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Posts posted by ManifestedISO

  1. P.S. Totally off topic but the forum server time seems to be drifting at an abnormally fast rate. A month or so ago it was maybe 2-3 minutes fast, now it's a full 5 minutes ahead of official time.


    I know, it's the elephant in the room for those who laser-focus on discrepancies. 


    If you don't find any point in your life, the least you could do is to dedicate it to others who are worse off than you are.


    He did, actually. 









    For 11 years, Williams helped athletes facing physical challenge to achieve success in sports through the CAF, taking part in the triathlon and other cycling events. He stayed an avid supporter of the foundation for 20 years.


    • Like 4
  3. Yeah really, who will fund development of the cRPG ... 


    It would be an incredible accomplishment for Obsidian to make an RPG card game that is so interesting and fun, it compels me to buy a tablet. I'll give them the chance, of course. 


    Also, is Pathfinder limited to "3.75" edition rules. I mean will the release of 5E have any bearing on electronic products from Obsidian and Paizo. 


    Since that cat is out of the bag, can someone do an analysis of the TLoU? I haven't played it (probly never will) but i'm interested to hear opinions of whether if it is as good as they say or if it just like Bioshock Infinite (overhyped)



    Infinite is like a hot dog with squirt cheese and pickles, drizzled with dark chocolate and wrapped in water-colored wax paper. They make you eat six in a row, too, with no beverage. And if it causes heartburn in the form of ironic confusion and vertigo, no purple pill will quell the flames of Infinite. Plasmids were sorta fun, though. 


    It's not possible to have a more opposite experience with The Last of Us. It contains a specific variety in gameplay, where each map and activity feels different and more sinister/relaxing. The immediacy is hard to explain, driven by scarce resources and ammunition--if you don't craft molotov ****tails, shivs, and nail bombs, your meager supply of bullets will just piss-off the infected and enrage corrupt human foes. The story's writing is bonkers. Nothing and no one are what they seem at first, especially the protagonists. Ellie's dialogue and monologue alone are worth the price, and combined with the Remastered textures and audio, the whole thing becomes an experience.    

  5. I noticed the writers--or maybe designers--don't feel the pain of completionist-type players, who are compelled to spend hours mining and clearing every last frickin' planet in ME2, only to have excess supply counted in the hundreds of thousands by game's end.


    My other quibble, is keeping a lid on Tali's face the whole time. Why not have a grand reveal, or a tragic and beautiful one. I kept thinking it was coming, only to be denied. Christ, we saw Darth Vader's face, Cobra Commander's, the bad guy in Battle of the Planets cartoon, but no, not Tali. 

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