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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. "(Evil) I don't like you. Die! [Attack]" Specific to the bits I've played and the more that I've sought out, most evil has a reason to oppose the Worldwound, including Demons themselves. While the Crusade is being run by Lawful Good types, after you join it you bend it to your path. But...
  2. Diamond is Unbreakable 1-2: JoJo4 vs Angelo For being an attempt at a more light hearted JoJo, it sure starts off with an edgy creep for a villain. Josuke's Mom is different than Holly. Aqua Necklace is a pretty terrifying stand when you think about it. But it gets defeated with a plastic glove. Which is probably the most JoJo thing. Until Josuke punches Angelo so hard he turns into a rock.
  3. No you don't. But I think one of the big issues with "diversity initiatives" (I hate even writing that lmao) is that it doesn't seem to penetrate much behind the camera. So even with stuff that has a diverse cast you still end up with the straight white cis-males from wealthier backgrounds writing, directing, editing, and producing for the most part. I think this really shows in the product, and I am convinced like over half of these guys have no idea how the identities they're trying to write actually act when they're not dealing with someone who could make or break their careers. So it ends up falling kind of flat, but they still get brownie points because the inclusion of a marginalized character really does piss off the worst people on the internet. Hell, I want to spite those people while at the same time thinking the movie or show they're mad about sucks.
  4. I don't think DIO's taste is that bad. If this was a real show I'd agree, Sailor Moon does indeed do representation of gender and sexuality surprisingly well for a 90's kids show. I'm not sure if it's to SM's credit or modern shows' failings that a pg 90's cartoon does so much better than most modern shows, probably both. Really the problems with this made up show all stem from bad writing. It just isn't engaging enough to make people care about characters enough to overlook the bad parts like they could with the real Treks.
  5. Komi Can't Communicate 8 Okie dokie, Stalker Girl is worse than Daru ever was. At this point half of the side characters just need to get retired. Komi, Tadano, and Najimi are OK though.
  6. That's a lot of effort analyzing a show that doesn't exist in this world line.
  7. It kind of happens fast, with it just being maybe a minute of dialogue in total. I mostly remember it because the stone mask killed both of Joesph's grandfathers. That photoshop doesn't mean anything.
  8. You forgot about SPACE RIPPER STINGY EYES?????? But yeah, I can see how the Pillar Men would erase ol Straizo. There have been no Star Trek shows since Voyager.
  9. I'm still not convinced that I'm a cop or that any of this is real. Also I may have drawn the ire of the Frittte death squad.
  10. Disco Elysium. I ran across a guy obsessed with his head shape, a cool guy telling scabs to **** off, and a scab who was obviously a plant. Then I pawned some wheels, got some ammonia, and talked to a corpse. While I'm not finished with it yet, it feels like Planescape Torment done right. No horrible combat that gets in the way of actually playing the game and a deep integration the actual gameplay into the dialogue is *chef's kiss*.
  11. “This is after just one year ago, we were hailed as heroes, as we worked through the pandemic, seven days a week, 16 hours a day. Now apparently, we are no longer heroes,” said Bidelman. “We don’t have weekends, really. We just work seven days a week, sometimes 100 to 130 days in a row. For 28 days, the machines run, then rest three days for cleaning. They don’t even treat us as well as they do their machinery.” **** Kellogg.
  12. I don't know. Maybe it's that your taste interacts in such a way that makes JoJo's hilarious antics don't work for you. Or more likely, you're actually a machine from the future trying to warn the world of an apocalyptic event but got your circuits scrambled and are trying to communicate through 90's anime on an obscure video game forum.
  13. Stardust Crusaders 45-48 DIO's World So that's it for part 3 and goodbye to the best named attack in anime.
  14. Mejier's come to Jesus moment is better than his peers apologetics for the failed coup, but based on the article it seems like he was willing to swallow any of his discomfort with Trump before the election fallout. Look, it's nice that Mejier didn't jump off that bridge and is showing alarm at the state of his political party, but it does feel more than a little late. Better late than never, but the attempted Muslim ban on 1/27/2017 should have been it for anyone with even a pretense of giving a **** about freedom or opposed to government overreach and yet too many folks were and are willing to swallow or downplay that for political expediency. I can't help but be suspicious of folks who stayed on the train after that stop.
  15. Stardust Crusaders 40-44 (Terence D) D'Arby the Player and Vanilla Ice's Cream. I guess Kenny G and Nukesaku too. D'Arby makes the mistake of being too confident and gets Ora'd as a result. I didn't think about it much before, but having a stand probably gives you a big edge at playing video games. Vanilla Ice was something else, and his episodes hit much differently than D'Arby. Abayo, Iggy.
  16. I think it's funny that one of the options is "that's unnatural" when at that point your character can do the impossible at a whim and traveling with a cat-spider girl who reptilian goat boy. All things considered, changing your sexual characteristics with a magic item is more natural than turning into a glowing beacon of buffs to hit 80+ AC and immunity to everything or becoming a Lich. Anyways I'm trying to decide between gods for my Lich and Demon runs. Urgathoa is the obvious choice for Lich, but I think Zon-Kuthon is an interesting pick. For Demon Lamashtu or Rovagug seem like the obvious choices, but I think Gorum would be fitting. Does anyone have experience with interactions with those gods in WotR?
  17. Stardust Crusaders 38-39 Pet Shop Shut up! Don't ask me! I'm a dog! Well that was something else.
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