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Posts posted by Osvir

  1. I want magic, I want an unarmored dude who can take a bullet to his head and shrug it off like nothing happened. That's not the issue for me is the discipline, the lore of the Monk, the path of the Monk. This is a fantasy setting, realism isn't going to exist (to some extent, sure).


    It does make a point though with the heavy armor Wizard vs the Unarmored Monk. One solution is to give the Monk heavy plate armor too, let everyone be able to wear all kinds of armor (which I think is the direction Obs are taking).


    Forton is a companion, not what defines the class (Look at Aloth, is he wearing heavy armor? No).

  2. Hopefully all classes have a massive amount of play in them (obviously at a cost) so we can have that pacifist with strong soul powers, or an Ironfist homage but not both. Be less reason to have multiclass that way and help define our characters somewhat.


    No Multi-Classing, instead include Ultra-Classing (Class Focus/Direction in many ways). I likes :D

    • Like 2
  3. However, I feel that the Pack Mule thing would be most relevant in case your inventory is limited (otherwise it's only a roleplaying aspect and mechanically very easy to abuse. It should have the ability to carry like as much as what 1.5 character usually carries). If you can only carry a realistic amount of gear, and even this should be an option at the beginning of the game (Do you want to be able to carry like 4 extra items, apart from your equipped gear, 10 items or 20 items?). Or part of one the more difficult modes *shrug*


    If you go to the trouble of bringing the pack mules on map, then what about the oats they need? Would you model those as well? What about tents, sleeping blankets, cooking gear, travel food, repair kits, water, &c. How do you protect the pack mules from predators?


    Like someone else stated in this thread, for me personally it doesn't even have to a thing I bring on the map. For me it could be an invisible creature, with a visible UI that I can access and put my carefully hoarded items into. Preferably I'd want a tangible object that could get endangered, targeted and killed if I'm not careful. To be honest I wouldn't mind all that you are addressing rjshae, but I fail to see how it would be necessary to have all that because of the Mule (I understand that that's the next line of thought, the next level of ideas. Then after the cooking, repair kits, water, comes the idea of herbalism, you need to care and pet your Mule. Mounting as well, could it go on rampage? Escape if you don't treat it nice with candy and kind words? Leash it? Guard it? etc. etc. give it its own house and maintanence levels, doesn't your characters have to poop in the middle of the Dungeon as well? etc. etc. how far do you want to go?).


    I'm fine with leaving the "Mule" at that, doesn't have to be a donkey per say, could be a dimensional rift (One Bag of Holding, to simplify, nothing more and nothing less). I'm advocating because I think the Bag of Holding is lame roleplaying-wise xD getting an adventuring Donkey with you is cooler :p


    Epic dungeon delving and mules usually don't mix too well.


    Well, who says you'd be able to bring it with you into the dungeon? I'm envisioning it as something that'd stay outside, only a surface animal/thing.

    • Like 1
  4. See I kind of like this idea. Make it a Level 8 spell scroll that you can only purchase from a few shopkeeps around the whole realm. Make enough of them for many (but not necessarily all) the maps in the game. Make it expensive. Then make it late game. So I can go back and see those dungeons fully. Make it an acheivement to "find all 'Farsight' scrolls" in the game if you want. Just let me see the whole area.


    A Rogue could get a utility "Flare" ability (what with the gunpowder and all), or it could be an item you can buy (with an equal cooldown like the "Farsight" thing). Personally I haven't had much trouble in exploring the dungeons, it's been mostly the "surface" that's been the frustration. Nonetheless, I think Obsidian has gotten the idea and I hope they will device something interesting. I'm curious if anyone at Obs are "OCD" about this :p


    There should totally be an Achievement in the game if you remove 100% Fog of War xD "Destroyer of Fog" or "Bringer of Light", or perhaps just plain and honestly "You are truly OCD" xD

  5. I want to beat the area and after I've done so. I want to sit there and enjoy the beautifully drawn area on my huge monitor, without spots of black that I could just never get rid of.


    I agree with Hormalakh and I see his point, not something I would like to see either. I'd want to explore the entire area and appreciate the art.


    I suggested some sort of Clairvoyance (Farsight) ability for Wizards that only work out of doors in another thread. However, I realize now that it could ruin a lot as well as I could simply enter an area and explore it entirely by this ability to see where all the enemies are. It could be a "Remove Fog of War" only (more like an art appreciation ability primarily, e.g., it can't detect enemies) or when you press "M" it could remove the dark Fog of War (but it would still be transparent so you'd still not see the enemies).


    It could also be a "tactical" ability with a massive cooldown (So you'd have to wait around a long time before you could use it again, you could probably clear one area with enemies and use it once or twice if you'd use it carefully and ideally).

  6. I'd just park it at the corner of the map where you enter, pretty much a container that follows you from map to map (excluding indoors). Doesn't need much animations that way.


    ^What he said.


    However, I feel that the Pack Mule thing would be most relevant in case your inventory is limited (otherwise it's only a roleplaying aspect and mechanically very easy to abuse. It should have the ability to carry like as much as what 1.5 character usually carries). If you can only carry a realistic amount of gear, and even this should be an option at the beginning of the game (Do you want to be able to carry like 4 extra items, apart from your equipped gear, 10 items or 20 items?). Or part of one the more difficult modes *shrug*

  7. I'm with the "You should be able to do it" crowd. Not that I did it really, but for the freedom and atmosphere.


    This does bring up another issue though, and that's the "suddenly everyone wants to take me down!?" that pops up in Baldur's Gate. Okay! I did get caught red-handed trying to steal all the NPC's money in the drawer... can't I talk myself out of it? Can't I bribe the guards with some of the loot, or do a Jedi Mind Trick charming manipulative conversation option to the NPC a la "You wanted me to steal all your belongings". Guards should get pissed off and try to take me down for sure, but I still want to see some sort of sneaky way out of it... heck I should be able to redeem myself as well! Can't I say "Sorry, I won't do it again" and give everything back? Now, if I do it a second time there should be consequences, but generally the first time I should be able to get away with it IMO (specially if my reputation is "Heroic", that buggered me a lot...).


    "I've saved your village and the disastrous events, you are calling me Heroic! But I pickpocket you once and you're suddenly 'hating' on me so bad that your entire village is chasing me around like lunatics 'No! You stole 20 gold! Die!'" I should be able to tell them straight to their faces "Hey! I saved you, your family, this freaking entire region from the Iron Crisis... you should be SHOWERING me with money so shut up and let me steal the rest of your belongings AND your wife" xD


    Does the ENTIRE village really have to suddenly be aware that I took the money from the drawer in the outskirt house of the village and be my enemy? Word really does spread fast doesn't it... :getlost:


    Or you accidentally choose a cryptic dialogue option and suddenly everyone is against you without any chance for explanation?

    • Like 1
  8. Just remembered something... if the Grimoire is like the Wizard's off-hand shield... would you be able to imbue (although a lesser amount) spells into Staves as well?


    I'm very tired and I don't know if I'm following you entirely rjshae, about the gem stuff.


    A concern with the available spells being linked to grimoires is that the Wizard then needs to carry around duplicate copies of many spells; one per grimoire where the spell will be used.


    Correct, didn't concern myself because for some reason I thought it wouldn't be an issue. Which it is of course, many would want a Magic Missile in every Grimoire. Though I don't see why you should have 5 Grimoires with Magic Missile in them, let alone 2 of them. 1 should suffice.


    I remembered another idea too, that having a Grimoire filled with "Fire" spells could buff the Grimoire itself to be fiery and extra strong fire spells. That'd be one way to "nullify" the "I need 5 Grimoires with the same spell" issue. Another idea I had was "Spell" combinations by the use of the Grimoire, you sacrifice 2 spells for the creation of 1 (e.g., Frost Bolt+Rock Fist would create "Frozen Fist").

  9. The problem is that an idea like this would have to be designed separately as its own minigame. Art assets (for ships, naval weapons, sea creatures), animations, AI coding... all of these things would exist only in naval combat and nowhere else.


    And since it wouldn't be part of the core gameplay it would probably be an optional sequence. And to put time into non-reusable code for a part of the game many people won't see... I just don't see it happening.


    Depends how it's made, e.g., you could travel a la Fallout 2 on the map (by car... in this case a ship over water). The actual pirate battle could commence on top of the world map with 2 pixels duking it out and you can even control your little pixel a small amount and perhaps even board the enemy ship. Boarding could be "in-game" area stuff though.

  10. Haha! Brilliant Ieo :D Mini-Moi're (think french)


    I just read that as Mini-Morte.


    That's a whole other level of disturbing. :skull: Your own grimoire talking smack at you, its creator. Geez.


    That's also brilliant... you're setting so many ideas/thoughts in motion Ieo <3 I hope Obsidian takes notice


    In a sense, isn't that what Morte is though? A talking book/journal. I remember reading somewhere (read too many a thread can't sort it out in ma head) that you're going to have a Spirit thing following you around (Morte was specifically mentioned). Obsidian-statement by the way.

  11. I said it in another post another thread, I hope the flagellant drug-abusing Forton is Forton's way of being a Monk or a path that you can take the Monk class. I hope it's not what defines the Monk in P:E. I think he is actually pretty cool and he's growing on me more and more (initially I was a little bit "Again!?"), but I wouldn't want my Monk that I am planning to create to be a masochist.

  12. *SIGH!*


    I really like the vision you got there, pumping electricity through the tool. Sounds like a cool lore-ish way even. If there is a Soul connection between the Grimoire and the Wizard, couldn't the "self-destruct" if he/she dies? The electricity causing some sort of "overload".


    One way to do it;

    1, Wizard gets killed by party.

    2, Grimoire self-destructs or burns up mostly leaving only plural (or singular) scrolls instead of an entire book.

    3, Put scrolls/pages into your own Grimoire.


    Would the Grimoire have a soul by itself?

  13. If they handle it like BG/PST I'd be happy, I'd love it even more if after its been out and, sales permitting, they had a more full VO DLC/Expansion type thing. I love mods and all but amateur voice acting is sadly just that. It's the difference between an awesome B-Movie and... the crap people call a b movie cause they're not sure what else to call it.


    In other words I'd rather not leave it up to the modders cause it'll, as history has shows for the past...well its always crap. Might be mildly entertaining here and there but it just often lacks the quality in recording and actual VO talent it's jarring. Like someone trying to add there own pre-rendered backgrounds in only they're scanning in crayon 'art'.


    Meh, happy with IE lvl of VO either way.... but a guy can hope for an add-on later to bolster it, from the same people who made it.


    Depends on how much time and how devoted the amateur is ;) I managed to make some pretty sweet sounding sound sets for Baldur's Gate and I tried to be as professional as I could (I spent about a weekend on one of them, writing a manuscript, sound editing). I managed to get the volume just right for them as well so they were sounding like they could've been a part of vanilla BG. Now Baldur's Gate was fairly simple to make it good, mainly because it was short, 3-6 second .wav recordings... VO's are much more dialogue heavy, you need to set the tone right and you need to act accordingly and consistently, much much more work of course.


    If it took about a weekend for me to write and make a good sound set, I'm sure it would take months doing a full-on VO on all dialogues.


    Unless I could, of course, get some dialogue scripts from Obsidian beforehand (which I doubt I would) so I'm looking at being finished with this personal project 1+ year after P:E has been released probably for 1 character.

  14. Throwing it out there, all of it at once.


    Grimoire's are going to be equipment or gear that you can use. I'm thinking that they would be magically binding to most Mage's that uses them, and thus when the Mage permanently dies they get burned up with the Mage (like the spell memorization from Vancian, when the spell is used it is burned from the Mage's memory).


    Moving on while I'm still on fire (been trying to write this thread so many times now but midway I lose all my ideas).


    Why should the Grimoire's burn up/disappear? I reckon you're going to meet a lot of Mage's in the game and if every Mage you meet has a Grimoire of their own that you can loot and use, you're going to have a lot of Grimoire's in your inventory that just fills up space. Perhaps one or two random spells from the enemy Mage Grimoire manages to not burn up, or you could get "shards" of Grimoire's that you can put together (Think Heart shards from Zelda, getting 3 shards completes one Grimoire).


    There's also customization, you're going to be able to make your own Grimoire's. What I'm thinking here is that there's limited spells to the Grimoire's (You can only have a certain amount of them). There's going to be "High-Level" Grimoire's that only has High-Level spells. Perhaps one Grimoire of the Apocalyptic Hand~ that only has powerful freaking spell, the downside is that you're only going to be able to use it rarely due to the requirements you need to cast this spell.


    Scrolls of Magic! These would be awesome to have as pages, so when you learn a spell you're actually binding a scroll into a Grimoire, meaning that if you've got 1 scroll you can put it in 1 Grimoire (and not fill every Grimoire you got with this spell, which makes Grimoire's even more tactical).


    And I'm burned out....



  15. It can't be a full VO game regardless because Obsidian has stated so.


    When, how and where?


    Are you kidding? :p This has been known since the very beginning.









    And other sources. Man, there has to be a giant highlighted sticky somewhere for all the things Obsidian has stated over and over again. :p


    I think I misunderstood your post mate. I read it like "There's never going to be Full VO in the game, it's going to be designed to not include it at all or let anyone attempt it post-game. Period".

  16. *raises hand* I'm all down for volunteering :D probably going to start working on creating some voices after I've played the game at least once though.


    I've brought this up a couple of times before, I think that if Obsidian would make it easy to put audio files into the game (on top of the dialogue) we could see fans doing this themselves. Just looking at Let's Play's and similar I know that there are thousands of people with great voices and the proper tools to make good sounding dialogue voices for the game.


    Please? :D I've got some actor's background, and I'm so looking forward to this~


    If Obsidian implements an ease-of-use, I hope they do it on the Main Character "choices" and dialogue as well, that way you could get a fully voiced main character as well. There should also be an option of "Silent Hero" (something which didn't exist in Baldur's Gate, as an example) where your main character never makes a sound. I'd rather my main character be silent the entire game than hear him go on about the same 5 different .wav files present in the game.



    It can't be a full VO game regardless because Obsidian has stated so.


    With an initial partial VO, it's very easy and just as immersive for me to "hear" that voice continuing with the rest of the text. The recent games with full-VO are designed for a passive audience who like watching movies rather than using their own imaginations, such as when reading books.


    I've missed this :( when did they say it?


    I'm sure that it wouldn't be too hard to "cut" the voice mid-sentence if you click an option in a dialogue or skip ahead. It's 2012! :D <3

    I want the game to be dialogue heavy and designed as a book, like many here agree with because of the same reasons.

  17. Pirate Expansions! "Project: Eternity's Pirates!" = title


    Why ships should be included in any game (my opinion), Adventure or RPG, is because it unlocks the ability to travel to distant lands, or islands that you previously could not reach. It also enriches the experience so much more. Suikoden IV failed at this because they focused on the "ship" aspect entirely... but in games that have this feature, balanced with land travel and other transportations are truly classics (almost every Final Fantasy game, remember that the series of Final Fantasy began to degenerate with FFX, where the freedom of this traveling was taken away from us). Pirates is an awesome side-effect of this as well as natural disasters (getting caught in Hurricanes, Maelstroms, a Kragon attacks your ship as you travel etc. etc... what? Kragon's are totally a natural disaster >.>).


    Same thing with fliers, be it a zeppelin, dragon, giant eagle or whatever you could use for "Flying" travels. Floating islands in the skies, minimize random encounters, you'd be challenging the very Gods of the game. Reach even further distant lands that you can't reach by boat.


    I read somewhere something about "Teleporting" on the world map... I'm wondering if this is a "Waypoints" thing, but I can see even disadvantages here and "chance of failure", being thrown into a dimensional rift and you end up somewhere completely else. Perhaps one of the Gods choose to toy with you and throws you somewhere... remember that the Deity's (I don't remember which update it was...) are very engaged in the world and likes to toy with the races of the Eternal realm in various ways (I'm feeling lots n lots of Greek Mythology over that one)...


    New Horizons :o that is badass I had forgotten all about it


    EDIT: wording

  18. Couldn't I just Multi-Class as I level up/story events/Class Quests? Couldn't I just become a Fighter/Thief if I am a Fighter joining the Thief Guild? :D


    The latest of these would be so badass and most interesting I think (Thieves Guild one), but it would also require more time/thought than just throwing in a mundane/non-explanatory Class Combining script in Character Creation.

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