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Darth Tratious

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Everything posted by Darth Tratious

  1. i got to 32 thanks to korriban and i got some wierd level on my computer with kse i got like level 100 and my health was like 27980 or something like that and my force was like 22670 some really high numbers and i actually got to play like that for a while
  2. actually i like Atton Still Sion The Part On The Harbinger And Now you run in search of the jedi they are all dead save one and they cannot stop the Darkness That is to come(The Way He Says it sounds cool) and i still like visas voice actress
  3. how do you view the dialog.tlk
  4. i got to sacrifice Visas; i found the Dustil onasi one using kotor tool i found this also 1) Can you let me know when Lord Sion arrives? [set 101PER_Sion_Arrives flag] 2)Idiot. I already know we have to go outside the ship. this line your talking to 3cfd and it says something about Xbox Live Also {Xbox Live - 3C-FD likes you}Twee! Dree dee-deet dee? This blaster belonged to Bendak Starkiller, a duelist legendary on Taris. It is a highly adaptable weapon, and is definitely of better quality than any standard issue pistol.Special: Upgradeable, Ranged has anybody got Bendaks Blaster
  5. yeah Force Armour Is Broken it doesn't add a bonus something is wrong with it
  6. oh yeah i forgot i also want to see really evil stuff if they make a 3rd game like you kill everybody in a city or go nihilus on them and kill the whole planet
  7. with cheating i got mine to 117 +45
  8. i want to go to coruscant in a sw game like kotor that would be awesome i also want to see a True Sith if there are any around and i want to go to new world mostly Sith Worlds and also where you either ally yourself with the Sith and join there forces or join the jedi an example of what i mean lets take Exar Kun you join him or the jedi Master Yoda you join them
  9. warp whatever the module name is like Eduardo wrote it you just have to enable cheats
  10. i was going through the dialauge and found that dustil onasi was supposed to be in the game he became a jedi and was in the secret Sith Tomb
  11. i think in tsl Nihilus overall Anakin Skywalker
  12. oh i could never get it before thanks
  14. i got to 29 on my xbox.
  15. sion hes bad*** kelly hu sounds pretty cool and shes hot nihilus whatever he says sounds cool when hes saying it
  16. Would all you get off my ******* ship and old women go get a face lift you old bag.
  17. yeah the influence system is very cool and better than what bioware did imo
  18. just get enough influence with em and they say they wanna learn to use the force
  19. there actaully is a poll on lucasarts about this Lucasarts ©
  20. that droid planet is cool i played it on action replay and the hk 50 base which was really cool
  21. yeah this is most likely a bug after the quarren(not his name But his species) gets killed you get shocked and goto takes you on his ship
  22. i get this when i cheat thats the only time it happens to me are you cheating? and i already beat the game
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