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About Aarionn

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  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
  • Pillars of Eternity Kickstarter Badge
  • Lords of the Eastern Reach Backer Badge
  • Deadfire Backer Badge
  • Deadfire Fig Backer
  1. Personally, I would only play games like this in first person. But I understand people that like 3rd person view, It would be great if there would be an option for them to play like they want. If this would be a 3rd person view game only, I would be making post asking for a 1st person view... Obsidian was very good in delivering all kind of options in their latest games which you could toggle on/off if you liked. At least that was the case in PoE1 and 2. But OW being a full 3D game, maybe it is not as easy to implement. Or maybe it is too expensive and time consuming? Look at the Fallout 3 (for start)... I could never ever play it in 3rd person because of (please insert your most negative word yourself) character animations... I literally get nausea even remembering it... If you can not do it right... do not do it. I only wish NWN had a first person view... (off to the Beamdog website to ask for it) Best, aa
  2. I hope for a big box CE. Pre-order would be great. I like to support the game developers that I like.
  3. I hope they will make a fig/kickstarter campaign. I want my signed CE edition! I want to be a part of it. Please Obsidian. best, AA
  4. Dear all, I just wanted to share my joy of receiving signed CE POE II copy today (Germany). Obsidian, thank you for making kind of games that I love. Please do not think of making another game without us, your supporters! Best, Aa
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  5. Same here... I had preload done, but now it is only using disk and not downloading rest of the game 16.9/18.8
  6. Because I feel like it. Just that simple. I presume with getting older I am not that impatient anymore... and I can look past some issues if I get a game that not may studios can produce anymore. And I like the team. I cannot say I know, but I am sure they are giving their best and that is what is important. Best, Aa
  7. Well, I am sure they will deliver our physical items and therefore I am not upset to not have it on the launch date. And I really do not care why this happen. It is not like we will not be able to play the game. And furthermore, the books will probably be available in pdf to download, so I will not miss on reading that either. Go go Obsidian. Bring us a great game Best, aa
  8. First of all, backer update no. 45 was great! Second, Obsidian do not dare to make your next game without support from your loyal community! I don't care if you have enough money to make your next game. I want my signed CE of your next game! Third, that Josh muppet.... It must be in the backer rewards or as a stretch goal for your next project!!!! Please, please...? Best, AA
  9. First of all, backer update no. 45 was great! Second, Obsidian do not dare to make your next game without support from your loyal community! I don't care if you have enough money to make your next game. I want my signed CE of your next game! Third, that Josh muppet.... It must be in the backer rewards or as a stretch goal for your next project!!!! Please, please...? Best, AA
  10. To your end questions: I have kickstarted PoE (signed CE lvl so with DLCs). I bought Tyranny but I hated it was not on kickstarter... I gladly bought all dlcs for it though. Sport games I liked when I was much younger (decathlon on C64...), but now at 44 I just like cRPGs... Thanks for making them!
  11. I would so much like to see them make NWN 3. With updated tools that are even better than NWN ones. That game would thrive for decades! New persistent world servers and modules! Eh.... wishes... Edit: P.S. Obsidian please do not make this game without us. Fig or Kickstarter... I want to be a part of the process and I am sure I am not alone. And also - Signed CE )))))
  12. I do not understand the logic of "not liking" certain types of crowdfunding platforms? Obsidian certainly looked at the options on crowdfunding platforms and choose Fig surely because it is better for them. And that is really all I need to know. You will back it or not. It is your choice. I am so happy that I can be a part of this campaign. I like Obsidian so much for the people that work there and great games that they produce which I adore to play. And except few others there is no one in the game industry right now that are making this type of games. I really don't know what kind of crowdfunding nonsense they would have to come to in order for me not to support them.... I am shooting for the early bird CE edition I hope you will choose to support them. Best, AA
  13. I hope POE2 Fig campaign will do at least as WL3 campaign. I am shooting for early bird CE GL Obsidian
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