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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Well I'm 24 now. Time to celebrate with lots of drinking, bad music, and doing unpostable things. Then back to work and worrying about making my car payment and having enough for a couple of classes.
  2. I agree on the point that austerity is a bad solution to Greece debt but OTOH they mishandled their loans more than once so that now they ****ed themselves up. A short term solution would be to engage in Communism where the state provides the populace while paying off the debt, but that would never work because it would impossible to get that many people to share the same goal. Nope, Greece has ****ed itself up and like other European countries I wish them luck in their descent into far right politics and I'll see them in WWIII. The best short-term solution would have been a fiscal policy aimed at economic growth and using the later surplus(es) to pay off the debt when the Greek economy could handle austerity. In it's current form all austerity does is depress the Greek economy and actually prevents them from paying off their debt in a sustainable manner. It's funny how the EU is creating the conditions for another fascist regime(s) despite being created to prevent that. "would have" You're talking past tense; yes it would have been better for Greece to use their loans to promote economic growth but they didn't. Right now they have no major industry that will get them out of debt and they are steadily becoming a third world country (if they're not one already). The EU with their libertarian views plus the influx of middle eastern immigrants are pushing Europe into the far right, when instead it should be focusing on creating jobs. Such as using Greek labor force to produce as an alternative to paying off debts with hard currency. But it seems that the only thing that the are trying to solve multilaterally is how to get more Muslims into Europe. I'm going by what Varoufakis said he recommended during negotiations. But I have to agree with you, Greece is in a situation it can't get out of and given the popularity of the Golden Dawn will probably become a fascist state. I guess WWIII is going to come from Europe after all.
  3. Sorry KP but I had already started on the GG article ...please can we have our debate later? Bruce if you're too scared to face the fact austerity has been a massive failure just admit it, but dragging a thread into a debate on an internet squabble between various identity politics addicted liberals who whiteknight for the innocent publishers is a cowardly escape.
  4. Bruce I know you don't like to address arguments, but if you want to change the subject to avoid it there's probably a better thread for it.
  5. I agree on the point that austerity is a bad solution to Greece debt but OTOH they mishandled their loans more than once so that now they ****ed themselves up. A short term solution would be to engage in Communism where the state provides the populace while paying off the debt, but that would never work because it would impossible to get that many people to share the same goal. Nope, Greece has ****ed itself up and like other European countries I wish them luck in their descent into far right politics and I'll see them in WWIII. The best short-term solution would have been a fiscal policy aimed at economic growth and using the later surplus(es) to pay off the debt when the Greek economy could handle austerity. In it's current form all austerity does is depress the Greek economy and actually prevents them from paying off their debt in a sustainable manner. It's funny how the EU is creating the conditions for another fascist regime(s) despite being created to prevent that.
  6. Reality is, that they dug their own grave themselves. now they just have to pay off the debt. Take it as a form of punishment for being "edgy" enough to avoid paying taxes and milking public money. I still remember the funny view when like almost every house had a metal pipe sticking out to prove a point that it is still under construction or some such and they did not pay the full property tax (that was Crete 14 years ago). After all thieves who get caught get to prison and ruin their lives, same goes for Greeks who thought they are too smart for anyone to find out about their lies. And they are now in a situation where they can't pay off the debt. As it is they are in a situation where they will be continually bailed out by the EU while their state owned utilities are bought up by private owners. If you've got an argument on how Greece is going to pay off their debt in a depressed economy, make it instead of repeating the same thing. The social engineering is coming from your neoliberals and their obsession with austerity and worship of the market. It should come as no surprise that the recent austerity and privatization in Greece has resulted in Greek women whoring themselves out to eat and German businesses buying up recently privatized utilities. Because austerity in a depressed economy does that. So have fun you guys in the PIGS, if you're lucky enough to land a low-wage job just think of how your hard work is benefiting some kraut. But I'm sure Merkel is a closet commie and all these private enterprises are just fronts for the coming socialist vanguard. KP I don't mean to criticize you but this view you have of Greece being bullied and somehow being the victim in the whole EU austerity measures concerns me immensely because I don't understand why you can believe that, I know you and I have argued about this in the past and I was hoping someone else would engage with you because I cant seem to convince you why the EU Troika was and is correct to enforce austerity But I would like to debate this again with you if you want to? And the irony is I do want you to have a positive view of the EU which is why I want you to get the right information so I'm not doing this to prove I know more than you Bruce the last time we had this argument you just said austerity is good and we should ignore unemployment or wage stagnation. When pressed you couldn't back this up and repeated yourself without providing any sort of proof or an argument. If you can make a coherent argument I'll be convinced, but judging from your track record on this forum you'll fail to convince me and convince others I'm right.
  7. I'm talking about reality, not hypotheticals. And reality is that through austerity Greece is now in a situation where it can't pay off its debt. The future for Greece is one of declining standard of living in the short term and the migration of Greeks to low wage jobs throughout Europe and the rise of an extremist government.
  8. The social engineering is coming from your neoliberals and their obsession with austerity and worship of the market. It should come as no surprise that the recent austerity and privatization in Greece has resulted in Greek women whoring themselves out to eat and German businesses buying up recently privatized utilities. Because austerity in a depressed economy does that. So have fun you guys in the PIGS, if you're lucky enough to land a low-wage job just think of how your hard work is benefiting some kraut. But I'm sure Merkel is a closet commie and all these private enterprises are just fronts for the coming socialist vanguard.
  9. A serial killer game where you have to outwit investigators to avoid being caught. A super smash brothers like game but featuring gods and other fictional myths instead of nintendo characters. A rtwp rpg with an isometric view featuring infiltration and squadbased combat in a modern day or near future universe. A RPG with a well designed classless system, no filler content, good turnbased combat, interesting and reactive narrative, easy modding, and multiplayer functionality. Preferably with a weird fantasy or science fantasy setting. An apocalypse game that takes place during an apocalyptic event and sees your character or party or whatever trying to survive. Think Fallout during the great war.
  10. Ideology doesn't require spirituality.define spirituality please because it seems you have very limited view on that term the quality or state of being concerned with religion or religious matters : the quality or state of being spiritual just change wording from relgion to ideology and that sentence have completely same sense https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spirituality Spirituality may refer to almost any kind of meaningful activity,[1][note 1]personal growth, or blissful experience.[3] Traditionally, spirituality refers to a process of re-formation of the personality[4] but there is no precise definition of spirituality My point was that religion uses a spiritual basis while ideology uses a logical basis, in that ideology is typically formed around a logical conclusion while religion is based around mystical events.
  11. Atheism is more ideology, the ideology that spirituality is ultimately meaningless. Otherwise ideology and religion are pretty much the same in that they encourage people to support unreasonable stuff and blind to the obvious.
  12. Ideology doesn't require spirituality.define spirituality please because it seems you have very limited view on that term the quality or state of being concerned with religion or religious matters : the quality or state of being spiritual
  13. My point was that we are compelled to participate in the economy by necessity. To survive, the wistful communist must seek employment from a firm in order to survive because the wistful communist needs the compensation he receives in order to buy basic necessities. I suppose one could argue that a co-op structure would be a method to avoid this predicament, but other than a few grocery markets in urban cities I am struggling to think of any and as such opting out of the capitalist economy is practically impossible. As to variety of choices, I think we're arguing more for a method of distribution than a method of production. I don't believe that the idea of a market is necessarily capitalist, or even incompatible with socialism if using the definition of non-private control over production. The use of the central planning and command economy by certain states was more due to ideology, in this case being that the state can take the place of capitalism from Marxist theory in order to rapidly industrialize effectively feudal economies, than practicality. Happens to me all the time. Admittedly I'm not an expert on PRC law, but I thought that Property Law of the People's Republic of China established private ownership of property and as such property rights rather than property leasing. To turn a phrase, I think that China is operating under "Capitalism with Chinese characteristics". In practice this is an authoritarian state that lets firms operate as they please as long as they "play ball" as it were.
  14. I had this whole elaborate BS I was gonna go through to get a proper response to this, but it seems it was going to be even more tedious than I initially imagined. Okay, the ending of an the episode, "The midnight sun" of the Twilight Zone has an old lady looking out a window saying, "Oh yes... Wonderful..." With a look of fear and dread on her face (if you don't know the context I'm not explaining it for you). I was going to download that episode from Youtube and cut out that specific part and use it as a response. However, I guess it isn't on Youtube even though old shows are usually on Youtube, so screw it. So just imagine an old lady looking out a window with a look of despair and dread saying, "Oh yes... Wonderful..." That should do it.
  15. Freedom wins over white privilege again. What are property rights if not the legal enforcement of ownership of production? And how does China not enforce this?
  16. How does an economic system based upon private ownership of property(means of production) require personal freedom? China is operating under an economic system with private property and less state interference than the US, would you say they are doing well with personal freedom and individual liberty? You're essentially making the same argument that if you don't like the government, just don't participate in it. Personally I'd be more than happy to not deal with taxes or jury duty, but it shouldn't have to be explained we are under threat of force to do those things. To address your argument directly, what you are describing is some sort of ethical consumerism, not non participation. Non-participation would require not dealing with property(means of production) that were privately owned. With material conditions being what they are, the only ways to accomplish that are either through pulling a Crusoe(which realistically is not an option for many and has a low saturation point of people who can do it) or starvation. While you may view the choice of starvation or servitude as being freedom of the highest order, to others it is an implicit threat no different than the Soviet Union giving them the choice between compliance or death. You're conflating socialism with the welfare state. And we have that situation in the US with taxes already, if you don't think that's at gunpoint(ie threat of force) try not paying them. Every state is built around keeping citizens in line and protecting the interests of the ruling classes, some are just better at creating the illusion of freedom than others. I agree, but how can one live the life that suits them best if they are bound to a state which tells them to get inline or else? Or bound to an economic system that demands either servitude or starvation?
  17. 1. A new faction for NV 2. A quest mod involving a pack cow 3. An ambitious mod to bring Ascension to the BGEEs
  18. Thank god bonus XP is over. On lower level toons I would end up hilariously overleveled for whatever planet I was on and the only challenging bits were pvp. Granted I'd usually end up with a meh team in warzones, but at least it wasn't as boring as rolling over mobs and bosses with no trouble.
  19. Given Bruce's desire for a large coalition of neoliberal republics(so long as they vote right, if not a new leadership is put on charge) and Qisinta's dogmatic Islamic beliefs, their children will install a series of Islamic Capitalist Republics in Europe and band them together as Islamic Capitalist European Democratic-Territories or ICED-T. Through ICED-T hey will slowly spread throughout the world creating a Caliphate known as Confederate of the Original Brotherhood Republics of Allah or COBRA.
  20. I'm going to be very drunk tonight so if my posts seem weirder than normal that's the reason why.
  21. 1, as in unfortunately sober. I look forward to seeing many converts to the most capitalist religion besides scientology to celebrate Bruce and Qisintas wedding.
  22. Bump for awesomeness. Christianity has no basis in ties to any economic system. Islam however is explicitly incompatible with socialism due to the requirements of respecting property and as such is suited to capitalism or feudalism. Prove me wrong my property.
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