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Posts posted by Osvir

  1. This kind of stuff is something we find in adventure games such as Zelda, Alundra, Final Fantasy and so on...


    "You need this horse/camel to be able to pass through this desert" or "You need a boat/canoe to pass over the river". Great for Expansions, Sequels, mods. "With this zeppelin/dragon you can cross to another continent" ;)

  2. I'm not seeing it as an icon in your backpack. Much more simplified, you do the epic quest for the horse/dragon, you get the horse icon on the World Map.. pretty much.


    E.g., you'd have the horse icon in the upper right/left (somewhere) corner of the World Map. With a horse you'd lessen the chances of "Random Encounters" and with a flying Fast Traveling thing you'd get "No Random Encounters".


    Why would I want this/suggest this?

    A, Remove the tedium of random encounters late game/end game exploration

    B, If In-Game real time is present I will want to be able to reach my goal within time. Or if a Quest has a "You've got 7 hours left to do this" but it takes 8 hours to get there, then I wouldn't even bother. With a Fast Traveling Speed Boost (not necessarily a mount, maybe a Global Teleport spell could do the thing too) I would manage to get there in time, save the princess and then continue on my travels.

    C, I've always wanted a dragon in these types of games. Where is it!? xD

  3. I might've missed it but has there been any updates on Class Kits? Will they be present, and how will it be utilized? It sounds to me as if a good "Class Customization" kit could be present (purely speculation/wishful thinking) within the game to make it easier for people (myself included) to add in our own variations. A feature I personally miss in the IE games.


    There are some fan-made Editors for BG but I've never managed to get them to work.

  4. I know, I specifically meant "Map" travel not the land travel or area travel, sorry, re-reading the OP I did the same mistake again (I've always been bad at explaining~). It's such a minor thing really but I am curious. What I mean is practically "invisible" mounts. In Baldur's Gate it takes "X" amount of hours to travel from point A to B on the World Map. What I'm really wondering about is really if there will be time based events xD in that case you might want to be able to get something that make you travel quicker over land.


    This is what I am specifically wondering about:

    Note that our map UI is similar to what’s been found in the Icewind Dale and Baldur’s Gate games, not Elder Scrolls or Fallout 3/New Vegas-style fast travel.


    Map travel: Mounts? Faster travel? This is the theme of the thread



    Area: Not for this thread(?)

    http://1.bp.blogspot...te gameplay.jpg

    Two different things


    EDIT: Speculation: If time based events would be present in the game and if these "invisible" mounts would be present I am more curious as to how one could attain them through the Area exploration.


    As an example: To get that horse so that you can Fast Travel on the World Map (A la Baldur's Gate) you need to do a couple of quest/get the money for it. Or the Dragon (which started as an idea in another thread xD) where you need to do some epic quest to attain it. Now you wouldn't visibly be riding on it in any animations, all it would do would make you travel much faster over the World Map "You gained +1 to traveling!".


    Personally, of course, it interests me if it had some purpose behind it. And I've always wanted to be a Dragon riding adventurer too :D but mostly mechanically for timed events, which could be the purpose in this case.

  5. So how is traveling done? Fast travel a la Baldur's Gate as far I understand it.


    Can it be spiced up and improved? Mounts? A flying dragon? Is there going to be any steampunk?


    What I am suggesting, speculating or just wondering about... could any of these heighten the speed of which you travel? Walking from point A to B takes... let's say 8 hours. With a mount (horse) it could take 4 hours, and with a flying mount 2 hours.


    It would still be the same fast travel as Baldur's Gate as I envision it, but you'd simply just get to point B faster.


    This is only remotely important if there are going to be any dynamic events such as "You need to finish this quest within X hours" or "You'll miss this companion if you don't get to this point within Y amount of time" etc. etc.

  6. What Loot Systems Do You Like?



    A bullet_star_rated.png What you see is what you get; whatever the character is wearing is entirely lootable.


    B bullet_star_rated.png A combination of random loot, generated loot, or 'what you see is what you get' loot.


    C bullet_star_rated.png Everything the character had on them, from the shoes to their nose ring, you can plunder.



    Vendor Trash: What do You Like Best?


    D bullet_star_rated.png Greyed out items that have a history/description, can be used as crafting/enchanting materials, or sold as vendor trash.



    Why these?


    A & C, For realism

    B, For variety


    D, really most important. I choose the Junk Items with fun little descriptions first, but realized that this could fulfill that purpose as well and be used in crafting which I reckon is going to be a pretty big part of the game.

  7. That's a better proposal than true LOS, which would really only work in 3D zoom rotating camera environments like Dragon Age, Mass Effect, MMOs, etc., which is why I would never support it for PE...


    Yes it is. Simplicity is king! But I'm still all for the "It could work" without the 3D zoom stuff. It would just require a heck of a lot more work with the 2D/Isometric/AI/animation details to look good/flow good. Resources that Obsidian also already stated that they aren't going to put time into (~animations, Update #16 with Tim Cain, again) and I'm perfectly fine with that. But! If they do find time and resources I wouldn't mind it, not expecting anything just throwing it out there :p


    There is still the issue with both Companion AI and Enemy AI using the benefits of the "bush" cover and different types of cover even with what Shadenaut presented: High grounds vs low ground, does standing near a rock give you benefit? Angles to give more realism? Do I get the benefits of cover by simply standing close to the rock/trigger, even if my enemy is right in front of me? Are there places that gives me a disadvantage? Shallow water in a river? Marshlands? Cold mountains?

  8. My first playthrough was as a Fighter/Thief and my second playthrough was as a straight up gunslinger beaten with an ugly stick, so this Evil Wizard is different for me. I guess I could read what they are saying, but I dont know. Oh and, how is Icewind Dale? Among the IE games, I never payed it much attention because it just seemed like a big dungeon crawling fest with less focus on story, but how good is it really?


    Part 3 is up! Stay tuned for part 4 tomorrow.


    Icewind Dale is great <3 best played with others in my opinion though. I'm on a second playthrough, want to do a LP. Also found multiplayer for Arcanum, but you can only play in the real time combat mode.. you're also inspiring me to go about and play the damn game xD thank you and kudos.


  9. Wargames provide lot of simple but effective mechanic elements for cover, just as D&D and most of hex-based wargames out there. Nothing new under the sun - draw some bushes, slap a trigger on it for +4 to AC when person in it attacked by somebody not inside it, - here's your cover/concealment.

    LOS-type cover, is, of course, a different matter, and are they going to promote LOS-based mechanics remains to be seen.


    Yes, thank you. That's one way to do it.


    Ieo, I should've explained better (I call upon the power of hindsight!). It doesn't necessarily have to be "behind cover" in the same sense as I portray it with my OP~ Shadenaut provides an excellent point and solution. Kudos.


    EDIT: I think someone else did too earlier but I was too narrow minded myself to understand it at that point.

  10. http://en.wikipedia....own#Development

    Looking closer at it I see some things that I should've looked up first more carefully and detailed:

    A; It says "Very very big budget"

    B; Started development 2008 so it's 4 years of development. I was sure I read it at as 2010 on another page, oh nonetheless.

    C; A team of 50-60 members


    Which makes the "2 years" indeed irrelevant so I'll not even bring up the point I intended to. I admit defeat by Knowledge :)


    What I am simply stating is that "I can see it working", not "It will happen". I can speculate that Obsidian might be tempted to make it happen, though, but that's an entirely different conversation shrouded in too many "Maybe's" that Obsidian probably are over-encumbered with already. There's a lot of great ways that X-COM handles strategy and tactical control (the purely isometric original one), and it is also interesting to see how the team who have been developing Enemy Unknown, tackles and improves on the game.


    If it isn't obvious, I am quite excited about X-COM: Enemy Unknown for the same reason. It is one of those great old-school classics that'll always sit honorably on the shelf, now remade for a new (and old) audience as well as with new/improved technology. What can be learned from this?


    This reflects my own opinion:

    Being able to use concealment for defense against ranged attacks would be a welcome addition to the tactical options. It's a realistic behavior and the enemies can use it just as much as the player. I'm just not sure how readily it can be implemented in a game of this type.


    EDIT: Forgot this..

    STASIS looks like an iso with good graphics. I don't see how that's relevant to this thread


    It is relevant because it is old meets modern and modern meets old. Which Wasteland 2, Shaker, X-COM: Enemy Unknown, P:E is all about. It is also relevant because P:E is going to be an isometric game and these forums are about P:E.

  11. Cool :D this makes me intrigued .. Arcanum got a Multiplayer feature right? I've never gotten around to play Arcanum very far... I did recently update it with some mods (Before I heard about P:E) though.


    EDIT: I've actually been thinking about asking the people here for a Multiplayer session on one of the IE games, so this thread felt almost coincidental.

  12. Makes sense.

    (1) Poor usability without free camera in 3D zoom environment

    (2) Mapping every single topographical element in outdoor and indoor environments for such usage (I imagine a lot of bugs for this alone)

    (3) Adjusting enemy AI to account for cover techniques (good AI is not a cheap or simple thing to accomplish)

    (4) Finer adjustment of 'cover' usage depending on prone or standing positions (not really appropriate for an iso game)


    (1) I don't agree. EDIT: Because I believe it could be done with an isometric view. I said it in another post "Envisioning" it. It would require lots more work as you state in (2-4) of course, doesn't mean that it would be "poor usability". I feel as if the isometric view is highly underrated*

    (2-4) makes sense, thanks :) does sound like it could take an awful lot of time. Though as I said, as well, X-COM looks like this today, and it started development 2 years ago according to Wikipedia.


    Though X-COM and Baldur's Gate are different in playstyle, strategy, interface and much much more. X-COM is much more "Mission-by-Mission" based whilst Baldur's Gate is more of an exploration type RPG.


    * As we see in the modern day isometric takes on it. Look at STASIS for example:


  13. Blah I mixed it up, this is what I meant (I have Diablo as "Save anywhere" and Baldur's Gate as "Checkpoints" on page 11. Which is incorrect).



    Do Background Research:

    I think we got this covered but for the sake of it... only going to use "RPG" elements

    A* Diablo uses a Checkpoint system. You'll always start off from the "Beginning" of the level. Waypoints help you get back on track though.

    B* Baldur's Gate uses a "Free" system where you can save at any point in the game. Very flexible as every player can choose their own "preference" (Self-discipline) but also very easy to "abuse".

    C* Final Fantasy uses a combination of the two, wherein you can save at any point on the world map, with "Fixed" save points in dungeons.



    Can save?

    0's = False

    1's = True


    A: Each "1" corresponds to an Act. Act 1, Act 2, Act 3 in this case.



    B: Save anywhere



    C: Each "0" corresponds to a Dungeon. Dungeons do most commonly have a Save point as you enter them, and right before a boss (most commonly the case).


  14. I think it could work :) for what other reason would the prone stance be part in the game except for crawling through small passages in dungeons as well as taking cover?


    Prone stance has been confirmed. We'll see what spawns, but I can envision it working very well with a game like Baldur's Gate. I'll be able to comment further on this tomorrow, when the screenshot is released, what kind of graphical style are we looking at etc. etc.



    Where's the confirmation? (Not that I don't believe you, it's just hard to find a lot of information that's scattered everywhere.)


    Update #16 with Tim Cain. I think it's the first question:

    Kaboom asks: Hi Tim! I'm curious how the close combat in P:E will turn out. Will the melee of P:E encompass stuff like reach weapons, opportunity attacks, flanking, grappling, charging, prone/standing-modes and so forth?


    Tim: Yes, we are looking to include many of these features into our close combat system. Specifically, opportunity attacks and flanking are definitely in, as well as charging. We're not sure about reach weapons yet (we need to figure out if that attribute on a weapon will be worthwhile enough in combat and will supportable with the appropriate UI), and while we will support prone positions, you won't be able to attack while prone because the animations involved are too different from attacks while standing that we would have to make every animation twice, once for standing and once for prone. This limitation also means that grappling abilities will not be included. There are too many new animations needed and special case limitations that apply, e.g. how does a human grapple a centaur or a dragon or an ooze?).


    EDIT: Yep, first question. They do talk about the animation sequences so I am sure a "Taking cover" thing won't be part of it (as that would require more animation sequences), but is hasn't been ruled out either so I'll just roll my thumbs and see.

  15. I think it could work :) for what other reason would the prone stance be part in the game except for crawling through small passages in dungeons as well as taking cover?


    Prone stance has been confirmed. We'll see what spawns, but I can envision it working very well with a game like Baldur's Gate. I'll be able to comment further on this tomorrow, when the screenshot is released, what kind of graphical style are we looking at etc. etc.


  16. I gave up at around page 12 to be honest, I feel that I'm on the same page with many here. I want more authentic armors preferably. Although I do have some fondness of the manga as well and want to join in on the "picture" sharing; this:


    Yes I'd love that sword too, Guts (main character) swings that sword with his entire being. Or rather, he did at one point. I think that many on here would like Berserk, it's got a pretty dark fantasy theme. Some more armors/helmet/concepts:








  17. You are replacing one martial arts with another FlintlockJazz, how is that better?


    You edited your post entirely! I wanted to respond xD now I'm trying to recap what you wrote....


    What I meant is, that is kind of what I want to see about the Monk class (My own personal preference). A Zen type Monk. Oft times I feel the Monk in games are portrayed as some Chaotic brawlers. Monk's being swift, balanced and moving "with" the flow and motion, through the path of least resistance.


    I am a trainee of Tai-Chi myself, and I would like the Monk to be predominantly a Zen Martial Artist and not a Bruce Lee/Chuck Norris Brawler only like they are generally today in video games (am I the only one to feel this way?). Additionally, with this being said, why not being able to evolve your Monk Class as it progresses? One might be more towards the Bruce Lee standard, one more towards the Tai-Chi, one with the Staff (Monkey King style) etc. etc.

    • Like 1
  18. Icewind Dale, I never finished this game because of this reason. I managed to create a kickass party, I got to the final boss, he was immune to everything.


    So I went to YouTube and got the ending for me. It later showed that I had sold an epic warhammer for another weapon (that I thought was better), this warhammer is part of walkthrough's and guides stating "You can take him down with this". Mind you, I was hitting on him for like 30 minutes without my party dying (neither was he, he was pretty much immune. My spells managed to bring him down to Badly Injured... was it frustrating? Quite so...).


    And if you know Icewind Dale, entering the last area is irreversible If you enter it you can't return back to the world/shops. Basically you're in a stuck position. Please don't let this happen. Well, I practically finished the game imo anyways but still, it was quite unsatisfactory.

  19. Sorry, I read it completely wrong, I don't know how it happened. I read it as 1 mil when in reality it was 100k, like some of you pointed out with unnecessary bruteness.


    I still think it's a bit peculiar that one developer is a stretch goal though. 100k isn't all that ridiculous for one developer I guess. It's about 8000 USD a month for a year, which is still a lot of money, but not for a veteran designer. It's still a bit weird though, I think.


    The people asked for zIeT (edit: It was the people's idea to add him as a stretch goal, enough said. Argument end. Period)


    In what way is a single developer worth a million dollars? No, in my opinion you should change that goal to something worthwhile.

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