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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. It shouldn't be. A study could be taken of female gamers to determine how many feel a female PC or avatar is a determining factor in them playing the game. At the least, it would give devs a feel on how to make a game more appealing to women, rather than relying on anecdotal evidence.
  2. My fellow misogolords, we have a manlection coming up to decide the next prime manister of our glourious manocracy. I'm imploring all of you to vote for Ron Swanson to this high position, and do not consider casting your manvotes behind anyone else.
  3. Or you know, societal structures expect women to conform to certain standards of beauty and have socialized them into wanting to conform to those standards of beauty.I know this thread is basically a circle-jerk, but come on, this is pretty basic stuff. It is even broader than with one sex. Humans are social animals after all, so arguing for the abolishment of such with "you are beautiful just as you are"-arguments is just BS. Better learn what cards you have at the game of life and use them to the fullest for your own self-improvement instead. But these authoritarians hate that, because it creates individuals capable to their own critical thinking, and we can't have that, can we? Eh, I find telling someone they have the standards they do "because society" is pretty insulting to the intelligence of the individual. It's the left-wing analogue of the conspiracy theories about lizard jew illuminati that every else is too stupid to believe in. Why the hell does it matter that a female made that shirt for him? He's just some guy trying to go about his life having fun and a bunch of random jerks attack him because they disapprove of his fashion sense, he fact that a chick made the shirt is completely irrelevant to the content of the shirt, if a jew had made nazi uniforms wearing them wouldn't be any less offensive to jews. I do believe in the right to be offended by anything, with that said though I also believe in the right to be offended by people being offended, it's time for people to come together and stop SJW culture from attempting to dominate all other cultures, well, that times long overdue, but better late than never. Someone should start a #randomspacedudeshouldbeabletowearwhatevershirthewantstoscrewyousjws hashtag. I highly doubt that you really believe disapproving of the clothes someone wears is wrong though, I highly doubt most of you would be comfortable around KKK and nazi uniforms. It isn't important of itself, but it is ironic that the defenders of women's rights are so willing to **** on a woman's art.
  4. I found the attack on him to be 1000X more shameful than the admittedly (in my opinion) tacky shirt he wore. I think the shirt is a bit tacky as well, mostly due to the strange color choices. That said, attacking someone over what clothes they wear is petty as hell. What really makes it is that the shirt was made by a female friend of is, but I suppose internalized misogyny is to blame.
  5. I think TN and kirottu touched on this yesterday but here is an update: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/space/11231320/Rosetta-mission-scientist-Dr-Matt-Taylor-cries-during-apology-over-offensive-shirt.html I'm absolutely disgusted that a man wearing a shirt made for him by a female friend is attacked with such ferocity by these people. Yes, wishing to be the best you possible is shameful.
  6. In my personal experience, most women I know well prefer to try and look attractive. Most don't walk around in skimpy clothing(unfortunately) but they do spend some effort keeping in shape, taking care of hygine, and dressing themselves. I suppose some would say this is because of internalized misogyny, which is code for "acting in a way I find inappropriate", but I doubt that is the case. We should be celebrating the human body, not pretending it is something vile that needs to be covered up.
  7. Which is why Monte speaks of it highly.
  8. Yeah, they're after net neutrality again. Bunch of scumbags.
  9. Then deliver only a third of them 2 years later. TN posted this earlier and what makes it funny is that the shirt was made for him by a female friend. Way to **** on a woman's work, how "progressive" of them. As to the tearing down of men instead of highlighting the accomplishments of women, I honestly can't answer that. I too find it mind-boggling that rather than celebrate the accomplishments of women, these "progressives" would rather sling poop over minor things while ignoring the effort and success of women currently doing things. You would think the best way to having a more diverse (insert whatever industry or subculture here) would be to show women and minorities who have done well in (insert whatever industry or subculture here) instead of making (insert whatever industry or subculture here) seem like a dark place inhabited by people who are hostile towards women and minorities.
  10. http://basedgamer.com/# Rotten Tomatoes thing for vidya. Thoughts?
  11. You flash muggers?
  12. I came for PoE, I stayed to post pictures of women and troll the off-topic.
  13. Quiet you! If the SJWs know about our Misogny Fission reactor, they can strike at us with their tumble bombs.
  14. Jesus this thread moves fast. 600+ posts in 10 days seems lightspeed compared to the usual pace around here.
  15. "Best game ever. The romances were so well done I even kissed my monitor ?" -BruceVC "Too much romance and not enough fighting in tunnels" - Monte Carlo "Better than Twitcher3" - Hoon Ding ... "kissed my mother's brother" would be more appropriate, it is Bioware after all Naw, the most accurate would be "kissed anything that couldn't get out of the way fast enough". Biowarians aren't very picky.
  16. It says they are making a game striving for historical accuracy and taking place in a time period when gender roles were very strongly defined and extremely difficult to defy. It's not the same as in a fantasy game where the world and the gender roles (or lack there of) can be anything you want them to be. Early 15th century Europe was a very real place with a very real and very strict social system divided by gender and blood. If you're striving for historical accuracy in a game like that it's not a trivial matter to allow the player to choose gender. It's not as simple as making a female character model and changing a few lines of dialogue here and there to reflect the player's gender roles. Almost everything would have to be written multiple times to reflect gender differences. Entire quest lines would have to be completely different or unavailable to one character or the other. It would be almost like creating a whole second game just to add the gender choice. While this may sound good to the consumer, it does to me, and I would welcome a game with such complexity and it would certainly add replay value, this would be a mammoth undertaking for the developer, even a publisher funded developer working with a budget in the hundreds of millions. For a small upstart studio working off a budget a fraction of that, it would be sheer folly. This is why so many of us gamers hate social justice warriors, this is why so many of us hate people just like you, Bruce. It's because developers are not free to express their art as they see fit, they are not free to act on their vision, not without harassment from zealots trying to cram a social engineering agenda into everything. Not every game has to be all inclusive. Not every game has to represent genders equally (guess what Bruce, the genders are different, this is a biological fact, men and women are not the same). Not every game has to include someone with every shade of skin color under the sun and make sure they're all shown in an equally positive light. Sometimes developers want to tackle specific subjects from a specific point of view. Sometimes these subjects may be difficult for some people to swallow. Developers should be free to create their games according to their vision, free from the oppressive noose of totalitarian control freaks tightening around their necks and sapping their creativity. It's called freedom of expression. This is one of the things we are fighting for.
  17. Pretty much what Volo said. The controversy behind Deliverance seems to be largely non-issue, and the same problem could be applied to the Torment game where the original plan was to have the PC be female by default.
  18. I'm pretty sure most larger developers and publishers are going to stay out of it. Not worth the possible fallout, and we consumers can fight our own battles anyways.
  19. Actually, a quick google search on that reveals that him telling white people to kill themselves never happened, and was a fabrication by a satirical website. http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/11/26/rumor-check-did-a-professor-instruct-white-male-students-to-commit-suicide-for-the-benefit-of-society/ Which is why I edited it to state it is "satire". I'll admit I wasn't clear, but I really wanted to use that gif.
  20. I got your meaning, but everyone I know that has expressed an opinion on his music has disliked it.
  21. McIntosh's professor speaks. http://youtu.be/0mSASrzCuBw He also advised white males to kill themselves. https://diversitychronicle.wordpress.com/2013/11/18/progressive-professor-urges-white-male-students-to-commit-suicide-during-class/ Satire of him.
  22. You're the first person I've seen admit to liking Nugent's music. I don't care for his politics, but I found his music kinda boring before knowing what his beliefs were. *shrug*
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