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About CottonWolf

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    (5) Thaumaturgist
    (5) Thaumaturgist

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  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
  • Pillars of Eternity Kickstarter Badge
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  • Black Isle Bastard!
  1. I actually think Eder is the only one of those that is a 100% lock on reappearing.
  2. Personally, I wasn't too worried about the bugs. I didn't have anything game breaking, though I did have a couple of quest breaking bugs on my first runthrough. It's more the complete lack of difficulty of Veteran/PotD, which they've acknowledged was because they ran out of time. It seems like they could have avoided a large number of negative Steam reviews (which presumably actually do matter to sales) if they've pushed it back a month. Well, you can't have early access for the sake of adjusting combat difficulty, without also spoiling the story. And they did the beta, and apparently that didn't benefit the combat part of the game. Probably made it considerably less buggy than it otherwise would have been though!
  3. Personally, I wasn't too worried about the bugs. I didn't have anything game breaking, though I did have a couple of quest breaking bugs on my first runthrough. It's more the complete lack of difficulty of Veteran/PotD, which they've acknowledged was because they ran out of time. It seems like they could have avoided a large number of negative Steam reviews (which presumably actually do matter to sales) if they've pushed it back a month.
  4. Yeah. I'm a bit puzzled by the choice to be honest. They knew it wasn't done. Hell, they even admitted it wasn't done before the game was released. Surely they would have been better served by another 2-3 month delay? Perhaps they literally ran out of money and had to get it out, but it does feel like they shot themselves in the foot by not delaying it.
  5. - A divine campaign - More Vithrak stuff -- a Vithrak companion? - Visit Rekke's homeland
  6. Yep. There's the crew and then a set number of unkillable defenders.
  7. Mirke's obviously great, but alcoholism can only be taken so far as a character trait, so the obvious answers are Ydwin or Rekke. I'd be happy with either, but I voted Rekke, simply because his perspective is completely new.
  8. You can turn off gibs in the game options and people will stop exploding. That said, the viability of a subclass shouldn't be determined by a graphical option.
  9. Just my two cents on this. I think Deadfire is a really good game, bugs excepted, but I do agree that the Eothas plotline was underdeveloped and didn't really gel with the rest of the game. The fact that he is allegedly continuing to do *SPOILERS* the whole time doesn't make sense. He should be far faster at than the player at *SPOILERS* if they do any side quests at all. The only way the timeline works out is if the MC mainlines the critical path then goes the independent route. As other people have pointed out, lots of games do this. But they don't have to, you could easily have a hard gate where something in Eothas' plan can't happen (or would take significantly) until the MC does something in the penultimate mission that sets the timer going, and that forces you into the endgame. As it is, the game pretends that the time pressure that exists at the narrative level doesn't exist at the gameplay level, which is always unsatisfactory. That said, I don't have any issues with the details of Eothas' plan itself. I agree it should have been linked to the faction stuff (which is 100% the best part of the game) more, but I never felt lost or that the motivations didn't make sense after the reveal, even if the background of the *SPOILERS* themselves was very vague. Anyway, I think Deadfire will be a better game than Pillars when the bugs are fixed and the difficulty is upped, with better gameplay, characters and side content, but it has a weaker critical path.
  10. I heard that even if you play as a Bleak Walker you are forced to take a diplomatic dialogue option. It must be something like that, a conversation with no good choice for that paladin subclass. Yeah. There's at least one dialogue branch you can reach where you end up with two dialogue options, one being marked benevolent the other being marked diplomatic. Considering, a) you can take neither on a Bleak Walker and b) one choice is often enough to give you level 1 of that disposition, this is not ideal.
  11. Since this is the no spoilers forum, I can't really talk about why, but Xoti, Eder, and Rekke are top for me. Konstantin, Aloth and Maia bottom. I don't think Maia was badly written, but I am genuinely uncertain as to why Aloth was there. He had nothing to do the whole game. I think Rekke and Ydwin are both asking for companionification. I think this is asking for an old-style Dyrwood'n lynching.
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