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Posts posted by ManifestedISO

  1. No, thank you. From GI:



    Even when you meet characters face-to-face, they're mostly faceless. The vast majority of the NPCs sport big, blank helmets that completely obstruct their faces. I can't recall what a single character in the beta looks like, which is a big red flag – how can you tell a memorable story without any memorable characters? Without facial cues, the personality and emotional weight of characters all has to be conveyed through the voice acting, which so far has been one of the biggest complaints from those who have played the game.



    The Destiny beta doesn't waste much time getting players into the action, which is by and large a good thing. However, Bungie thrusts the player into the spotlight without properly setting the stage first. A three-minute intro clip sums up Destiny's premise in such basic terms that it could fit on a fortune-cookie message – a mysterious ship/planet appears one day and helps humanity rapidly advance, but then an equally mysterious Darkness arrives and threatens everything. That's pretty much it. Maybe this vague oversimplification is just placeholder for the sake of the beta, a way for Bungie to avoid spoilers while players help test the game. I certainly hope so, because I need more to go on, and so far the game is lousy at conveying information.


  2. On the "Hardcore" front, Sean Payton also undertook the physical test along with the players. I wonder how many NFL coaches would be capable of that? O_o


    Not many. I'm saying our Mike McCoy could do it. He has a face that looks like it wins a lot of staring contests. 

  3. Blip. Little green dots on a radar screen ... blips. If one of those blips is a blimp, it's still a blip. 


    Decided Inquisition will be a console purchase. Doesn't seem right to load it to the hard drive. 

  4. Love that Jaime's 30-minute meal cooking show, even though I don't cook a damn thing, and for damn sure don't have an herb garden. Theme song strangely mesmerizing, too. 


    Very often, I also say 'excuse me', when what I really mean, is, exactly what #29 says. GTFOOTW!

  5. Prostitution and substance-use have been officially confirmed, I take it. 



    "While designing the world of Pillars of Eternity, we drew from the full spectrum of the human experience, touching on broad subjects like religious and cultural conflict, oppression, and political upheaval alongside the smaller-scale travails of day-to-day life," says Olivia Veras, another of Pillars' level designers.

    "We don't need to shy from the depiction of sexuality, or pull our punches when it comes to the effects of violence on individuals and communities. The people of Pillars of Eternity, as in our world, are multifaceted, and prone to the same virtues and vices. They might hold superstitious or bigoted beliefs, or covet their neighbour's wealth. They might visit brothels or indulge in narcotics after a long day."


    The forum link function is busted, but the above article is from the Red Bull Games article dated June 11. 


    I've now hit the "mostly done with Cyseal proper, but haven't yet found a place to go where I don't get my *** handed to me" stage of the game.  Orcs on the beach to the SW stomped me, so I marked that with a "go back later."  Then I went out the North gate, defeated some zombies, and started circling the city, clockwise, hugging the wall and later the cliffs.  Ended up in a "withered garden" with a number of entertaining traps and some nice loot.  (My first orange-tinted item!)  The 3 Skeleton fighters there were, again, too much for me (I think I was level 4 by then, but only barely), but I successfully lured them into the room full of fireball traps, which took out 2 out of the 3.  I teleported the 3rd onto an explosive mine.  Whee! 


    I left there, rather than try my hand at what looked like a boss battle up the stairs.  Took several reloads and one resurrection scroll, but I then dealt with some wolves and a friendly talking dog north of there.  The dog ran off, afterwards, though, and I'm not sure what to make of that.  Went back to town instead of chasing him. 


    I suppose I'll try the northwesterly area next. 


    Go West. (Not the beach, but west out the gate near the mortician's house). Because you level up very quickly in early game, just doing a couple of quests in a slightly easier area suddenly makes a big difference in your being able to deal with those things. This is not the case in the next area (Silverglen), where you can do things in almost any order. 



    Very helpful, thanks, I somehow missed the west gate. Even though I got lost, I prefer that over strictly linear paths. 

  7. I'm keen for an RPG set 500 years ago in the Far East. I don't know much about the period, but a third-person sandbox in that setting could really break the mold. Something unique, rife with characters, classes, and items that are new and exciting, if not slightly familiar: factions, war, monsters, magic, weapons, crafting. Imagine rogues are ninja, fighters as samurai, dark paladin ronin ...   

    • Like 5
  8. Still can't find Ready Player One at the walk-in bookstore, even though their computer says it's right there, on the shelf, still. 


    So I settled for this, which came out Tuesday. The tip of the new edition iceberg rolling out in hardcover, August for Player's Handbook, Monster Manual in September, and DM's Guide November. 


    Comes with a big-ass game module, twice the size of the included rulebook. Also a character sheet template, plus half-a-dozen pre-made. And of course dice: d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, and d20 colored in pretty cote d'azur blue marble with white numbers. Printing quality, art, and readability are first-rate. Paper is glossy and staple-bound only.  


    This is the first D&D box I've picked up since maybe Kara-Tur Forgotten Realms many days ago. I don't know, there's just something about this all-new Fifth Edition that feels right, and good.



  9. Thanks all


    This is what I currently have selected



    Any thoughts? I went all out on RAM because I had budget and my wife will likely be stealing my gaming machine for her graphics stuff


    I'm still 100 bucks under budget which will be a nice savings but it's there in case I need to tweak things some more


    How fun, that looks like a primo rig, for sure. Positively oceanic levels of RAM.  :p


    Something I've always wondered with blu-ray writers, is whether you can take screenshots from commercial discs--or if the HDCP, or whatever, prevents that. All my favorite movies are on blu-ray, and I enjoy capturing screens for avatars and stuff, but DVDs are just too low-res. 

  10. Bonkers overkill if you're playing at a resolution of 1080. You mentioned multiple monitors, and in that case the 290 is good value, I just don't see how anyone can stand two black vertical monitor frame bezels in the center of their gameplay. One display, one life, right. 8)    

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