETERNITY: Members must post what forum title they would like to have in this thread (or any last minute corrections) and OOoE member Lephys will add you to the list so you can receive your personal forum title as soon as possible.
  14. Thread Pruned & Closed. Please not that though Obsidian respects people have differences of opinions, this community is grounded in the gift that is diversity. When opinions lead to judgement or diminishment of anyone's person that would be the line in the sand. To be explicit, homophobia - as just one of those lines - no matter how dressed is unacceptable. For the moment, we will close this thread and clean up the sand ...
  15. Welcome! Proud Members of the OBSIDIAN ORDER OF ETERNITY: Members must post what forum title they would like to have in this thread (or any last minute corrections) and OOoE member Lephys will add you to the list so you can receive your personal forum title as soon as possible.
  16. Crusader_bin, Since you do not have any of the badges, I suspect you have not completed the Pledge process. Once you have done so - the badges will be visible. Does this make sense?
  17. Welcome! Proud Members of the OBSIDIAN ORDER OF ETERNITY: Members must post what forum title they would like to have in this thread (or any last minute corrections) and OOoE member Lephys will add you to the list so you can receive your personal forum title as soon as possible.
  18. Welcome! Proud Members of the OBSIDIAN ORDER OF ETERNITY: Members must post what forum title they would like to have in this thread (or any last minute corrections) and OOoE member Lephys will add you to the list so you can receive your personal forum title as soon as possible.
  19. I have chosen to post in-thread, as many are new here. It is very important to Obsidian that all members are welcome. Obsidian's backers, friends, clients and customers reflect the gift of diversity that is our wee spaceship earth. As a result, any stereotyping and phobia-making is not acceptable as part of this community. I hope that things like racism, misogyny, homophobia, and intolerance disappears one day - until then I hope we will all be careful with how we use language. with respect, Fionavar
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