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  1. ​ I hope you will not become mad at me with wine ​ ​ ​Btw. I recall maintaining one thread about trap issues at the end of beta, I think it got finally fixed in 3.0+ (at least most of the problems I think). So don't worry. But on more serious note, how do you guys like the effectiveness of forums environment? I remember shmerl tried to establish community bug tracker at github but without the official support it's not really viable.
  2. Yeah, those additional/secondary effects would be also interesting. Maybe even something unique to empower, which isn't gainable simply by getting corresponding levels or stats? Just in case it wasn't already mentioned, Josh Sawyer in the reddit Q&A said that ​​ Not sure how it will look like. Perhaps, when already reached spell level quota, you can decide that you want to use a spell from that level again, and are able to do that in exchange for empower stuff... Regarding what you have written, @MaxQuest, it's well thought out and interesting. Most of the time I'm just lurking, but I always like to read what you guys have to say about systems. It seems to me that we lack the needed info. Not only about the underlying by developer's words significantly changed class system. But also as you have yourself already touched at the end of the post, one would need take into account other progressions going on in the game -- the equipment, accumulation of abilities, enemies, even party composition, etc. I agree that the proposed formula looks useful for tuning and "c" ought to be > 0, but actually also because I think nonlinear progression of classes may not be bad thing, especially when one takes into account all the other external effects (eg. the equipment progression). As such using anecdotal example, in PoE1 I haven't minded at all diminishing returns you have mentioned, on the contrary, I've eventually wished we don't get any level ups in those things (because how powerful relative to the opposition we can get). Here they also plan to make multi-classed characters within 75%-85% power of a single-classed character. A single-classed character have at hand more class based abilities to choose from and all of them use the same high power source, so even when the relative gain in isolation wouldn't look so good compare to lower levels, he might be quiet effective character overall. But it's impossible for me to evaluate those things without bigger picture, so I apologize for not giving any numbers. On a side note, I don't dig why it has to be a system where we are required to use together class level, power level and power points for each class. I sympathize with the hard work of UI designers. From the distance it seems to me that one can simply continue the transformation into using just power points and distributing them at will between two classes. You can still gate access to abilities or spell levels by required class power points instead of class levels. Even when it's slightly different, one doesn't reach high level spells unless literally progressing corresponding source points. It may be also possible to use power points instead power levels in your calculations, and have the sneak attack progressed more gradually.
  3. I don't know I don't see much reasons to bother with multi-classing names. Ok fine just put them on the character sheet, whatever. What is actually important is what Obsidian will do in game with that. Personally, I like to think about classes like professions, or specializations. That they fulfill roles in the society, so have some recognizable core aspect. One can pretty much multi-specialize, no problem. To be fair PoE1 isn't primarily build like that. Classes are more than anything just part of the combat mechanic. So I wouldn't expect it changes extremely in Deadfire, moreover wouldn't expect narrative being build to heavily recognize all those possible class combinations as something specific in the world... However, though I agree with the criticism above, I think classes should be recognized, it just needs to be done on each own basis. Developers agreed that reactivity should be used if situations present themselves. So for example, it would be nice to have something to say as a priest of Eothas, etc. ​ I'm guessing three (or four) possibilities how class related reactivity may work: 1. Game checks for specific ability: The White March expansion came with a neat option to use class abilities in scripted interactions here and there. PoE2 seems to build upon that, as far as I recall. They used functions for that, something like "CharacterCanUseAbility". We know next to nothing how classes in the new system suppose to work. But what I've heard on the Wizard example - he will be limited not only by his level, but also by his memory or by equipped grimoire. So we really practically need just check whether the character has the required spell / ability at disposal, don't need to know anything about how he multi-classed. Which brings me to possibility, if an item grants that ability to the user. But itemization can be different this time. ​ 2. Game checks for class power: As far as I understand from the multi-classing info, the strength of the class is now measured by his class power. So if the game designers want to check how much wizardy you are (perhaps when talking with fellow wizard, again it has to make sense), they may simply check how much wizard power source points you have accumulated. Note, that I don't need to know how much levels one gets in this class nor the other. For example you will never have 40 wizard power source points unless you invested into the wizard class. So it gives somehow a head on to pure classes, as they will be able to pass as great wizards earlier, but on the other hand, multiclassed characters have more options - perhaps they would be able to choose from lines of two classes at lower power level and have different abilities at disposal. Besides the game is supposed to be more open so one cannot presume specific levels anyway. ​ 3. Game checks for basic knowledge or acquaintances expected from adepts of specific classes or subclasses / deities / orders: This is perhaps more important for Priests and Paladins, but I dunno, maybe some subclasses of other classes will have connections to factions in the world or so. As the reasons would be probably just narrative, it may be enough that you have taken the class, respective specific specialization. 4. Game checks for combination of classes: This is probably the least probable? But I don't know with what developers plan to come. Perhaps there are some obvious class synergies. However, it can be practically done using the means above, checking for both classes' existences, powers or specific abilities. ​ ​
  4. Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire Q&A #4 Transcript by Fereed: https://www.reddit.com/r/projecteternity/comments/5vsoiy/pillars_of_eternity_ii_deadfire_qa_4_transcript/
  5. 1. Can you tell us more about all kinds of skills and what do you plan to do with them? 2. What kind of technological and scientific advancements can we look forward to in the times of Deadfire? 3. In the update it was said that Maia Rua's companion can scout outdoor environments both in and out of combat. Can you tell us more about what birds' scouting capabilities are, and about scouting options in the game in general? 4. Is it possible to precast a spell and then wait for the right occasion to unleash it, or will we have to place the spell's effect right at the moment when the casting finishes? 5. Are you going to set a long cast times across all spells or will it vary? Likewise, what about abilities which are pre-encounter spammable already - like Flames of Devotion, will those become more situational or have some other drawbacks? 6. On the Neketaka's map there are things like type of government, import/export lists and the population composition -- will it change in the course of the adventure? 7. Would you like to do another Q&A sessions like this further down the road of development?
  6. Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire Q&A Stream #3 Transcript by Fereed: https://www.reddit.com/r/projecteternity/comments/5ueus0/pillars_of_eternity_ii_deadfire_qa_stream_3/?st=iz8l42og&sh=9348345f Edit: oj sorry MaxQuest To PS: I think it was meant to be more Lore related Q&A this time?
  7. +1 to this one (or from gossip, reading npcs' minds etc.) 1. How do you plan integrate the new companions relationship stretch goal within the dispositions system? 2. The more depth is given to the companions, the more obvious is the gap to the less developed NPCs. Do you plan also improve personalities of nonparty NPCs? 3. In the Eder example you have mentioned 5 opinion tags, how many narrative variables can we expect to be tracked for a companion, and are expressed attitudes the only relationship defining parameters? 4. Do you plan integrate classes more into the ingame society lore this time, or will it stay as mainly combat mechanic system? 5. Can you tell us about any favorite nonparty NPC you are writing / designing? 6. I would like to know more about the game's time flow -- how much time advances from the end of Pillars 1, and how considerable is the Deadfire adventure in proportion to the hero's lifespan.
  8. Don't believe my memory with the wording, but one of the sources that they are aware can be Josh's answer in the second Q&A (taken from the reddit transcript): ​
  9. ​ ​Why would that be silly? Lately I was actually thinking, that folks who don't want to buy till native Linux port of full game is out (and patched) have it right. (taking into consideration all the broken or too late fulfilled promises) ​ I don't know what's going on with the Steam statistics (eg. when one pays on mobile phone and doesn't play it under linux for some couple of next days, it's counted as a win purchase, etc.) or whether it makes any difference at all - probably the most optimistically at max +1%. However, I have a feeling that people don't take too much into consideration the backers, fans and PR originating from that. I mean there are post release and also early access sales at which they look, so it's better for us to be actually in those. Yeah, Linux players are perhaps more probable to be taken into account when not being too understanding and generous. --> as opposite to doing things like paying upfront or playing under wine etc. But even when we are not many if you would be able to truly cut backers apart, there are secondary effects of the offering. Aside those dual-boot (or wish to dual-boot) backers, I mainly mean general PR effect, when it paints the company in a good generous light, especially on Kickstarter which is supposed to help fund otherwise financially not high return things, including various translations and ports. It's just impossible to estimate how much money they would collect for PoE1 and PoE2 etc., if Linux & Mac, or such things as DRM free option, wouldn't be there since the first Kickstarter. ​ And also the further effect are the fans themselves. So for example, I think developers lately have been bragging about how there is great stuff on the character builds subforum and guess who posts prominently there? (oh it sounds weird when quoting you). I'm not sure how something like the fanbase composition can be evaluated. ​ ​ ​ As you are mindful what you install in your system, I should probably also warn you that it has been confirmed in the fig comments that the beta will be Steam only again. ​ What I have done at the time* is that I've set virtual machine to confine Steam there for downloading. The game's directory then could be moved to any other system where one plans to play, as they didn't require Steam to launch it (at least for the Linux build it wasn't required). ​*yeah silly me, Steam was another fact I wasn't aware of when buying beta. Later for the full game we had been offered to choose gog. ​ ​ Which reminds me. I've been thinking about doing gaming virtual machine, when one has two graphical cards (eg. the integrated one + some better graphical unit from Nvidia for example), so the second one is used by the gaming Linux. Have you guys done something like this? With nowadays offerings I also practically bother to check a new game only if it has native build, but many great older ones aren't playable without wine or dosbox. So it would be great to do it all there in the virtual machine without any worrying or adjusting selinux or so. ​Edit: Btw. Feargus said, that cloaks should be working now in PoE2.
  10. ah, thanks for reminder about that +1 acc. I'm not sure why I thought Pel meant Prone on crit. Pushing sounds fun. There are not so many items and abilities with Push effect on the player's disposal, I think. Now if only a character could equip a bashing shield in each hand and starts pushing...
  11. The modal toggle and adding prone/daze sound also interesting. However, if I'm not mistaken, many enemies have high Fortitude. So perhaps change it to something between (+0,+10) accuracy vs. Fort for Prone effect?
  12. ​ It would be useful to mention this in the Fig's FAQ and in the addons section, in order not to have misinformed backers (also Mac?). I also thought you have a cross platform pipeline this time (in comparison to literally making ports for Mac and Linux a month before the release even when it runs on Unity, as other companies do). Either way perhaps Obsidian simply doesn't want to hassle with releasing three stable builds. In that case I would like to support saying better late than never for BB. Also feedback of versed fellows, such as Xaratas and Boeroer, would be very valuable. ​ ​ Indeed, there was Linux beta available for PoE1 roughly a month and half before the game's release. I've jumped in some time before that, not knowing Linux wasn't supported yet. So if the backers portal will be similar, it might be possible to buy a beta key later on the road. Also if it helps somehow - the Win builds were running fine under wine for playing the beta and feedback purposes, though not advisable for bug reports. But it doesn't mean it will be like this with Deadfire. So it's gamble.
  13. ok ​ ​to the topic, here is the youtube version of the Q&A 2: ​https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g041nD0uREI
  14. Gromnir, we perhaps just misunderstood each other. I agree with your assessment of the heated times. I just remember being happy for any answers from developers. Also seeing difference between wording disagreement and questioning someone identity, the later I just don't remember happening to me personally. That's all to it. I recall some of the issues, like the blurring filter accompanying the fatigue:) Though thankfully not any extreme nazi iconography. But I was also most of the times lurking only the BB bugs subforum. However, with the system redesigning on the horizon (extent of which we are yet to find) and developers not quiet saying no or yes to romances, etc., what makes you think it wouldn't be equally heated between more traditional Pillars 1 fans and the proponents of the changes? There is already like 13 pages on the lost of Vancian casting.
  15. no, just probably bad memory. I simply don't remember being targeted for getting some echo from developers. ​ Thanks a lot! ​ Actually, scanning through the questions' wording in the transcript, there are like 6 or at least very similar to mine being used. But I think variants of some of them, eg. the one about weather / environments <-> gameplay, were asked more times on different places or also in this thread. I dunno, perhaps they just collected questions each day, not realizing there will be much more later on. ​ ​Looking at the bashing answer: ​​Does it also mean there are PoE1 updates upcoming?
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