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Everything posted by NOK222

  1. I like Bruce, at least he's a nice troll. Can't say the same for others here.
  2. ^ Example A.
  3. I don't know what it is about this game that brings out the site's novelty accounts.
  4. Volourn I still see your being epic XD Keep being epic mah good sir, *tips fedora Not long, maybe a year or two, after Varric's interrogation.
  5. You remember how Flanders from the Simpsons is 60?
  6. I got this. From left to right: Cullen, Vivienne. Varric. Solas, Cole, Cassandra, Green Jesus, Iron Bull, Dorian, Leliana, Sera, some chick that's been seen before who'll act like your secretary, Stroud.
  7. I'm annoyed when I see girls lifting swords with skinny ass arms. Put some meat on them, Jesus.
  8. It's interesting you say that. I guess their intention of being gender neutral worked.
  9. A game where you play as a rouge trader?
  10. He is pretty soft spoken. I wouldn't want him being too "edgy and angry" though. We all know Skadge is the best companion.
  11. Lol such an epic troller you are volourn. You truly are so epic. Lol XD LMAO LOL Epic sir. I tip my le fedora to you for making such an epic post. XD
  12. I have fond memories of the hobbit army I built in the Shire like area of the first part of the game.
  13. The beetle one gave me a chuckle.
  14. To be fair, I don't think the Age of Wonders is a hallmark of writing. That being said, have you guys read some of the unit descriptions in this game? It's hilarious.
  15. I love this forum's novelty accounts. They grew on me.
  16. To be fair, I hate those damn high heels on her too.
  17. There's a already a trap in DA. http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Maevaris_Tilani
  18. I know right. Actually, Alanchu if you're listening, thank you for banning me. You're always welcome to unban me though.
  19. Ja, this is fantastic. I'm only gonna chime in on this. Thank you, discussion over, can we please get back on topic please?
  20. Well, when you're getting tasered in the face, that line becomes blurry. Anywho, "My family's been here for blah blah years...." Oh, if we go back far enough.
  21. It's definitely a bad idea in general, but the decision to give it a cameltoe and a sexy appearance is also an artistic (as in visual arts) failure. Considering Bioware is supposed to be "non=sexist"
  22. I think choosing the "good" choice for both will coincide. I haven't finished the human campaign, but it seems that way due to the ending of the elven campaign. This is what I did. It's weird considering the Highmen leader continued being a major character.
  23. I ran into one of those Wyverns in a dungeon. I think they killed one of my units before I was able to bring him down.
  24. So anyone play this yet? I took a considerable amount of time with the first mission. In it, I saw things like this, right in the first mission. And then I knew this game would be great.
  25. But Tale, what about Manbearpig?
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