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About Nick_i_am

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  1. Don't be so proud that you got into the papers before me man.
  2. I'm overweright because I eat a lot AND don't exercise.
  3. Buy Anachronox x2.
  4. hi Gorth!
  5. Llyranor-san wa ee desu! But crap, we haven't said anything relevent yet, it's like this whole page is just a big shrine to Hades now.
  6. You got more than me anyway, they know who the ringleader is. I'm just your pawn, get ready to go down to chinatown! Konichiwa!
  7. Fio is just going to get us confused again and make ME a mod. Then I'LL ban YOU!
  8. Yeah, but you're antagonistic and bring it on yourself delibrately with your bad art and crappy PMs.
  9. Okay, i lied
  10. ME3 screenshot thead! Okay, okay, fine, no screenshots.
  11. I don't wanna be alone any more!
  12. it's fine, we've got 18 left, that's loads!
  13. Stop wasting posts!
  14. So when this thread gets to 500 it dies?
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