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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. If you view minor party voters as disaffected Republicans or Democrats who are still invested in keeping the big other out of office, then viewing votes for Jorgenson or Hawkins as throwing the vote away is consistent. The error is in assuming that minor party voters are disaffected Rs or Ds and not people outside such parties but still devoted to electoral politics. Given how GD declares eternal loyalty to the Libertarian Party bimonthly and how ComradeMaster pines for Jesse Ventura to run as a Green this board should understand that, but videogame enthusiasts probably do better fact checking than professional pundits. I doubt it will be accepted widely enough to make a difference, Republicans will reject it because it cuts into their big advantage and Democrats will struggle to get it in places it will matter, like Florida, Texas, and Ohio.
  2. It shows how much of a clustercuss the election system is when a turnout for a county can decide an election in favor of someone who is on track to lose the popular vote by 4 million. I do believe there is voter fraud in this election, simply by size it would be surprising if there wasn't. However if it tracks with recent cases of fraud it won't even amount to a rounding error, let alone decide the election. More relevant than maybe a few hundred cases of voter fraud (to be extremely generous) is how many mail in ballots were discarded and how it just so happened to occur to Black and Latino voters at a significantly higher frequency. Of course there is a reason folks like "The Reactionary Imperative" and other Trump stans are more concerned about the non-issue.
  3. I'm not convinced about Georgia or Pennsylvania, if they do go Biden it will be by razor thin margins. I guess we'll know by Friday.
  4. There's no data to support it, but I just have a feeling that the remaining 25% in Nevada will skew Trump and edge out Biden's 8k lead. I would love to be wrong, but sometimes you roll a 1 on a d100 and this is 2020. Florida voted for a $15 minimum wage, California voted against protections for gig workers, and one state decriminalized drugs. I have no idea why some folks vote the way they do, Americans are just ****ing neurotic.
  5. Biden is ahead by 2.2% and 3 million votes, which is around the same as last time. In addition to the larger voter turnout, it seems that the parties outside the big 2 lost all momentum they picked up in 2016 and then some. They will probably end up being further marginalized in the next cycles. I still think Trump will end up winning the electoral vote through Nevada, but have nothing to support it besides gut instinct. Hopefully I'm wrong tho. Regardless, it seems Trump has deeper support from Republicans than he did in 2016 and the next candidate will be Trump 2.0 because the strategy works at winning primaries and the Republican base, NeverTrumpers can kiss the party goodbye. Some Democrats are already trying to triangulate to the right in accordance with galaxy brain centrism, so unfortunately CHAOSBIDEN is probably off the table and we'll get ambitious plans that have thousand word qualifiers like forgiveness for student loans if they're gnomes running a vegetable business in less affluent communities for at least three years. Unfortunately they haven't left the world behind tho.
  6. Looking right now Biden has won just over half the percentage of votes and leads by over 2.5 million. Both have at a few million more than they did in 2016 as well.
  7. Increasing voter turnout has been their strategy for years though. It looks like Biden is going to lose Florida and Ohio, both of which are probably the most real swing states. He may pull it out with wins in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin but if he doesn't pick up at least two of those he's probably done. Lady G is a political vampire who will survive as long as there is a US government to be elected to.
  8. While that may be true, I'm expecting a concession by tomorrow morning. Especially if Trump gets Ohio and North Carolina. They didn't learn from 2016 or 2004 tbh.
  9. Right now I'd predict that Biden wins the popular vote but Trump wins the electoral vote.
  10. Enough that Trump winning reelection is a likely occurrence, by which I mean something reasonably within the realm of possibility as opposed to favored statistically. I don't know their methodology, but you also have to factor in voter suppression, throwing out ballots, or legal tomfoolery when considering the outcome as that will overwhelmingly favor Trump.
  11. If BLM gets their way, some folks won't have police protection from their slaves.
  12. Americans love a conman, Trump is a conman, and his supporters feel like they're in on it rather than being rubes. That they're chanting how much they love him shows where they are.
  13. If they're vampires yeah, otherwise no. I don't think the people killed or their loved ones care so much about the method of murder so much as there was a murder.
  14. I will take your word for it, but my googlefu turns up some tasty looking pictures that I would probably enjoy eating.
  15. I am drunk off some bourbon and I am happy.
  16. It's pretty much biscuit dough (the US kind, more of a bread than a sweet treat) that gets cooked in the soup. It's sort of like Matzo Ball soup, but often has some kind of cream or roux or something added to make the broth thicker like a gravy.
  17. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1245065 I guess Trump decided covid-19 wasn't killing off his base fast enough.
  18. Seared tuna is the best way to do it imo, but I've only had success with fresh tuna with frozen tuna tasting just bad. And the lime topo chico is better than grapefruit my dude.
  19. I thought rice in chicken soup was normal? Chicken and dumplings is the best chicken soup tho. I'm off today and the temperature dived so it's a good day to bake something, will probably bake some squash and sweet potatoes.
  20. Where I am there are lines you can spend hours in waiting to vote. I do live in a dense urban area though, and the administration seems to like choking off voting venues.
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