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Everything posted by Asmodean

  1. Funny, there are several people who "reproduce" the bug in differnt ways. On my third game, I saved after killing some constructs and azo. After killing Azo, I sneaked upstairs without any fight. No one was hostile. I reloaded, attacked a construct which hit a guard(I think this was the trigger for the people upstairs going hostile), killed the construct, went upstairs and everyone was hostile. Oh and I avoided the central room.
  2. Yes, like I mentioned before. There are several issues. My saving always took about 5s. But my loading and transition times are over 30s. For small areas maybe 20s.
  3. Seems there are several problems: long transition and loading times from beginning growing transition times (maybe correlates with the next one) growing saving times
  4. I had no wichts when i got the bug, but wichts when nothing bad happened. The wichts are in the center and when I tried to avoid resting(as possible bug cause) and fighting constructs, I took the shortest way up. But I also saw a construct attacking a guard. Maybe attacking or killing a guard makes the nobles upstaris upset :D
  5. I have long loading times too. I have an Dell XPS 12 with - I thought - good hardware except the graphic card. But to my surpise, no performance problem with graphic, but long loading times. 30+ secounds from beginning. This really kills the game experience.
  6. After the first fight with constructs I rested(my group was half dead), killed Azo, another construct and went up to see the people gone hostile. The second time I didnt rest, just killed the Wichts(!?) and went up. No one was hostile. The third time, I didnt rest, killed Azo and I think no other construct, went up to see that no one was hostile. I started a new game. I will keep my save after the first fight and try to reproduce this issue.
  7. Same here. Maybe its important that I camped in the lower level?
  8. Are there any plans for a beta access for all backers?
  9. I'm also no beta backer, but the text on kickstarter sais "early access beta key", so I hope I will get the chance to play the beta a little bit later
  10. Eternal Watcher of the Obsidian Order same as in the survey
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