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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. This guy experienced the terrors of leftism first hand and lived to tell the tale: https://www.reddit.com/r/Anarcho_Capitalism/comments/3ucp8y/i_was_beat_up_by_left_anarchists_in_greece/ I bet he knows how to fix Europe.
  2. Congratulations Shady. May your marriage forever be filled with joy.
  3. Will? It's been that way for quite a while mate.
  4. Well the first use of the term was used to describe anarchists. The current usage describes classical liberalism, which makes sense because the overton window in the west has narrowed to various forms of liberalism.
  5. Isn't KP supporting Bernie Sanders. Wasn't that guy against such measures? Also when did WoD say he was in favor of an all-seeing all-powerful government? KP is supporting the Commie Tsunami because he wants to destroy the freedom to be watched by the all powerful government and shifts the overton window.
  6. Fine, but you'll never be able to match my online beauty... Probably not but I won't find one I like better either. Besides, it's got my screen name in it.
  7. Might as well say all humans are Africans. Not all, but some...far eastern peoples are not from Africa... I think you missed the joke, all humans have genetics roots that trace back to Africa (something you could have found out with a few seconds of research): "Homo erectus were the first of the hominina to leave Africa, and this species spread through Africa, Asia, and Europe between 1.3 to 1.8 million years ago. One population of H. erectus, also sometimes classified as a separate species Homo ergaster, stayed in Africa and evolved into Homo sapiens." "This would suggest several different species of humans co-existing in Africa around two million years ago with only one of them surviving and eventually evolving into our species, Homo sapiens. It is as if nature was experimenting with different versions of the same evolutionary configuration until one succeeded." Those are hardly the best sources but good enough to prove my point. Like i said, not all, but some...some human come from Atlantis....especially SEA peoples. My people was Atlanteans. And the Jews are your reptilian enemies from Planet X right?
  8. What the heck did I just read!? This is madness! I have so many questions! A) Why is he named patriotpony1986? If patriotpony was already taken then why not just choose a different friggin' name? B) Ayn Rand is not a conservative. So why is a "proud conservative" trying to enmesh her philosophy with things. C) My little pony contains huge amounts of mysticism and mystic thinking which Ayn Rand despises thus making the values of objectivism and MLP incompatible. Why would some one so obsessed with Ayn Rand that he tries to enmesh her philosophy into stuff not be aware of this? D) He says that if we meet that HE IS THE MAN in the relationship. What does that even mean? E) How does he talk about the liberal agenda as something that is eroding freedom in Equestria if he wants to enmesh Equestria with Ayn Rand's values? Does he not realize that Ayn Rand is a liberal? It's a 26 year old obsessed with a children's show, it shouldn't make sense. ... We all realize that's from a dating website right? That makes it funnier.
  9. Liberals and feminists support these empowering new job opportunities. Clearly this shows how well austerity and the free-market can both empower women and stimulate the sandwich industry. Take that Emma Goldman.
  10. What the heck did I just read!? This is madness! I have so many questions! A) Why is he named patriotpony1986? If patriotpony was already taken then why not just choose a different friggin' name? B) Ayn Rand is not a conservative. So why is a "proud conservative" trying to enmesh her philosophy with things. C) My little pony contains huge amounts of mysticism and mystic thinking which Ayn Rand despises thus making the values of objectivism and MLP incompatible. Why would some one so obsessed with Ayn Rand that he tries to enmesh her philosophy into stuff not be aware of this? D) He says that if we meet that HE IS THE MAN in the relationship. What does that even mean? E) How does he talk about the liberal agenda as something that is eroding freedom in Equestria if he wants to enmesh Equestria with Ayn Rand's values? Does he not realize that Ayn Rand is a liberal? It's a 26 year old obsessed with a children's show, it shouldn't make sense.
  11. Europeans just need to be more like PatriotPony1986.
  12. I've got something: NOTHING. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/young-greek-women-selling-sex-for-the-price-of-a-sandwich-new-study-shows/2015/11/27/c469695e-94d9-11e5-b5e4-279b4501e8a6_story.html This is the future of the West. Wage stagnation, decline of economic opportunities, and desperation among the lower classes. States will openly become corporate puppets that serve to ensure conditions are favorable to the megacorps. Wageslaves will work for these giants only to pay them for the "privilege" of food and shelter. Speech will be restricted with mountains of red tape to ensure you didn't step on someone's trademark or intellectual property in an unfavorable way. Every culture will be absorbed into a soulless consumerist blob. If you live long enough, you can tell your grandkids how life was like before the morning was drinking a soykaf and hoping you weren't shot on the way to work.
  13. Better start working on your decker build because that's what the future holds chummer.
  14. "Social conditions" is a strange way of saying extreme poverty.
  15. I don't get hangovers because I down water before going to sleep.
  16. Yes, I believe it's the only consistent position she's held.
  17. Bernie Williams? Is this a clone of Robin Williams and Bernie Sanders?
  18. Being consistently against the three policies mentioned is enough for me to be willing to vote for him. Alas, Clinton will grab the nomination and her position shifts on a daily basis.
  19. He stopped telling the truth since he started running for office, which is to be expected as you've observed. He's never changed his own label or said he changed his philosophy in any way so far as I know. I tend to take him at his word, being a radical from young age, having studied Marx and idolized Eugene V Debs he would know what socialism actually is, so if he says he's a socialist, he is a socialist. As far as Social Democrat, from what I read there are two types, ones who believe in regulated and redistributive capitalism and ones who see that stage as a way point to true socialism. I can believe Sanders is the second type, but not the first. So here's a question for you. Assuming that Sanders makes it into office, do you actually think he can turn the entire economy of the United States to a socialist one in the 4/8 years he gets? Considering he will be facing a solid Republican House and maybe Senate I'd say nope. As long as the government is divided freedom and liberty are relatively safe. It's when one party control everything that we need to sweat. That's rather idealistic, considering that bipartisan laws that tend to pass are stuff like the Patriot/Freedom Act, CISA, and TPP.
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=subNDl0FFl0 is the audio (ignore the video, it's stock) released by the Turkish air force. Means pretty much literally nothing though, it's in english which russian pilots are not required to learn and does not identify which craft it's directed at in any way. There are examples of other warning that have been given in similar circumstances, eg when the Vincennes shot down IranAir655 it identified airspeed, aircraft type and tried various frequencies. OK, so they misidentified speed, aircraft type, and used frequencies that an airbus mostly couldn't monitor, but at least they tried. The Turkish warning which was delivered over a similar time span apparently did none of these things by Turkey's own admission, and there appears to have been no attempt to directly contact or identify the Su24 in any way. It certainly doesn't detract from the distinct impression that it was a deliberated act where a shoot down with pretext was the desired outcome rather than a last resort. You got to be kidding me. Nope. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grey_Wolves_(organization)
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