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Posts posted by ManifestedISO

  1. Some news today from Ep. VIII director, Rian Johnson, regarding a return to practical special effects, something inherent to the original trilogy:



    Johnson went into detail about the more traditional approach. "They’re doing so much practical building for this one. It’s awesome," he said. "I think people are coming back around to [practical effects]. It feels like there is sort of that gravity pulling us back toward it. I think that more and more people are hitting kind of a critical mass in terms of the CG-driven action scene lending itself to a very specific type of action scene, where physics go out the window and it becomes so big so quick."


    Great news, I think. Real ships, real props, real effects, they're what made the first movies so special.



    Also, in new canon news, Marvel has re-assumed comic book rights, and will debut three new Star Wars series beginning in January, get this, set between A New Hope and Empire. One series for the good guys, one that follows Darth Vader and minions, including Fett, and a mini-series featuring Princess Leia.




    Just finished an 18 mile hike and am seriously in hate with all mountains* right now. My whole body is a bruise.



    *excepting Gregor Clegane

     You know I bet you're the only poster on this board who's ever climbed Mt. Motherfu--er. And you probably ran up it with a pack and rifle I'm guessing.



    No sir, not the only one. 


    I was also at Pendleton in 1991. January through to April for training and SOI. I live now within a few miles of the base. Once in a while I can hear (more like feel) ordnance. 

    • Like 3
  3. I was ten when the Crash of '83 happened. Of course I didn't realize it ... all I knew was, we finally got a second-hand 2600 and a ton of games for cheap. Might as well have been all-new to me. That feeling of not having to put quarters into an arcade to play video games, priceless. 


    After watching the Gamescom videos, I changed my mind and have no desire for a PoE console version. I need my whole hand covering a mouse to enjoy it, I'm certain. 

  4. Just being fashionably late to the discussion...


    All bow down and offer praise to #pragma !!!


    The movement, also known as pragmatism and its practitioners as pragmatics is where it's at. Want something done? Forget about petty bickering, daydreaming, wishful thinking, territorial pissing and just get your lazy butt in gear and actually *DO* stuff. It's surprising how much people can do if they free their minds from the shackles of conventional thinking, doctrines and dogma ;)


    I got an A in a pragmatism course in college, but only because English majors do what they know and avoid mathematics and P.E. classes with the passion of a christ. 


    I really should boot up my XP machine and re-read my final paper from that course. I remember the overall feeling afterward was less 'enlightenment', and more of, 'well, that was weird and difficult to comprehend'.

  5. Have gone completely insane. Priorities upside down. Needs replaced by pre-orders. Was getting tired of "food" and "gas" anyway.  


    Dualshock 4 Wave Blue edition drops Tuesday, Glacier White on Sep. 9, Urban Camouflage Sep. 30. Magma Red still to be released for North America.  







  6. How many other Republicans speak Chinese, anyway ...


    Is there a link to this indictment, I haven't watched any news yet today. 


    Edit: Wait, nevermind, much more important things on TV right now, Chargers and Seahawks. 

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