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Everything posted by NOK222

  1. Empower da ladies
  2. This pretty much it.
  3. It just seems you're taking too much blame off ME3. And the way you passionately attack ME2 makes me think the game literally came to life and spanked you or something.
  4. You really have that backwards, but that's like, your opinion man.
  5. Eh, Jack Harper (Illusive Man) was being subtly manipulated by the Reapers since before the series started.
  6. I'm a few months too late, but I didn't realize they were making a sequel to one of my favorite franchises. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dY2S5uKKT0
  7. And I'm sure they'll be releasing 81's sometime soon.
  8. Blame the lead writer that replaced Drew. The director also got his head up his ass. Ehh, a party member is an uncorrupted collector (prothean), his flashbacks has him fighting against collectors. Now apparently there was more than one collector ship, and they were being used in the war, but you never encountered them in single player. But yes, Mass Effect 2 felt a bit weird when compared to what came before and after. Once again, blame Mac Walters. At least Mass Effect 2 didn't have Kai Leng.
  9. I'm dreading the eventual 55-60, but I know it has to happen.
  10. Or could you? On a serious note, I'm glad they're distancing themselves from such and such race is always evil.
  11. I put 20 bucks at Kung Fury.
  12. To those who play SWTOR Body type "4" for females is "fat".
  13. If finding terrible QTEs to not qualify as proper gameplay makes me rigid, then call me Mr. Rigid I enjoyed choose your own adventure books. I never labeled them as games though. Just a different, interactive book experience. Same goes for these telltale products. I feel that they chose the closest label they could and called it games, but without it completly fitting the label - they could hardly tell people to buy their interactive-media-experience-thingie though. I guess my point of contention is more: "Do you feel threatened by the fact that other people call them games even if you don't like those particular games?" There are types of games that I don't like either because their gameplay doesn't appeal to me. The point is less "does Melkathi like them" and more "why does Melkathi care if other people still refer to them as games?" The games certainly aren't overly challenging. Though that's pretty much the point of QTEs, because the alternative would be to simply have the player passively watch what is going to happen (to be honest, I never understood the general disdain for QTEs a lot of the time. Sometimes they are done just awfully, but other times it's done simply to make the player more responsible for what is happening on the screen as opposed to just watching). It really depends on what the game is trying to do. Creating fully fleshed out game mechanics for the variety of different types of events that come up during the game may not be appropriate for what the game's intending on doing. Because we are "hardcore" gamers that hate how games of today are going.
  14. Those CSI games were the epitome of videogames?
  15. I like that alien vs. predator RTS game. Too bad it's hard to get a hold off.
  16. They were in the wrong side of history, but in their socio economic context it was a prestigious career.
  17. I'm sure they won't mess with Thrawn, I can't guarantee the safety of Disney World if they do. Note: This is sarcasm NSA/FBI
  18. About the Hitman game being cancelled https://twitter.com/SQUARE_ENIX_EU/status/420202971004035072 It's not.
  19. Personally, I don't respect uniforms. I respect the men and and women that may be behind them in accordance to their actions. You spend some time in jail NKKKK? Maybe that's where your attitude towards the Police comes from...... Really? Someone has to have been on the wrong side of the law to be concerned about overreaching law enforcement? I'm disappointed in you.
  20. Personally, I don't respect uniforms. I respect the men and and women that may be behind them in accordance to their actions.
  21. Yeah, fat chance of that when they're heroes for going to work. Or dying due to not wearing a seatbelt like the latest body on the heap here. Giving a cop a hard time with your civil rights crap? You're an anti-american commie.
  22. Even if you are being "cheeky" or "antagonizing" which is not a good way to call standing up for your rights and not answering any questions you don't feel like, as long as you're in the boundaries of the law it shouldn't matter. They need to be held to higher standard.
  23. Right right, well if no one has nothing to hide, then they don't mind being recorded as they do their public duty on the street right?? Or or If they have nothing to hide, then as a cop, you'll tell the nice IA detective everything your partner has done. Right?
  24. I'm finally augmenting my own armor with MK-9's.
  25. Damn, that's some seriously over the top awesomeness. A viking babe with an uzi riding a dinosaur? Yes, please. Edit: This brings up the question: Why aren't there more movies with viking babes with uzis riding on dinosaurs? It's already funded and more. Wow.
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