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Everything posted by NOK222

  1. The new wallpaper they released. I see the gun chick, I thought the ranger was some random girl, as she looked too tall for a dwarf, but a second look reveals it.
  2. The typical roman soldier had two swords, shield and at least two javelins. I would love to play as a phalanx, huge shield and a spear.
  3. And then ban people for "trolling"
  4. But you can't! That goes against my preconceived notions! How close to DnD can this get before Hasbro gets ansty?
  5. My post was meaningful, a bit too crass and crude, but meaningful nonetheless. I was making fun of how people seem to be redefining RPGs to their own personal taste.
  6. You're assuming most of the fan base is married. (I am)
  7. Mind = Blown In all honesty though, rouges and mages can have the option of dressing with cleavage showing robes, or leather clad females that shows their legs. Leave the warriors alone though,
  8. Did that kind of strike a nerve? It wasn't specifically meant for you, but if you want to take it as a personal attack go ahead. I'm not going to engage into these hate fests.
  9. Apparently you're a white knight who's sexually repressed, according to some people here. Correct, current "battle-rattle" isn't like that. Tea?
  10. But I know what an RPG is says one man... No, I know what an RPG is said another man... And they both knew they were right.
  11. How is it derailed? the thread started with the matter of the boob plate and why the developers were cowards to cave in to the rage of some users...now we are still discussing the boob plate, and why do people keep wanting women to look like men in the game, if that is derailement, all threads in this forum get derailed too. I just noticed, this is just a pledge for the mods to close this, yeah I understand the subject is really starting to get a little heated, and there might be something that will be said or has been said that hurt someone feelings, damn I hope they close this soon, can't have someone with their feelings hurt, right? You're use of logical fallacies is impressive. Practical armor for women = women looking like men...
  12. HAHAHAHAHA EDIT: Seriously? But why? Even if you are not a fan of decontruction, the story is much better in MotB. Deconstructions can be a bit too...ehhh...ok. Personally i like a story that both deconstructs and reconstructs fabulously.
  13. So minorities...are sexually repressed...therefore they parade around so people can have sex with them...what? http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/InsaneTrollLogic
  14. I'll need more info before I decide to pledge.
  15. Their isometric sprites. Who cares? Everyone complaining about the 'boob plate'! Maybe not now, but the outrage was great, forcing them to change the design or to lose money :/ Boobs armor worked in our comics and games for years, but now this Feminism equality agenda wants to change everything, I'm telling you guys, this won't work like you are expecting. Funny thing is, I'm pretty sure most of the people complaining are GUYS. That is the thing that is getting me, it isn't even mostly women complaining...its the guy...er...feminest? I just don't think they like womens forms and that is why they want to hide them so badly. It isn't just on armour they are pushing this, I have seen on other sites they want to remove it from art, pictures, etc, not having women showing any skin and covering them up so you are not sure if it is a guy or a girl. I only have seen this group online and thankfully not met one in real life. I have visions of them looking at every women showing off skin and going up to them saying they are being repressed by the man to be dressed up as sluts for evil mens pleasure and they are their to SAVE them from their brainwashing. Holy crap, I'm losing my patience here. When I started the thread I specifically said that practicality was what mattered to me along with a small concern for some marginal sexism. My issue was with women warriors who wear armor not using it with practicality. Mages and rouges can be more liberal, especially if it fits their characters, but women warriors just no. And the fact that you're trying to pin this on the sexual repression of people who are against stupid armor designs says a lot about you. No one here is trying to be a white knight, get over yourself.
  16. Their isometric sprites. Who cares?
  17. Oh Xena, how I love you. I don't see the point you guys are trying to make, full half nude plate armor for both sexes? How about no ridiculous half-armor for either sex?
  18. No, this is hot: This is a wow comic right? They are seriously the worst offenders. HOLY **** SHES IN THE ****iNG SNOW!
  19. Get out of here Biodrone I'm kidding Seriously your post can be taken as a "Oh no he's betrayed us"
  20. Want to know something truly hilarious? The BSN topic about Project Eternity is more mature than a lot of the threads here.
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