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Everything posted by NOK222

  1. Knight Enchanter = Difficulty? What Difficulty?
  2. The Trans character was okay, but not sublte as all. But it's commander shepard, so whatever. I just saw a druffalo tank a dragon better than Cassandra. This ****ing game.
  3. Tentacle monsters never go away though, and they grow stronger as the game progresses. But, going down a certain path you can become friendly with them and produce xeno porn.
  4. There we go, that's the Volourn I know
  5. Keep is a browser based app, free. You need an origin account.
  6. So seriously, who are your trolling? and mind your spelling.
  7. Did you upgrade the soldiers with silverite?
  8. Play therapist to all companions and upgrade the keep fully. You have to find minerals and tell the dwarf where they are. It's not hard really.
  9. Volourn, you're trolling Bioware now? I thought you were reverse trolling for them? Now I'm confused.
  10. Lol But that's not an option anyways. We only get Achievements and possibly first names from what I can tell.
  11. We can talk about Keep now right? Allan?
  12. One gripe I have. I'm interested in going back to Earth and freeing the people of the old ways. But I have to take a certain path to do that. The path I'm on, which is pretty much going native with the alien planet and adapting yourself into it, well I would have to get points in another path in order to build a giant portal to Earth. No! I wanna build it without having to divert technology points in useless techs in order to get my purity points up. Otherwise, good game, I'm having fun.
  13. http://dgaider.tumblr.com/post/100838707464/wakeuplena-john-epler-you-either-havent More Gaider drama over Anita or something.
  14. I wish I could talk about Keep. But it should be soon when it's officially released.
  15. Hey I can get into the Keep Beta now. Too bad I can't log in till tuesday
  16. Damn, I'm in the same boat as you Gorth. A guild who refuses to get it's act together and do HM ops. During the summer another guild came and recruited our best players with promises of HM.
  17. Nah, any dude can bang her. Solas is only for da elf ladies though
  18. I gotta tell me friends about this bug...
  19. But the two elves are my favorite. I agree with you on Cole though.
  20. Funny enough, there's nothing in the game that supports that, I don't make that connection personally. It was Drew and the other writers that no longer work there that said that, and even then it was mostly a "maybe". Drew left Bioware. I just looked at wookiepedia, nothing of SWTOR is mentioned in Kreia's page (they probably erased it). So for whatever it's worth, Kreia died on Malachor and that thing on Corellia isn't her ghost.
  21. They've turned down the mob intensity and given you an GSI buff when you're on planet to get through the area quicker. And Gorth, about that returning character, I'm really sensing a lot of Kreia in him now. I like where the storyline is going.
  22. Check your commas yo.
  23. Don't you also get an Orc companion?
  24. I could have sworn my 120 dollar pledge included Wasteland 2. Now it doesn't...
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