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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. It's a big **** you to the working class and a massive empowerment of the ruling class.
  2. Interesting, but I wonder if this will be a lone event. After all Cruz and Kasich did support it and I believe a good number of elected Republicans do as well. With how politics work in the US I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they'd support the same trade deal but call it something else. I'd wager if Sanders' coup of the bottom of the Democratic Party is successful there will be a lot more representatives opposed to it and other trade deals.
  3. Somehow I doubt the veracity of this claim. I dont only doubt I reject it with complete contempt , the suggestion that the FBI is either ineffective or indifferent is just right wing hubris ....no substance to it Its happened in Europe, why can't it happen in the US? In Europe? What do you mean...what organisation is like the FBI in Europe He's saying there are law enforcement agencies in Europe that ignored something because muh religion of peace. Granted in this case it seems this guy bought ammunition fairly regularly(IIRC) and buying more wouldn't have set of any more red flags than normal. If you want the FBI to investigate every instance of persons of interest buying ammo, that would require a huge amount of man power and I don't want a visit from the party van every time I buy guns or ammunition.
  4. So he's a practitioner of cultural imperialism as well? What a white male.
  5. So he's half racist and the other half has internalized white supremacy.
  6. TPP and interventionism. I honestly don't. But if he either lives up to his rhetoric or not, I would rather have him as a figure head then Clinton in case of an economic downturn because if it happens with Hillary all the inroads Bernie has made will likely go up in a puff of smoke.
  7. His fetishes are gonna be leaked. If we're betting, I'll take pegging. EDIT Workers laid off to make way for immigrants speak out
  8. I still remember a time when it was cool to hack the GOP servers. They were going for nudes of Ivanka. EDIT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MoGeDGHmwJU Bernie supporters hating the Democratic Party is a dream come true.
  9. That articleblog post could be replaced with Aids Skrillex memes and it wouldn't change that much. No, he's just repeating the "Hillary is most experienced, Bernie is too idealistic" maymay.
  10. Now you're sounding like a Trump supporter. Not that it's a bad thing. You know what I have? Big hands. And you know what they say about a guy with big hands. Big gloves?
  11. Trump supporters make memes that are too dank to be beaten.You need supporters from the chans to have good memes, Shillary is gonna pop out reddit-tier ****. I mean come on Get outta here with that weak ass ****.
  12. I am paying more than that by a good deal. But it isn't about the 'rich' not paying their fair share, it's about the fact you cannot grow any wealth below a certain income level, while those at the top are able to grow their wealth extremely fast. The point of the post was the deficit, that little barb about who is paying what was just an aside. But this is about the budget deficit. The money for it ain't gonna fall from the sky(well it is, because the US is most in debt to the US because shell games used to borrow at lower rates) and has to come from somewhere. Big corporations and Wall Street guys can pay very little % in tax while reaping the lion's share the state's benefits and they pass the burden on to the Hurlshots of this country. Why shouldn't someone like me who currently pays a lot less than the average be able to say these rich ****s ain't paying enough when in a decade I'll likely be where Hurlshot is and I'll be impacted by any austerity measures enacted in response to the budget deficits?
  13. That's gonna go over real well with those whose problems were her policies.
  14. I don't know how you guys do it in Texas, but how how difficult can it be with going to a polling station, show ID, get a paper ballot, write down the number of your candidate in a booth, drop it in the box and exit? There were machines. Only six of them, and they were slow because you had a circular thing to scroll with that didn't work very fast. A good number of the candidates were running unopposed so it was a bitch to scroll through. Then there was the staff, they were looking up names in a book and it took then a while for most. It's inefficient as hell and probably would be better served with a drop ballot or something. I was lucky to have free time, if I had to work that day I probably wouldn't have been able to cast by vote. I drove by it after hitting a liquor store and the line had spilled off to block one lane of the street.
  15. The issue with Bernie is that a lot of support comes from independents rather tha democrats. Even with open primaries they would be less likely to vote, and with the utter trainwreck primary voting was it when wouldn't surprise me if quite a few left after 15 minutes. Seriously, it took me over an hour to vote and there were less than 10 people ahead of me. It's horribly mismanaged and needs to be streamlined to not **** over those with jobs.
  16. I go back to BGT because with SCS the combat is fun. I mean there's definitely stuff it could do better, like HLAs(I use refinements because vanilla are too bland) and spell variety(no vanilla Divinitation spells past 7 IIRC) but it's just fun in spite of all that. PoE, despite introducing mechanics I'd agree with in theory, doesn't match BGT in terms of fun. So until someone makes another rpg like BGT that's fun I'll probably keep going back to it.
  17. What are those insane HP numbers? Enemies in BG1 with over 500 HP? ...So what, dragons in that mode probably have literally thousands of HP in BG2? Yeah, it seems to add tedium rather than challenge. And if I wanted tedium I'd just play PoE. Anyways I'm planning on jumping into Underrail when I have time.
  18. Nationwide results/margin of victory 2008 -Obama 18,107,587; 1828 1/2 pledged delegates -Clinton 18,045,829; 1726 1/2 pledged delegates 2016 -Clinton 15,571,643; 2184 pledged delegates -Sanders 11,888,779; 1804 pledged delegates Looks to me that the margins of victory numbers are pretty self-evident. And these don't include superdelegates. Half of a delegate? Are they superpositioned schrödinger's delegates among the democratic party? Who's playing Asuka in this allegory? America.
  19. Whelp guess the primary ride is over. Looking forward to massive disillusionment and a very unpopular president.
  20. Well ****, as expected Shillary got the nomination. Unless we all die or the FBI party van comes knocking the next POTUS will be Thatcher 2.0 or a reality star with ****ed up hair. Because Capitalism has been the global economic system since industrialization and revolutionary movements over the last century have been socialist. I'd say the left-right dichotomy has evolved past it's origin, particularly concerning ideology. It's not very clear outside of philosophy circlejerks and would probably make more sense labeled as pro/anti property, but I don't have the means to change that. I'd say it's irrelevant, because radicalism and traditionalism are contextual. They don't tell us much about what an ideology is about, and in different contexts radicalism becomes the traditionalism of another. A dichotomy based on support or opposition to property is clear in identifying what an ideology is about, and as such more useful outside of context than traditional or radical.
  21. Some guy claiming another DNC error for his registration If even half these claims are true, the ****s in charge of registration are either corrupt or incompetent.
  22. That has to be the most special snowflake version of the left-right dichotomy I've heard. It is?No, that has to be some anon telling me that anything furthering the reptilian agenda against the gods was leftist. The unifying aspect of Leftism is opposition to property. The various ideologies don't agree on how to oppose it or even what exactly constitutes property and socialism, but they do have opposition to property in common. Left = anti-property/right = pro-property. It makes sense because it is a binary quality you can't waffle on. The issue with your interpretation of the left/right dichotomy, aside from what constitutes adherence to tradition, is that anything from insurrectionary anarchism to Keynesian reformism to monarchism would be considered left-wing in liberal republics. It doesn't convey anything about the goals of said ideologies other than they weren't the prevailing ideology of the founding powers of a state, where as the property distinction has a more universal meaning and doesn't require context of current states founding ideologies to label an ideology.
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