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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Finished season 2 of B: The Beginning. So it's been at least two years since I watched season 1 and I'm a little fuzzy on that, but this doesn't hold up to my memory. It feels like a quarter of a season (it has half the episode of the first season, and is paced where each episode feels like half an episode), has really janky animation, and isn't particularly interesting. Right now I'd tentatively recommend the first season and just drop it after that. Well, I guess it's MAN HUMAN time.
  2. Wisdom that comes from harsh lessons. Imagine sitting in theaters back in 1999 watching the Phantom Menace and thinking "this actually isn't in the bottom half of Star Wars movies". Better to not even contemplate just how bad it could get.
  3. So Disney is going to buy up the IP and release something worse?
  4. I fail to see what is weird or gross about a magical animal making contracts with emotionally unstable teenage girls.
  5. Reservation Dogs. So far it's been amazing. Yuuge recommendation.
  6. If only. Anyways in the last 20 years a bit less than 6500 Americans died in Afghanistan, the bulk of them contractors. There were weeks where the rona took more than that, and it continues to kill hundreds daily as more variations keep popping up. I'm wondering if some of the folks currently wailing at ol Joe are going to make that a priority any time soon, because it seems a lot of them really don't give two tugs on a dead dog's **** about dead bodies piling up.
  7. So B is back and I have no idea what is going on lmao. Kidnapping, blackmail, genetically engineered birdman, and moar conspiracy abound.
  8. Since @majestic mentioning Ekkusu got me wanting to rewatch Devilman, I went through the other anime that I watched on Netflix. I thought I'd mention a few I haven't seen talked about here yet. Cagaster of an Insect Cage: CGI abomination, do not watch. BNA: Absolutely insane, in a pretty good way. Not too much, if any, CGI from what I remember. Main characters are a confused half-animal girl and an edgy Wolfman. DIO is also a snake. Baki: Martial Arts Gym Gods. Pretty ugly and really stupid. Dorohedoro: All CGI and real uncanny valley hours. A shame, because the manga is great. If you can get past the CGI worth it, if not just give up. Hi Score Girl: CGI love story between two socially challenged kids who play Street Fighter 2. B the Beginning: Some weird **** I half remember about conspiracies and genetic engineering. I haven't seen season 2, but season 1 didn't make me want to kill myself. I've already recommended Beastars, Great Pretender, and Carole & Tuesday, but I'll do it again. Devilman Crybaby is an eternal recommendation. Anyways I guess it's season 2 of B. Let's see if I lose my mind.
  9. Is it now? Guess I know what I'm watching next.
  10. What are yall talking about? There's never been any live action anime adaptations produced by Netflix.
  11. Huh. Well if part 7 was a retelling of part 1 and part 8 was a Mashup of parts 3+4 (with a reference to 2), I guess that means JoJoland could be a reference to 5 or 6. Either way if it tracks with every other part of JoJo it's going to be completely insane.
  12. The rebuild movies. Sarex and I enjoyed it, Bartimaeus and majestic hated it. Especially Anno's waifu. Oh ho. Soon all of us will have seen the sheer insanity that is DIO.
  13. Well I might not watch Utena because I found out something I wouldn't enjoy. You see
  14. I think in many cases the answer to the acknowledgement of someone as a person (with personal bonds and all that jazz) can be "I don't care, **** them". Rush Limbaugh is a man who contributed to making a lot of lives hell and made millions doing so, when I think of all the people I've known who got kicked out of their homes or suffered abuse by their parents because ol' Rush was telling them how teh gheys were abominations, it's hard to give him anything but scorn. I'll fully admit to saying that empathy is conditional, and I think anyone who tries to say otherwise is lying to themselves. You will be glad when people you think are horrible kick the bucket.
  15. I dunno, I like utter lunacy and surreal cluster****s such as most of David Lynch's films while you and @Bartimaeus do not. That's pretty much what I got from Evangelion, both the original series + EoE and the Rebuild. I've just accepted that I am a very weird guy and my taste would drive some people insane. To me the biggest weakness of Rebuild is the CGI, it looks awful and the CGI robot battles could have been taken out with insignificant losses. The second biggest is that I don't think there really was a coherent plan and the writing team changed goals every movie. For example I believe that your most hated character, Mari, was initially intended to take the piss out of waifu stuff but ended up changing roles until she became an insert for Anno's real life wife. Which I guess shows us how the waifu is inescapable, none of us are free from the curse of the waifu and we will end up turning our own partners into waifu/husbando inserts. Well that got weird. Anyways I think the Rebuild starts out OK, then dives down to meh then OH MY GOD! territory, and rebounds into something that is back to OK. It's hard for me to call 3.0 + 1.01 good because by god the CGI made me want to send myself to hell in order to kill Ronald Reagan, but I think it's OK and feels authentically Evangelion. If yall want to come ar me then well...
  16. Those look the same to be me tbh. Like if a guy who made a millions peddling bull**** that got kids kicked out of their homes dies of lung cancer, **** it I'm glad he's dead. If there is a he'll his ass is roasting there.
  17. They're undead and living unlife, while also being beyond death and mortality. Fantasy stuff is weird and contradictory.
  18. I watched it like a year ago and it really is one of those movies that's so bad it ends up being funny. The premise is pretty much some talk radio fear mongering put into a script, the effects are horrible, and the actors are pretty much asleep. If it wasn't for Sylvester Stallone I would have thought it was some money laundering scheme or some vanity project. Though I guess it could still be that lmao.
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