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Everything posted by Fen(rir)tastic

  1. Anyone know where I could buy a copy of the Pillars of Eternity Prima Game Guide in Australia? Don't really want to wait 7-14 days for shipping on March 26th.
  2. Thanks for your work! I was hoping to find someone who would convert over the portraits.
  3. I heard 6 rangers was the optimal power build...
  4. Issue: When i removed the default breastplate that comes with your BB Wizard, his skin turned grey. Detail: This has happened to this particular character a number of times across multiple playthroughs when i removed his armour Note: I have attached a screenshot, i should have zoomed in sorry. You can see him at the back of the party.
  5. Initially the spider swarm was annoying but yeah once i started scouting and pulling it wasn't so bad i was just amazed at first by the range of the aggro radius. It will make it interesting if other monsters share this swarming trait especially in higher level/late game areas lol I was baffled by how she could out damage any character i had made. It may have been some kind of crazy engagement/flanking bonus or something im not understanding. If you feel incline test it out, its quite hilarious to watch the buff bot blow everything up in 1-2 hits beetles included.
  6. I definitely agree with what you said about the shared health pool of the ranger and pet feeling wrong or in my mind not balanced and overly punitive. Your idea about changing the health split is a cool idea but might cause a few balance issues. Separating the health and implementing a wound effect to reduce the rangers effectiveness would be great and fairly easy (i think). Even just making the pets have higher defensive stats might be a solution. In the current state i don't think i will play a ranger unless there is a trick i am missing to unlocking the fun...
  7. Hey, Just two questions for more experienced backers than myself: Firstly are spiders inside the cave meant to absolutely mob you? I had occasions where while engaging one pack of spiders another from beyond the fog of war would run out and join in the combat, quickly wrecking my party on both Normal and Hard. Is their "aggro" radius larger than the fog or did they have a "call for help" like ability? I worked around it by pulling them back/positioning against far walls but i was just curious if this happens often with monster packs? Secondly has anyone else found that the BB Priest character wielding a certain "hidden staff" absolutely destroys anything she hits (Normal hits for 40-50, Crits for 100+ and Grazes for far higher than other characters). For two new games she was my primary damage dealer over barbarians, mages, rogues. In fact i was so amused that i actually hired a second priest to use as a buff bot and let her just blow everything up...Working as intended or just my good luck with rng (Very unlikely across two games)? None of my other characters with the said weapon could deal out the damage she did, her accuracy was also very high for someone with minimal accuracy stat...In fact no character i have made as even come close to the amount of destruction she reaped even with buffs/food etc lol. Not really bothered by either of these just wanted to find out if others have seen them lol. Thanks,
  8. Yeah i don't disagree that the attributes need some work, i was in two minds with the attributes but even with the Might v Perception arguments and the intellect discussion i still think its a improvement in philosophy from the previous system. Even just having negative effects when going below 10 seems to make it more of a tactical choice. If they can iron out balance between the damage dealing stats at a minimum i think it will be much more solid. I still think it's better or at least more progressive and interesting than the old BG1/BG2 aka DND stat system. Even if it isn't perfect at least they have tried to reinvigorate attributes in rpgs.
  9. [Description of the issue] Upon reading the custom NPCs information dials inside the inn they then persisted throughout my playing session until i quit and restarted. [DETAILED list of steps to reproduce the issue AND what to look for] 1) Read custom NPC information dial 2) Killed everyone in the inn (Testing abilities...) 3) Leave the inn 4) Information dials remained on screen until restart [Expected behaviour] Information dials do not remain on the screen when NPCs are not present or engaged [Notes] I tried reproducing this once and couldn't but i will continue to attempt it and if i succeed edit my post with the specific method i used
  10. I just wanted to create a positive feedback thread for this patch to balance the current/on coming and past constructive/critical threads as i think its important to let them know when they do things that are successful or at least heading in the right direction. Anyway here are my positives thus far (about 30 minutes played in v301) My main positives are: 1) Great spell icons! I really love the colours as they fit the aesthetic perfectly and the images themselves are great! 2) I like the coloured arrows showing who is engaging who in melee range. 3) The colour coded combat log is probably my favourite addition 4) The talents are beginning to show promise in offering more build variety 5) The general feel and playing of the game feels much smoother and consistent than previously 6) The attributes are better as its not as simple of a decision where your points should be going and their are negative consequences for dumping a stat (Still a work in progress but better!) Obviously there are things that still need to be tweaked and improved in this build but i have a much better feeling for how to game will look and play now. It has given me renewed hope and confidence in the game being exactly what i am looking for or at least pretty close to it
  11. This also happened to me with a beetle inside the temple. It burrowed and never came back up. Screenshot attached.
  12. The teleporting and randomly switching aggro of creatures does my head in. A mage fireballs the group of mobs but my rogue or ranger criticals and all of a sudden they have 2-3 mobs pillaging them. Not to mention the poison of impending doom. Suppression Affliction on constant cast as often as i can seems to be the way with multiple spiders. Still those issues aside i think this build and this level of difficulty is a step in the right direction. Ironing out the bugs and refining some more feedback/ability balancing will make this a pretty rewarding tactical game. If you find it too easy on normal my recommendation is to play with just 1 tank and stretch your resting as much as possible, once spell exhaustion becomes an issue and health drops below 50% on 2-3 characters you are forced to play different which i enjoy immensely.
  13. Description: BB Fighter moves significantly faster than the rest of the party while they are engaged in scout mode for seemingly no reason. Events: 1) Enable scout mode 2) Move party around Outcome: BB fighter should move at the same speed as the other party members unless there is a reason for his speed boost. Comments: 1) Location didn't matter - He always moved faster than the rest of the party. 2) He didn't have any buffs or debuffs on him that i noticed.
  14. For anyone interested in an opinion on the combat log that i've been stewing on (Probably covered on forums already), Im making this post just to find out if im the only one who thinks the madness that is reading the combat log couldn't be resolved by simply fixing the colour scheming and format of the text itself. I have seen quite a few posts talk about its right hand position (Valid - although a minor annoyance for myself) and the flood of information it provides but i myself dont have a problem with forcing myself to adapt to the position or the abundance of information. I LOVE the mouse over feature of the log allowing me to see roll breakdowns but i struggle to read important information on the fly or even while paused. I accept the criticism that now we can read numerical feedback from the floating combat log above characters but in cases of larger battles with many moving parts and or DoT damage it can be difficult to follow. Especially on top of the health bar/stamina bar clutter from party members / creeps. My solution is a colouring and format change covered in 1 and 2 below. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Proposed Solution (Combat Log Colour Scheme): The information in the log i believe would be more easily understood even in its dense form if it used BG2 text conventions. I'm sure forum goers and developers are sick of that feedback but using colouring on names to diffierentiate enemies/enemy types and using bold or colour to denote numbers (hit/graz/crit) would also be helpful. The human eye is attracted to variation. If you put something in bold or in colour then that will be notice more easily in the stream. Rebuttal (Colour Scheme) But they already have a colouring coded system in place... Counter Argument (Colour Scheme) Yes they do which is a good start but the colouring is for the whole sentence or line! This tells the reader subsciously not only is this all enemy feedback but that the whole red or yellow sentence is important. This makes it difficult to pick out the most important details such as NPC/CREEP Name - Action/Spell - Damage/Result on the fly or at a glance. Colouring only the MOST important information would help for speed reading of the combat log and help your brain to quickly at a glance take in what occured and to whom. i believe that BG2 did a decent job of this style of combat log colouring and don't see why the designers couldn't have worked something similar out. The formatting of the text would be much like simplistically listed above but see section 2 for more information: - Attached an albeit random screenshot curtesy of Google showing colouring in BG2- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) Proposed Solution (Combat Log Text Format) Current: "Wood Beetle grazes BB Figther for 2 piercing damage" Proposed: "Wood Beetle - Grazes BB Fighter - 2 piercing damage" I would find reading the log with the - or : breaking up NPC/CREEP names and or RESULT / DAMAGE would help the quick reading along with instituting a colouring scheme for enemies and NPCs and if you wanted (optional) damage/numerals. Note: Bold and Italics can represent any combination of bold and or colour use it doesn't matter at this point as long as the naming protocol is consistent. Patterns breed efficient absorption and recognition. Rebuttal (Combat Log Text Format) That is pretty much what they have now but with - and : Counter Argument (Combat Log Text Format) No its not. Yes it contains all the same information but it reads with clear dilineation between each participant and results. There are multitude of different ways you could change this format this is just one. I feel the seperation of who and to whom and result is important for making details easily picked up. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conclusion I was bored at work so i wrote this up. Just my opinion but i feel like it makes sense. I may not think the current log is effective or enjoyable to look at but i know eventually i will get used to it or just not use it. I'd be interested to hear any criticism or reasonable flames regarding or limitations of these suggestions. Thanks,
  15. I should start by saying i LOVE the ability to take in all the inventories at a glance so i don't have to open up multiple separate windows and or remember where i organised what category of items. The two parts i/others probably struggle with in honesty is probably just that this system is a fairly significant deviation from my previous experiences so i find it awkward (I will get over this) and that it adds complexity not specifically strategic value. Though i guess the later would depend on your definition but i feel like if the inventory was slightly larger 12-14 slots and the stash had a much more advanced sorting mechanism that the system would not be as jarring for some. Currently the limited inventory and limitation on the stash seems like a complex way to make players take more time traveling to towns to re-equip or waste camp materials for contingency planning. While i don't disagree with this hard decisions methodology, i feel like with something like inventory it can be laborious to add additional steps to managing resources when really you want the strategy to come from when and how you best implement your tools not if you bring your tools that particular day though that is an element. I also agree that the idea of comparison tool tips could be very useful or at the very least if we are forced to open and close multiple items that the description and its stats should be cleaned up to be more intuitive and familiar (Others have covered excellent recommendations for item information). One of the biggest factors im struggling with in this game is i just don't get enough information and feedback (Covered by others in other posts). Im sure most of this will be fixed or adjusted as time goes on. Either way i will adapt just like it did to Planescape from BG/ID.
  16. Yeah i just realised today that it was just a bug. Seems to be a few surrounding dropped loot floating around. Thanks for the reply.
  17. Description: The interactive event at the ruined shrine east of the town has the letter "e" cut off of the word Shrine. It also contains a fragment at the end that says "lies you" 1) Initiate the interactive event 2) Text reads: "You stand within what looks to be a ruined shrin moss-covered remnant of an ancient statue lies you" Expected Behavior: It should read "shrine" (Unless it is meant to say shrin?) and the sentence is incomplete clear by "lies you" Comment: Not a major problem but i wanted to point this out from a polish perspective though i am sure you guys have already picked up on this clipping issue. I am running at the default resolution (1080p?) if that is relevant.
  18. This issue has popped up a few times on the forums already but i thought id drop my two cents. Hope it helps Description Fought Medreth's band of followers using the <A> button to force the combat and then BB Fighter and BB Rogue became stuck in place as if held. Details 1) Standard formation party, BB Fighter activates Defender ability 2) BB Fighter with a <A> button to force the combat attacks the follower of Medreth who has a boar companion 3) No characters use any abilities besides melee attacks other than BB Fighter (Defender) and BB Rogue (Reckless Assault) 4) Once every enemy is dead both characters are locked in place side by side. While unable to move they are able to rotate. Expected Behaviour The characters should be able to move after the combat has conclude and there are no status effects. Comments 1) I tested this bug with the party using just the above abilities and a variety. Someone was always stuck. 2) Occurred when characters were both reduced to zero stamina and not (Tried to exclude the knockout effect) 3) Clicking on the characters model on the screen (Not portrait) sometimes opened up the corpse below (Corpse causing movement problem?) 4) On one occasion out of the many i tested this the boar pet would be dead and then come back to live repeatedly to eventual finally die (Different bug) Note 1: I have attached a screenshot just to show positioning by the end of combat but did not upload a save file as i can't find it where my steam saves usually are. Note 2: I have yet tried to replicate this in other combat situations
  19. Hey folks I was just wondering if people would appreciate the <TAB> button highlighting loot like in ToB/BG2 etc? (I know i would) I find it very useful especially with multiple corpses stacked and or obstructions. Have the powers that be said if this feature will be implemented or if its a design decision? Thanks
  20. Looks awesome, similar IE but modernised! Keep up the good work! Ps. Looking forward to UI and visualised abilities!
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