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Darth Tratious

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Everything posted by Darth Tratious

  1. i actually meant how do you like max out your strength and all that stuff i already have action replay sorry for confusion
  2. if you have action replay you can play this level i have i'm not sure if it is the official real version of what was supossed to happen but it has like game maker notes about what should happen when and where, its actually pretty cool yes if i do have the right one it is in telos military basement
  3. why don't you just go to the starwars.com and see the trailer
  4. does anyone here know how to create Action Replay Saves if so tell what is used to create them
  5. just go where Kreia told you to feel the real Nar Shadaa
  6. STR is strength right if it is my charecter was about 21
  7. what i meant was how did Revan turn Malak to the dark side through by using Malachor or Sith teachings
  8. i might be a little slow to point this out but there is a kotor book its in the TOTJ series formerly named "The Collection" Knights Of The Old Republic
  9. did Revan And Malak both go to Malchor or was is just revan and turned malak to hate the jedi i'm just wondering
  10. i was wondering how do people create Action Replay Saves is like creating mods
  11. yeah vaklu says you can have them
  12. sith marauder/jedi weapons master ignore pain and force crush
  13. yes so he/she has a chance to take over again oh yeah plus his outfit was badass
  14. about 9hrs i think went from Telos straight to Nar Shadaa
  15. what game kotor one which you descibed or the 2nd one
  16. Visas for my vote
  17. yes even though it was buggy hell yeah it was still fun and i still got to kill jedi
  18. i got the same thing when i loaded that file all my carecters(sp?) did the same exact thing i was wondering what the hell was going on with this thing also gained all influence wit everybody except hk-47 and madalore i was wondering if anyone here knows how to create Action Replay Saves i was wondering because i want to make a badass one.
  19. i like attons it was pretty intersting
  20. it took me about my first time 26 hours if you need to play for 50-60 hours damn
  21. i don't know if anyone saw this either but if you saw GO-TO's droid that comes on your ship watch episode 4 and you notice the mind probe droid that vader brings in after he gets leia that looks really close to GO-TO's droid just another thing OE copied
  22. its pretty cool actually this here tell su how to get it Unlock Cheat Node The Cheat Node is a menu that can be accessed in the backrooms of the Jekk'Jekk Tar tunnels. Much like the galaxy droid from the original game, there are interesting features in this hidden menu. Some of them skip you ahead in the area, such as 'Skip to final final sequence', while others seemingly do nothing, such as 'Delete Mira'. To access the Cheat Node, you need to climb out of the pit after defeating your opponent (Mira or Hanharr). Go through the door that leads out of the pit, after defeating the Ubese, then take the left most door. There is another door straight ahead of this where the Node is. Upon entering this room, defeating the 3 Ubese, and immediately after you defeat the last Ubese, you need to move your character to the wall directly opposite of the door and keep moving towards it. If done correctly, your targeting reticule will go blue and select the wall for a split second. Hit A immediately. You are now in conversation mode with a Ubese who is beh ind the wall in the room with the Exit. You are now able to access the Cheat Node.
  23. i wouldn't blame Obsidian i would blame La
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