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Posts posted by Osvir

  1. A cursed item is an item that your character craves, without it he/she/it can't "breathe", function and the rehabilitation should be severe and very difficult (much more so than getting addicted to drugs).


    A great example is Harry Potter, Ginny and the book, she doesn't understand herself because she is possessed. That's what a curse is, it possesses and clings to the person and even when she is away from the item in question it finds her. I'd like the curse to have more effect than the item in question, if you equip a cursed item, the very curse could/would latch onto your character, even if you sell the item or throw it away (because really, the curse has been lifted from the item and is now possessing your character).


    Corruption, the One Ring is a great example as well. Your character might find him or her thinking they've let go of the cursed item and moved on with their life (but really they haven't, they still keep the item in their backpacks), and when the enemies have been slain in your fit of rage you find yourself holding the cursed sword tightly in your grip and the chaos around you, you realize that you just had a blackout (edit: and you'd be able to skip lower level fodder battles :p)


    Suggestion: Cursed item quest or cursed item corruption can cause your screen to fade to black (during weaker mobs or specific for a quest) and you find yourself standing in the midst of your fit of rage. For atmosphere mostly, would give the player a "cursed blackout" effect due to the cursed item in question.


    I gave the Berserking Sword to Khalid btw, it seemed to fit with his personality (or rather, the only way to make him fight "courageously"). In that sense, if I would have played evil (which I almost never do, see below paragraph) I would have liked it if that would have made Khalid evil.


    A cursed item should change the "alignment" if wielded for too long of your companions. I dislike being forced to play as a good character or a bad character in this sense, locking out potential companions or maybe even making some companions leave if I play too evil. Take Jaheira as an example, what if I could make her evil and she would "appreciate" Faldorn into the party instead of rejecting her? (Not even interested in having Faldorn but... yeah)


    Is this possible and/or an attractive method?

  2. Another idea which I think belongs in this thread as well:


    Lifting curses from weapons, basically if a cursed weapon has 1 pro and 1 con given by the curse, as well as 1 pro regardless of that, you could remove the 1 pro 1 con and be left with 1 pro only on the weapon. It'd be remarkably weaker but you'd get a more flexible (and less dangerous) weapon.


    Could you curse your own items?

  3. Realized some potential design issues:

    * When you get to a high level, and start to feel that Godmode feeling about your character, will anyone (specially someone who knows you by now) ask for anything from you? Likewise, your companion might be Godmode and what could you do to stop him/her/it from claiming?

    * Befriended, you've befriended the only companion that really has the banter, personality and concept of someone who even would ask for a cut, but due to the befriendment would he/she/it even ask for it? (I really can't see every companion asking for a cut, maybe every companion from the Adventurer's Hall would though, I dunno)

  4. The idea is to change the name from Monk to Flagellant, seeing as that's what we are getting from Obsidian in Forton.


    The idea we got from Obsidian wasn't that the Monk in P:E whips himself, in fact, if you look at the concept art we have so far, what he seems to actually practice is a form of scarification. There are no scars we see in the art that suggests he whips himself bloodly with various objects. What Obsidian have told us, specifically, doesn't point to self flagellation either, though, obviously, as I said, the concept art does support the idea of scarification. The patterned scars on his body look very particular, artistic, and not random.


    I don't see how it fits.


    Sawyer said in PC Gamer that Forton is a big believer in mortification of the flesh... reading up on that it doesn't at all equal that you beat yourself up physically only, but mentally as well. So this goes, mostly, to myself: do your homework :p



    In its simplest form, mortification of the flesh can mean merely denying oneself certain pleasures, such as abstaining from alcoholic beverages, internet, porn, or any area of life that takes the place of god (so, basically anything you do other than sit in contemplation and worship of God/Jesus - your job, your family, your interests, your amusements, etc.).
  5. Unlike D&D, Warhammer world have races that have NO good or redeeming quialities. Skaven have appearance to represent just that - evil race. If you compare MTG or D&D rat-people with skaven - they are completely different. Skaven have no good outcasts, like good drow or noble orcs.


    I'm sure an aristocratic variation of the rats could be implemented. And I'm sure you could make a Skaven inspired race good as well.


    The NWOD has a autocractic rat race from India in Changing Breeds, well wererats, but still. They relate them to an Indian Goddess who favours rats. I've seen her temple on TV in RL, rats everywhere. Really cool.


    Still my bet is on a sharklike race.


    An "aristocratic" sharklike race would be cool, with monocle and all.





  6. Both? I didn't vote.


    I would like to be able to run, of course then there's the question of "Stamina" involved when running in battle, and out of battle will it effect it? Tactical maneuvering and such get heavily effected.


    To be honest, instead of running I would like to see "dodge" as a mechanic, Kingdom Hearts style (Dodge Roll) which I think P:E can only benefit from. So many times have I wanted to just leap into safety when I see an incoming Fireball that I can only watch from Pause menu and scratch my head about and sigh ^^

  7. For some reason I feel that Necromancy isn't naturally "evil" in the way Obsidian explained it. We might see the kind backwater village Doctor who is a good person in every aspect, but back in his shed he is experimenting the depths of the soul and life and death in a scientific manner, knowing it is shunned upon he conducts it in secrecy and silence. The point is, the guy isn't necessarily bad or insane. In another village a man is conducting Necromancy out in the open, not to bring people back, but to heal someone who takes damage, the village is oblivious to what he did (thinking it is just Magic, not knowing what "Necromancy" is) and praises him instead.


    In a third village, there is a crazy mad scientist who wants to enslave the world under his rule and he aims to bring back the walking dead to destroy all who oppose him. There's many things that can be done.


    I'd like to see homonculus, experiments thought failed (Resurrection) and abandoned, whilst in fact they were ressurected and now walk the "Earth" in pursuit of their own identity. Although few, rare, quest specific. There should/could/would be Orders who seek out and destroy Necromancers and Necromancy wherever it may be found or suspected (Like the kind Doctor in the backwater village, you could help him out in keeping it a secret or watch as he get caught, with or without your involvement).


    My friend made a worthless character in Icewind Dale (Triple Multi-Class, Fighter/Mage/Thief) who died all the time, named Seether. At first he annoyed the living hell out of me, but we deviced a story that each time we reloaded it was him regenerating. Could the main character become somewhat of a zombie? E.g., the Nameless One in Baldur's Gate would be hunted and could possibly be cut down in the middle of any village due to his appearance, could you be boosted by Necromancy somehow and gain a statistical advantage, but in-game story/lore w/e you are now at a disadvantage (hunter/attacked/feared etc. etc.)?

    • Like 5
  8. I suspect P:E will continue in that hallowed tradition and give a few of the more tired RPG cliches a good ol' kick in the balls. But which of these cliches is really asking for it? What things have you seen in about a billion different games that would you now like to see torn to shreds by our esteemed game designers?


    Story format that we got is overplayed, "You are the chosen one! You need to battle this enemy!! This is your purpose!" and it's revealed fairly early in the game too. It's a stupid "everyone uses it" movie "rules". There are some certain frames that are repeated time and time again. Many games feel like they are the same game, just different "visuals" so to speak. The sprites move more graphically than its predecessor but its in its core the same thing. That's something I feel is overplayed.


    I've got one idea but it's one of those "Don't talk about"-story idea (I'm tempted xD) that I've been working on for a couple of years.

  9. Where is the option of getting rid of the concept entirely? It may have been fun on the arcade machines of old, where you had to insert another coin, but you would think they could come up with something else since the days of Defender and Galaxians.


    At least you didn't have to fight TNO in PS:T, but could solve the "encounter" in alternative ways.


    I'm not following entirely. The concept of Boss Battles that you need to dodge and move to the side and stuff like that or....?


    I wouldn't want a boss battle to "only" be beatable by following a pattern "Walk here, move close attack, walk here" etc. etc. chore boss battles are the worst. Because either you figure it out instantly and something that would've been epic becomes rather mundane (specially if your party is underpowered, then its just a prolonged battle) or you battle a boss (dying and reloading) a couple of times before figuring out the chore. The worst kinds of pattern Boss Battles are those that you figure out, you battle for an hour because you are too weak, along the way you get to lazy and lose attention, one hit left and you get eager and die and have to either start over from the very beginning of the battle or go and grind for a bit.


    Neither consequence is fun or motivating. That's a "shelf"-hitter right there (e.g., won't play the game for a while because of dumb boss battle).


    I like the thought of being able to beat a boss in various ways. And since this is a party based game, you should find yourself in positions where you can sneak around with two or three characters, whilst 1 distracts the boss to follow him/her into a position where you can topple some rocks from above on top of a dragon. Or you can go head on to it, by doing it the "easy" way by distracting you'll take it down in one go with the rock (if you can time it) but you'll also lock yourself out of the treasure room.

  10. How about a Wesker type boss? Or an enemy adventuring group? Something more "Human"?


    On "Giant" Boss Battles: I'd love to see positioning being important in boss battles, an attack that you have to click your way away from to safety. Imagine meeting a Giant with a sledgehammer, if he would sweep you should be knocked back, if unlucky maybe even dead.

  11. Crafting arrows, picking up arrows that you shoot. Only one quiver at a time that can be extended.


    Maybe start off with only 40 arrows, that you can extend by leveling up (with having 60-80 arrows at max).


    Crafting arrows that you loose, abilities that "regenerate" arrows (e.g., you craft them whilst walking but the game doesn't show any animation or "downtime" for it, ability would have to be explained). Picking up arrows you shoot also "regenerate" your stock. In Baldur's Gate you can have 3 slots dedicated to 3 quivers, and man when I close my eyes and imagine that I only see all kinds of silly (Archer with 3 Quiver's on their backs, tied up around their torso and in awkward positions).


    A Class-Kit Mod for Baldur's Gate called "Dragon Slayer" gives you an innate ability to create Arrows of Dragon Slaying, it is awesome and great, the only problem is that you can sell them for 4.3k Gold or so for 20-ish. Mid-game I realized that it was quite boring, and I would've loved to start off with creating regular arrows, then at a certain level being able to create +1 Arrows, then perhaps Fire arrows, Ice arrows in succession etc. etc.


    Now there are only 12-13 effective levels (as it seems) in P:E, and getting new arrows that you can craft each level is going to make your previous arrow creations loose interest pretty fast, so perhaps you can choose one enchantment once every 3rd level, that branches out differently depending on what kind of crafting tree you choose? E.g., if you go down the path of crafting Fire Arrows you wouldn't be able to craft Ice Arrows (unless you would backtrack in the Skill Tree, but this would instead lock you out of maxing out the Fire Arrow tree or something... I'm rambling *poof* :p).

  12. Hahah I remember them stating that they don't use other people's ideas, that sometimes people are on the same page as them or something someone says 'inspires' certain things etc


    grain of salt of course.


    It's all simple really, let's say you have a great idea and you present some of the information to me (or it is all information that you got, you just pretend that its some of it), I agree with you "That's really cool! What about this, and this and this?". By giving feedback I set in motion more chains of thoughts for you, your all like "Yes yes yes! I can use this with what I intended originally!" and you create something more awesome out of it, something you wouldn't have thought of as fast as you did thanks to my feedback. 2 heads work faster than 1 (if both have open minds for effective labor, that is). Similarly you can look at it, and feel "Nah, not the direction I want to take".


    I think that, the above example, is what the relationship between these Forums and Obsidian are.


    1 word can set 1'000 words in motion ;) if Obsidian would require assistance from the fans I am fairly sure that they would ask for it, but I don't think that they need it.


    How would you (the community) feel about threads started here named "Item Descriptions" with the intent of creating resources and material for Obsidian that they could use and bend to their own will (Like a Cheap Lore-Mart Supermarket)? What does Obsidian feel about that?

  13. The swapping refers to the fact that you can only use one at a time, if you want to use another you have to swap that one out to activate another, but you probably have as many as you want, just only one activate at a time.

    Regarding spell learning, I would like to fail learning spells. Frustrating, love/hate type of thing :p

    F5+F9, man.


    That's how I played the first time, to be honest. That's also one of the reasons why I never finished the game the first couple of times. When I started to play the game properly (e.g., as it was designed) I began enjoying the game much more. Heck I even enjoyed (although frustrated about it) loosing some spells because I failed to learn them.


    What about learning a portion of the spells power instead? Instead of failing there's a chance you may only learn 50% of the spells power? (And to redeem it, this grows with levels/progression?).


    In example:

    You fail to learn the full power of the spell, and it's down at 50% strength. Several levels later, however, it is 100%.

  14. Unlike D&D, Warhammer world have races that have NO good or redeeming quialities. Skaven have appearance to represent just that - evil race. If you compare MTG or D&D rat-people with skaven - they are completely different. Skaven have no good outcasts, like good drow or noble orcs.


    I'm sure an aristocratic variation of the rats could be implemented. And I'm sure you could make a Skaven inspired race good as well.

  15. The swapping refers to the fact that you can only use one at a time, if you want to use another you have to swap that one out to activate another, but you probably have as many as you want, just only one activate at a time.


    Most likely yes, I hope not though. Like someone else said in this thread, I personally agree and I don't wish to hoard Tomes. For what reason would I need 10 different Tomes in my inventory if I can only use 1, and 2 or 3 would have all the spells I would need? This is granted that the spell learning/collection system is similar to Baldur's Gate (e.g., I can have 10 level 1 spells in the level 1 block).


    Regarding spell learning, I would like to fail learning spells. Frustrating, love/hate type of thing :p

  16. You've got an excellent point Shevek, and your contribution is as important as any other poster.


    How fluff it may sound, one string of text can change your experience. And it can change the entire experience of the game.


    If the Monk instead was a Flagellant, or a Friar, the sub-classes would most likely take inspiration from that and grow accordingly from that. I believe that Obsidian will do the game justice, even the Monk. I'm merely discussing openly~ I'm curious as to what can be done in different ways and to find interesting approaches to an old concept.

  17. Wizards may not be able to immediately understand other grimoires, since they're personalised interpretation of their owners' interaction with their souls. However, I'd like to collect other grimoires though I may only fully understand and unlock their secrets later, with more experience or context of the owner's soul. An example could be Dakkon's Circle of Zerthimon.


    I haven't finished PS:T yet, but I understand that Dakkon is a specific case and not a world based mechanic. I can see some Grimoires being collected in the game, but personally that'd be unique cases where a Quest is involved. Perhaps you have fought 30 Wizards in the game, but this 31st Wizard actually drops his entire Tome, something that hasn't happened throughout your entire game, which is against the Lore of the game.


    It piques your interest and you pick it up... realizing you can't use it, which in turn leads you on a detective quest to unlock its mystery (that spans across the rest of the game).


    Tim Cain spoke about "swapping" Grimoires, which gave me the impression that you're going to carry around 2, at max 3, Grimoires. This, to me, means that there is some sort of "restriction" to how many you can hoard and why you can't do this.

  18. I'm seeing a system that L.A. Noir uses. Inspect items.


    How would this work in P:E? You could inspect the item, zoom in on it and zoom out, spin it and so on and so forth. By doing this you would learn new things about the weapon and/or the item. For a more simpler method you could Right-Click the item, choose "Inspect" and you'd get some information out of it or all of it (depending on Lore/Inspect/Crafting checks). Heck maybe you could even get cursed just inspecting an item!


    I don't understand how "Identifying" items is more of a chore than chopping down mob after mob. I really liked the unidentified items in Baldur's Gate, and that I had to identify to be certain it wasn't cursed, it gave me the sense of feeling that I had an item that I had no clue what it was, and I had to do a little bit of detective work to find out what exactly this item was.


    Sometimes I was frustrated of it too but in a good way.


    "Long Sword +1" and such should never be unidentified though but the more "exotic" and "legendary" items. You slay Urgadesh (just making crap up btw) and take his sword, but it is unidentified. You know it is the "Sword of Urgadesh", because he was wielding it and trying to take some of your heads with it. What you don't really know is what kind of effects it has, and what could happen to you if you continue to wield it. Maybe you wield it and you realize that the sword isn't "The Sword of Urgadesh" as you might've logically thought in the beginning, but the fabled and most dangerous "Rotting Corruption" which slowly rots and corrupts the wielder (Just what happened to Urgadesh!!! :p).


    These are things that I would like to inspect/identify right away.


    However, I really like this approach:

    No word yet. If there is such a spell, then I don't want the items (specifically armour/jewelry or weapons) to be unequippable. With the risk of a curse, but whatever. :p


    I think it'd be nifty if specific magical abilities were discovered over use instead, with the option to take an item to a magic expert for full identification. For example, you find a mace. You can tell by the fact that your soul flows more freely through it that it has magical properties, but you're not sure what. You decide to wield it for now. After smacking a nasty critter with it and seeing that it does some fire damage, you "identify" that aspect of its enchantment yourself, and it appears on the item description. Or you find a helm, and after putting it on, discover you can see better at night; but maybe there's an on-use shield effect you hadn't figured out, and that has to be fully identified with an expert.

  19. I'd prefer they didn't get burned up.


    Kill a mage and steal his grimoire for the win. That should be one way to learn new spells.


    Agree, Grimoire's would be like a fighters weapons to a wizard.


    I wonder what magic item Ciphers will focus thier powers on, crystals?


    Holy Symbols appear to be that thing for Clerics and maybe some Paladins.


    Monks and Prayer beads? Tattoos?


    I generally enjoy the chain of thought you bring up with this post :) don't have anything to add really, it would be cool to see different items for different classes to be able to "channel" magic.

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