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Posts posted by Osvir

  1. My last playthrough of Baldur's Gate (pretty recently) I kind of flirted with the thought of "What if I would start somewhere else, and proceed with the same quest from there. What if I was an adventurer in Nashkel, and tackling the mines instantly. Or what if I were an evil character, being a part of the early stages of the Mines corruption?". What if I wasn't Gorions ward at all, but my objective is still the same as the ward's, I just start my journey at a completely different point on the world map?


    I think this would be very interesting, it doesn't necessarily have to be different stories. The difficulty would be to tie these tales together, and still attain a certain "uniqueness" throughout the entire game.


    Will quest succession play a big part in P:E? If I do quest A before quest B, will it be different if I do quest B before quest A? This is all about quest synergy too, and connection points between quests. How much will me choosing Quest A, effect Quest B (even if they aren't connected).. bringing up the "Time" idea again (time flows, so you might miss an opportunity in Quest B if you do Quest A first and vice versa... e.g., a character/hero/villain might be in Quest B if you do it first, but won't be there if you do Quest A first then B).


    Will requirements on Quests change depending on how I play the game and when I do quests?



    * Lots of replayability



    * Resource management and time


    So, an idea not really a suggestion. How can it be most effective in a "quality > quantity"-way?

  2. (it might sound selfish to say, but I believe that confidence in your own work is good to have).



    "Selfish" is the wrong word. "Overconfident" would be the right word ;) But I agree with you. If you do not believe in your own work, why should anybody else.




    Do you remember some years ago when Bioware was hiring writers (I guess it ended up being for SWTOR)? They asked people to do a small mod with their Neverwinter Nights mod tool and make a quest or something which would include their writing sample.

    So I guess it can't hurt to make story mods for any game you play that is easily moddable.


    Yes, I did a module, worked on it for quite some time (never finished it as I saw the job was gone). But yeah, was actually thinking about that couple of hours ago :) thanks for reminding me though, can't be a coincidence.


    Overconfident is a bit of a stretch, I know my limits and I'm pretty self-aware of what's good and what's not good. I've done horrible writings too that I'm not confident about at all, comes with the creativity (I'm a singer/songwriter too, so I know all about it too). Recently unlocked some hidden potential, singing that is, when I decided to say "F- it, I'm going to do this goed" and I did. Just requires a certain mindset, engagement, passion and trial-and-error type of thing. "Don't give up" springs to mind.


    Working on some Baldur's Gate mod concepts currently with NearInfinity/DLTCEP, one involving the Girdle of Femininity/Masculinity and a little bit of a too curious Male Half-Orc xD

  3. What sort of role in development are you pursuing? Writer? Concept artist? Designer? These are generally more difficult to achieve than say, programmer.


    Writer, assistant writer, concept/idea writer (game reviewer is another one but it isn't so much part of development, in the same sense I am looking for). That's all I've got really (if that's anything). That's really my passion and dream, not necessarily to write my own story but help write a story. I've tried my way with programming (and thought it was super fun), just got to dedicate myself to it. Lots of self-discipline needed and difficult to do on your own (I hit a wall where I needed someone to explain some variables and functions).


    Just hanging out on these forums, as an example, I now have a thought out concept and idea of P:E and could probably write tons of item descriptions, PC's, NPC's and so on and so forth. Lore, story, quests etc. etc. solutions in gameplay~ I've always had a knack for coming up with interesting ideas (it might sound selfish to say, but I believe that confidence in your own work is good to have).


    Thanks, this thread helps with lots of my own questions :)

  4. Who is to say that your main character has to romance anyone? What if two of your companions find an attraction for each other, I think that's easier to write as well.


    Yeah, but not much point to that, people need their PC to experience things to be immersed, or something. Although that would be kind of funny in my view if everyone's hooking up and just leaving the PC by their lonesome.


    Well I'm talking about a dedicated story, let's say you have 2 female and 3 male companions that have a "group" romance, so to speak. I haven't really explored the idea *shrug*


    2 are evil/chaotic (in personality) and 2 are good/harmonic (in personality) and 1 is true neutral* (further explanation further down):


    These would criss-cross and match, 1 chaotic male with 1 good female as an example. There could be jealousy, affecting morale, if the chaotic female (in this case) was in your group left standing by the side. I don't suggest that they would be lovebirds and twitter each other all the time. It would more be in the ways of "Alright these guys are totally hooking up after the credits" type of thing. This is, however, much to demand (this is not a suggestion, just an idea) from the writers so I'll just leave it at that.


    * True Neutral: This could be you, but first let's flirt with the thought that it's a companion. You could affect this one's personality throughout the game, you could provoke him/her to sway from his/her path. If it would be you, the romance would be different depending on actions you take in the game.


    There would only be one romance present in a game and it would have to fulfill certain "requirements" (specific choices you make in the game that affect their relationship. Per example, if you would do one quest for one before the other, you might not trigger a specific conversation that one of them would have started, e.g., X is looking for a relic, Y is too. When you get to Y's quest location, X contemplate his own search for his dreams. But if you would do X's quest first, X would not contemplate his search because he has the relic in hand, making X and Y never "come closer" as friends, not meaning they should start humping right away. We're talking about well written content here, not an in-game mechanic (e.g., Gifts)):

    If X is hooked up with Y, then all of the rest of the vocabulary won't get a romance (unless unlocked by modders ofc).


    P.S. All of these romances could even be considered friendships, not necessarily romance imo.


    EDIT: There's going to be some... 100+ NPCs? The chance you are getting these 2 of these compatible companions in your group is rather slim. Even if not all the 100+ NPCs are companions.. And if you find them in your group and you find yourself with two "lovebirds" then it would not just be coincidence, but your own device hooking them together. I think you would have a sugartooth for romance (which might also be the fear here in this thread xD).

  5. They've not presented a class that's a Necromancer, so unless there are Necromancer NPCs in the game, that we cannot play as (or they announce a very strange last minute stretch goal) I'd say no. Maybe there is a way to build an existing class toward Necromancy, but again, that's speculation and we have no information to confirm or deny such a possibility as of this post.


    Would I want that? I'd rather they concentrate on magic forms we haven't seen countless times over, but, that's me, Obsidian are the only ones that can decide such things. If it were up to me we'd axe almost all the traditional stuff; create new classes, races, environment types and so on. Overused magic types like Evocation would be axed and weirded less used types like Transmutation, and the more weird magical types would be used instead. Personally I've seen Necromancy done countless ways, including the misunderstood Necromancers that are harmless. I could live without Necromancy, but what I want and what I can live with are irrelevant. It'd be incredibly selfish if I thought otherwise.


    I think what you want is pretty relevant, it doesn't necessarily have to happen, but it could be an inspiration :)


    I'm with you to be completely honest, I'd go on a completely new different unexplored path (or try to find it). But that's exactly what Obsidian is doing too, they go on a new unexplored path, with what we've got. It's difficult to create an entirely new set of rules, and most of them have already been done by all the other millions of games, we're starting to grasp what "works" and what doesn't "work".


    To stay on topic: Are there any untraditional way Necromancers can be used?


    My take on what they could be:

    Personally I can see them as ordinary men and women, wearing tuxedo's, having regular jobs, not necessarily down deep in a cave or a hermit somewhere dressed up all "voodoo", but part of society. Shamans are known to be spiritual healers, communicating with the dead and being the bond in-between (the underworld), the Necromancers we see Obsidian portray share similarities in this. Of course there would be darker aspects to it as well, those who use it to bring back close ones to life and become corrupted by their own personal strife, or those who use it deliberately for evil, seething the very will force of others and political snakes who slither their way through the hierarchy (the Emporer in Star Wars as an example).


    EDIT: Some being honest men and women, who might have unraveled the mystery's of Necromancy by mistake and now hide or are retired from their previous ways.

  6. Serious question, how many of you grinded experience in Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale etc. etc? (The majority of this poll says "No", just by looking at the poll and comments. So was the system in the IE games really bad?). I'm enjoying myself quite a lot down in Dragon's Eye currently :) Icewind Dale, level 7~ I've got a couple of mods that may or may not be affected (I'm not getting experience for lockpicking or removing traps).


    There is nothing wrong with how experience is handled in the IE games (in all seriousness).

  7. Then people need to get "real". The two things have nothing to do with each other. You can love somebody yet never have sex with them just as you can have sex with a score people without caring about any of them >_<


    I'm just looking for people in my games that intrigues me somehow. Can they make me care about their fate, so much the better, but not if it's rammed down my throat that I have to god damn care about peasant girl 'A' or else (thinly veiled NWN2 reference)...

    In PE's case that may well work since they counted the reason for no romances as having to do with the "condition" of the main character, it could be a sexless romance put there just to really give the player a sense of aggravation.


    P.S. Don't romance any peasant girls they are known disease carriers.


    Who is to say that your main character has to romance anyone? What if two of your companions find an attraction for each other, I think that's easier to write as well.

  8. Well, I am just curious if it is a "Jedi/Sith" complex with Necromancy. Using power for good = Shaman, using power for bad = Necromancer.


    The 'cult' word they used may result in 'cultiests' as the in lore term, but, really, it's so little to go on that I wouldn't consider that a definite by any stretch.


    Does a Necromancer have to be a Wizard even, is it a Title or a Class?


    A good question, but I think the only way you'll get an answer is to get lucky during one of the Q&As. If you're really curious it may be worth submitting.


    Didn't we go through this in another thread? I'm speculating freely and just wondering out loud. I'm letting my imagination run amok. I'm not looking for an answer from Obsidian, it's more of a question towards you: "What do you think, do you feel that the Necromancer is its own Class?" etc. etc.

    • Like 1
  9. Some of the very classical stories and histories of our ancient God's (Norse Gods, Greek Gods etc. etc.) have lots and lots of inspiration to be had. Mythology in Greece specifically.


    Yyyyeah, knowing how a bunch of those myths used seduction+rape as a major mechanic for "love," I don't think that's a good idea. :sweat:


    Context. You're looking at the negative. But I'm with you Ieo, they are very dark, very mature (and unfortunately it would authentically fit with the setting Obsidian have in mind, it would give atmosphere for sure, but it could also give tons and tons of criticism). Of course very offensive by our modern standards. It isn't that I'm after, but the personalities, the intrigue, the drama, the "banters" if you will.


    There is so much more to Greek and Norse Gods as well, there is much in the Mythology. About the ordinary man, about civilization.


    A fictional work, by a Swedish author named Frank G. Bengtsson, writes a story about a Viking who goes through a lot of ordeal and adventuring. After much wayfaring he comes across a King's daughter (he is a guest at his fort) and they become lovers. Not in that fancy dancy way, but she is actually a warrior herself, in her own way (you don't mess with them Viking ladies). She becomes a part of the adventure, and holds her own strength in the journey. Without her and their "party-conflict" the story wouldn't have been the same.


    Many stories benefit from the romance, and I think it should be valued just as much as the actual storyline and not just thrown together and put into the world because "People want to get some".


    I could've done without all of the romancing in Dragon Age: Origins, but the romance part I wouldn't/couldn't have been without would be the choice to bed Morrigan towards the end.

  10. That sounds interesting actually, each Wizard would have his own system of protection from anyone else stealing (some wouldn't have any at all) which would cause it to be a trap in itself and could easily suck up any readers soul if they aren't careful. So basically a Wizard could die even trying to learn a spell from someone else's Grimoire.


    That is, in my own opinion, so many levels of badass.


    whose to say they aren't in a shorthand or their own personal system if they are the paranoid sort? Could get messy.


    Personally I feel it wouldn't happen, even if they are the paranoid sort, because the Grimoire would be like an extension of the mind (whilst the Sword is an extension of one's arm).

  11. I think the Monk today in video games is just a selling-point. Everyone can be a Monk, regardless of their profession. It is a mindset, in my opinion, a way of life that has little to do with seeking out the fight. In the sense that Monk is used, a class title/name similar to "Brawler" would almost be better to define the class used in many modern games.


    I have also felt that the Monk and the Priest walk close hand in hand, yet they are so very different. One prays to the outer God, the other to the inner God.

    • Like 1
  12. Well, I am just curious if it is a "Jedi/Sith" complex with Necromancy. Using power for good = Shaman, using power for bad = Necromancer.


    Does a Necromancer have to be a Wizard even, is it a Title or a Class?


    I would love to see some consequences for using my Necromancer power's in the midst of a crowd, how a cheering audience can suddenly go silent, then screaming horrified and thinking that I am the enemy and I must be purged (even if I just saved them from a dragon or whatnot). I can also see how people wouldn't give a damn and just be thankful I saved them, it would depend on the region and in what way you use it I think.

  13. Thread pruned a bit. Time to write some PM's and take off the gloves a bit it seems...


    I think we got some interesting discussion out of it though, well until it began to go off-topic. I'd love to try it again (another thread), because I'm sure there can be epicness with a romance in a game. I think that those who dislike it needs to unlock their potential and reveal what hidden knowledge they have in "How to make it better". Some of the very classical stories and histories of our ancient God's (Norse Gods, Greek Gods etc. etc.) have lots and lots of inspiration to be had. Mythology in Greece specifically.

  14. I'm curious, what would you like to see in the world regarding Necromancer's of this particular setting? I'm mind blown by Sawyer, Update #24 was just great. Loving it, I laughed a couple of times saying out loud "That is so awesome!". Good job guys, good job *applause*


    After watching the video I promptly began reading and got up to this point and couldn't help but think about Shamanism:



    Despite the assumed natural cycle of things, there are individuals in the world of Project Eternity who either want to know more about that cycle or who choose to alter that cycle. Broadly speaking, "necromancy" refers to any attempt to do either, whether that involves speaking with the soul of a dead mortal, attempting to tap into the unconscious past lives of a living soul, or to bind soul energy or a complete soul inside of a dead body.

    These acts are viewed with differing levels of criticism depending on the culture. Many folk share the interest of necromancers and would like to understand more about the eternal cycle, but are also afraid of what they might learn. Some extremists are opposed to any and all necromancy, and tales say that a quiet and powerful cult that has worked for centuries to discredit, trap, and even murder necromancers for their efforts. To the people who oppose necromancy with such violent passion, mortal understanding should have limits, and they fear the consequences for the world should those limits be unraveled.


    This is Shamanism:



    Could there be a strand of Necromancers, a group or a cult, that are Shaman in ideology? Or are we on the wrong continent.


    It does sound pretty familiar and similar to me. "Good Necromancers" that are actually appreciated, or looked down upon, or even certain parts of the world are estranged about it.



  15. -snip-


    Monk disarmed, danced around, grappled, broke some bones and hit weak spots. Using the enemy's weight against him. He could use a staff too, or most preferably... poi :D maaan I need to get out and spin <3


    I didn't know those guys in the video were monks. I don't think I did a good job trying to convey my point.


    Here's another try. I'm going to give you some definitions. Give me one word that would describe these people.


    1 A master in the art of fighting. Able to use swords and shields. As well as bows and arrows. Heavily built and able to withstand much damage.


    2 An extremely devoted and zealous, often fanatical, soldier who has pledged himself/herself to a chosen cause.


    3 While they are masters of combat, their recklessness, ferocity, and their predilection to substitute raw aggression for discipline is what describes them.


    4 Also a master in the arts of fighting. These people have a predilection for not wearing any clothes and spouting philosophical nonsense right before they jump into battle. They also forecast their attacks with some sort of ridiculous name like "Flying kick-a-pow" (That was for you Osvir, due to your avatar, er...)


    5. A spiritual master known for their devotion, discipline, and spirituality. They have forsaken this material world for a better understanding of the heavens and spiritual realm. While many are peaceful philosophers, some have established their philosophies into the fighting arts.


    6. A master of the magical arts. They are able to change the physical world with words that nobody understands.


    No I understood what you said, the guys in the video are performers, but in a sense they are very much Monks too. Not going to go into poi, if anyone is interested go ahead and do your research.


    1. Gladiators, Hunters, Soldiers, yes Fighters in this sense.

    2. Cleric, Paladin, Necromancer(?)

    3. Barbarian

    4. See 1, this is more of a personality rather than a "Class". This one could be a Barbarian, yes even a Monk too (a young one). Using Souka as an example... Souka is the very definition (in Avatar) of a young man learning. He later becomes more towards a Samurai, closely related to Monks by the way.

    5. Monk

    6. Wizard

    • Like 1
  16. Not all zombies are located in abbeys.

    I need to kill it because it's standing in our party's way and it's a good target to practice our swords on. After we defeated the group of zombies (or a group of skeletons or whatever) we felt to have improved our combat skills and would like that to be reflected with an xp reward.


    "Really Conan? That was the 600th zombie you've killed since I left the adventurer's hall with you. You just cut his head off with one stroke. You really think that you learned something new by what amounts to you stretching your arms out a little?"


    Edit: Of course little old shrimpy here definitely learned a few things or two fighting what was his 20th or 30th zombie. He's still young, that chap.


    Haha, when you meet a boss "I've already killed 15 like you before!!" (and he wouldn't be lying) xD

  17. A wizard is by definition one who uses magic. We are challenging the idea that a monk by definition is one who uses martial arts. I mean when you hear "that monk was amazing" you don't think "wow that monk really kicked the ever-living life out of that dude." You think "wow that dude must be really spiritual." With a wizard you think "Wow that guy used his/her magic like a beast."


    So let's try this:


    Wow! That ________ is amazing!


    Fighter - kicked the crap out of the guy with his sword or other weapon

    Wizard - Zapped him with a lightning bolt (magic)

    Chanter - I'm not really sure but maybe sang the dude to death?

    Priest - Used prayer magic on that mofo

    Barbarian - Basically ripped the guy to shreds with his hulk-like strength.

    Thief (Diplomat) - talked the dude out of a fight

    Thief (Assasin) - killed that dude without anyone finding out

    Thief (robber) - Stole that dudes money

    Cipher - Mind ****ed that dude.

    Ranger - Used that bow really well.

    Monk - ???? Used martial arts?


    Monk disarmed, danced around, grappled, broke some bones and hit weak spots. Using the enemy's weight against him. He could use a staff too, or most preferably... poi :D maaan I need to get out and spin <3

  18. OH! That's AMAZING! Give "XP" that is used towards specific mechanics! Lockpicking more increases your lockpick skill. Speech skill increases your speech skill more. Combat increases THACO. Then XP can be used towards other things like unlocking PERKS and SKILLS.


    And what prevents you from sneaking past enemies and getting the stealth bonus, then talking to them and getting the speech bonus and finally killing them and getting the combat bonus?


    Separate experience levels?


    EDIT: Though that is leaning dangerously close to TES now when I'm thinking about it xD I don't imagine it like TES by the way, not by a mile. You wouldn't gain experience "all the time" when Sneaking, but rather completing tasks would reward you with that experience.


    TES system can be done much better, it also makes a lot of sense (the concept and some of the presentation, definitely not all).

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