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Everything posted by JFSOCC

  1. no. Still strange though 27 points left if you put everything on 10. After an hour of rolling I could get it to 28, before that the highest I got was 24, my character has 23.
  2. Hahahaha yeah I am a roll whore myself. I am playing a fighter that ended up with 18/97, 18, 18, 12, 13, 12. Yeah you can call me a twinky in this one aspect I just want to edit imoens stats down. I don't like the idea of being overshadowed by a goddamn NPC (unless I remove her from the party... but why would I? I should remove myself from the party.)
  3. Imoen has better stats than my character. that pisses me off. I'm a thief and now there's this annoying NPC who has a better character sheet than I do! So I decided to roll a new character, see how many rolls I need to equal or surpass the total points Imoen has. took me an hour of rolling, again and again. So it's possible. But so much for my character being the awesome main hero. (I'm not going to start again now)
  4. I've only played quest for glory 5, but I enjoyed the dagger throwing minigame there, was also a good way to make some money. I also loved the trap-disarming minigame there, was a case of minigames well done.
  5. I think so, but that doesn't mean I won't appreciate it if they make it so I can enjoy it too.
  6. I was disappointed yesterday, so I may have been a bit unfair. the game has some issues but I'll give them some time to fix that.
  7. after a crappy launcher crashed often and in different slots, I managed to play the game. I wanted to check it out (since it's half past 1 in the AM here I wasn't going to play all night) I can say, losing my mouse pointer part way through kind of breaks the game.
  8. http://penny-arcade....ideo-game-music especially relevant because it is about how songs get to be memorable.
  9. good discussion so far
  10. While I have some strong views on this topic, I'm not going to burn my hands on it
  11. My launcher crashes, all the time, at the same point. no fix no way around it. they've released a faulty product. to boot their forums are down.
  12. One-time on-line activation when you first install. That's enough DRM in my book to make me not want to bother. Or did they change that? no, and I wasn't happy when I found out.
  13. There's no need to get angry. I don't believe that players always know best, and I guess that's where we disagree. While in this example I may or may not be wrong, the point I was trying to make is that it is OK for the devs to decide some things for the player. We might disagree about what specifically. What works as an ideal might not as a reality.
  14. Because we want this game to be fun, not just for us, but for everyone. And while we can't prevent people from ruining their own game (as they are allowed to do), If it's within the power of the game designers to encourage players to play the game in a way that will be more enjoyable for them, why shouldn't they? Wait, so you're telling us that you know better than we do about what is best for us when it comes to having fun? "NO! You're having fun the WRONG WAY! Do this instead you quick saving philistine!" Are you out of your ****ing mind? I think sometimes the devs do know better, yes. Study after study shows that people are really bad at determining what will make them happy. If a player intends to save whenever the game gets a little challenging, then yes, I think I know better, I think the devs know better and they would be well within their rights to protect the integrity of their game and save people from themselves. The problem lies in that there is no clear solution which only works against the exploiting of features, but doesn't punish players who are using features the way they're intended.
  15. This weeks extra credits has something interesting to say about minigames. (not the main topic, but they touch on it) http://penny-arcade.com/patv/episode/combining-genres
  16. the minigames in the sith lords weren't exactly great. Despite playing a fair bit of pazaak, I don't think they added much to the game. I did somewhat enjoy the turret games but they weren't diverse or hard enough.
  17. Could you provide a source for that estimate? 90% dead seem a bit much even for genocidal conquest. Native Americans had no immunities against diseases that developed in europe, Europeans did because they evolved alongside those diseases.
  18. I'm thinking about keeping track of how often I hear it. "Not for me but optional is fine"
  19. I want pointy hats. I just want to make that clear. pointy hats that say "Wizzard"
  20. just die in hell lucky bathturd hehe, me too you know. never played BG1.
  21. I agree, it's a hamfisted attempt. that's not to say there might not be a better solution lurking around though.
  22. I think it's an interesting mechanic, but maybe more apt for alchemy than crafting, because well, with crafting you have a clear goal and a clear requirement list. I would be weirded out if I was trying to craft a sword only to find I could only craft a verdant emerald. I do like the mechanic though, has potential.
  23. I like the idea that anyone significantly powerful enough can ascend to godhood, and each god is different in nature and power and scale.
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