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Everything posted by Shadeling

  1. Thanks for asking nicely. I'll comply. There will be no more pics. To be fair, I've tried to do exactly that in every post I've made. As I have pointed out to a mod already, the "resize" feature of this board does not work. As they did not stretch the screen beyond its normal format (which is the usual etiquette cutoff for such things), I left things lie. Especially since no one said anything about the equally large paladin pics, the Odin pics, etc. etc. Not that it will matter. After today I will not be coming back. I don't think any of this - my own contributions included - is worthwhile. Hmm, now I feel bad. I didn't mean to drive you off, Vargr Raekr. I didn't realize that there was a resize issue with posting pics in threads and just thought I'd ask if you'd make them smaller. I haven't seen the paladin pics or the odin pics you mentioned but I'd probably get irritated with those too. Sorry you won't be coming back. I really hope it's not on my account.
  2. Dang. Merin's decidedly concise and well researched can of whoop ass. Very impressive.
  3. I was just thinking about Avellone quote. Thanks for posting it, Shevek. I don't mind romance in roleplaying games but I'm much more interested in seeing how Avellone will explore the other facets of companion relationships because I've never experienced it being so indepth before. Revenge? Rivalry? Ooo, that excites me! And I agree with Sawyer in that if there's going to be romance, then it needs to be done very well or not at all. Vargr Raekr: Could you please tone down the size of those MLP pics? They're obnoxiously large and I find myself more prone to skipping past your posts in order get them off my screen rather than reading what you have to say.
  4. Which raises the concern of what happens if that period comes to a close and the game needs to be delayed. The Kickstarter crowd almost certainly wants a finished game rather than an early release, but where do they get the funds to finance extra work, if its needed? Supposedly Fearghus said in a recent interview that with each stretch goal achieved, it would push out the release date. I didn't read the interview but someone mentioned in on these forums so the 4million stretch goal achievement will probably push the date back a fair bit.
  5. Just to be contrarian, I loved me some Patrick Stuart in Oblivion. Or Sean Bean for that matter. I`d definitely pay extra for high qualityvoice acting, but i agree it doesn't have it be a big name. If it is, it better be recognizable to be worth it. Annd some AAA games like Skyrim are truly stellar. I think many peoplewill like both those and games like we hope PE will be. You loved it? Really? Well, I probably shouldn't have made a broad claim that the average gamer couldn't care less about the celebrity names but I was drawing from my anecdotal experience and that the celebrity factor in a game just doesn't seem to resonate in the same way as it does for other mediums, like a Pixar movie. I think Patrick Stewart became my figurehead that represented everything that was wrong with Oblivion. At the very least, if it hasn't been for him and what I assume was a disgustingly large paycheck, Bethesda could have hired more actors to voice NPCs so at least there could have been one voice per NPC and not two, which was so often the case.
  6. "Celebrity voice actors who cost way more than they're worth..." So true! I'd love to know just how much sales are affected for the Todd Howard era Elderscrolls with the big budget actors he has to hire. So much money paid to well known actors that the average gamer couldn't care less about. As long as the acting is good and believable, that's all that matters. I just really doubt that the celebrity marquee of a videogame matters all that much as far as sales go.
  7. Nicely put. This is exactly why I would much prefer the stronghold and second city remain separate.
  8. Why bother explaining when apparently being an obtuse troll is much more satisfying.
  9. I chose Fallout 1 & 2 simply because I played those games to death, over and above anything else on that list. If I wanted to answer accurately, however, I'd select each option on that list because the hook that brought me to Project Eternity was the simple fact that this is an Obsidian project sans publisher shackles and deadlines, with all the awesome names attached who brought me so much cRPG gaming enjoyment in the last decade. To be honest, I didn't really need a hook. They had me at my first glance of their Kickstarter page. After so many years floating in roleplaying mediocrity with awesome AAA graphics, I'm so ready for Project Eternity! I'm starving!
  10. I think this is an excellent point. To me is seems like a lot of this games mechanics are being based solely on how to prevent people from doing this or that. We dont like "rest scumming": put in a system that forces you to rest in only certain locations, We dont like "ability / spell casting scumming": put in cooldowns, We dont like players "level scumming": put in quest based experience, We dont like players "topping off before battles scumming", see "rest scumming" and "ability scumming". So much energy is being funneled into forcing the players to play only one way. Im not even particulalry opposed to new mechanics, just mechanics that sound like their only purpose is to harsh my buzz. I just dont want everything to be a hassle, I want to have fun. Greetings, I do second that wholeheartedly. I for one am most oriented towards escapism than pseudo-hardcore-realism (no ill wil intended) through a computer. I am very enthusiaistic about the project a s a whole, but it's true these particular points regarding the healing and so on have me cringing a bit... On a Side note, I am simply ecstatic that we passed the 3.5 M !! Really. Awesome I so agree with all of the above. Incredibly excited about this game. The 'hardcore' aspect to healing, health/stamina mechanics is a wee bit worrisome. I just hope it doesn't enter the realm of punishment in order to feel as though one has accomplished something significant.
  11. Just increased my pledge by $8! I'd love the title: Shade of the Obsidian Order
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