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Posts posted by Osvir

  1. I always liked class kits as an option, obviously with the option to ignore them and do your own thing.


    I'm less certain about the idea of class evolution, simply because it can be done in so many ways. With some it's a simple matter of how you build them being what they evolve toward, versus what they start out as. In other cases you have things like prestige classes or upgrade classes and so on. There are a lot of ways to do it. Given we aren't really seeing prestige styled classes so far . . . my assumption is it'll be more a case of build? Or maybe there's still more to hear.


    What I'm going for is Progressive Classes, if that makes more sense than saying "evolving".


    In Baldur's Gate 2 you can start off as a Ranger, with the Class Kit of Samurai, for an example, so you are already a Samurai from the get-go. What I am suggesting is that you'd start off as a noob Ranger, a "commoner". Maybe you develop into a Samurai by your travels, you meet a Master Swordsman that teaches you the ways of the sword, or you make a name for yourself as a Samurai etc. etc.


    Kind of like... before becoming a true "Paladin" you are an "Initiate" or "Apprentice" (a student), and you need to progress and grow in your path to become a Paladin. Taking Paladin as an example in this case, the facts stand that there are going to be lots of Deity's in the realm, and to my knowledge there is only one "Paladin" thus far (no Class kits in other words). Could I not choose, in-game, who to pray too, what kind of Paladin my Paladin becomes by playing? What Gods he gains benefits from and such or do I have to decide that before I start playing? (During Character Creation/Culture thing)


    Mechanically, from leveling up is just the easiest way to do it from a developer's perspective (e.g., "You are now Level 3, you can now choose to be a Flagellant Monk or a Chi Monk!" with descriptions of what they are).


    In-game roleplaying-wise I'm sure might be a bit more difficult and could get confusing. Planescape: Torment does this very well (becoming a Mage as an example) but PS:T isn't open-world in the same sense that Baldur's Gate is and thus I think it is easier to focus on it.


    This one again:

    I'm less certain about the idea of class evolution, simply because it can be done in so many ways.


    Also I'm not speculating that it is going to be a part of the game, I am suggesting it/opinion that it could be cool if done right (and Obs is capable of just that). I'm pulling out the "If there's time and resources" argument (again). I should start taking note of how many times I use it hah.



    At least there are operating slavers in region, maybe we'll be able to sell Forton with his useless flip-flops away.


    Interesting concept... could we trick our companions? Could they come back for revenge? That'd be awesome tbh, could be epic.


    You sell Forton to some slavers, he breaks loose, takes over a ship, sails back to the coast, hunts you down, becomes a mini-boss or you can convince him that you were wrong and that you want him in your party again xD I kind of like this dude to be honest, I just want the "Spiritualistic" Monk approach to be in the game as well and I hope that not ALL Monks are flagellant masochistic drug-abusing plate punchers.

  2. More information on the monk in the PC Gamer live chat:


    Josh Sawyer: we're actually pretty early in developing the companion ideas and i want to work more with george and avellone on fleshing out their story arcs. i don't remember the order in which each class was unlocked, but one of them was forton, the monk. forton is a big believer in mortification of the flesh. and the use of mind-expanding drugs. :) we won't be having companions for every single class, but that's one of the reasons we wanted to develop the adventurer's hall. that will allow you to supplement/build your party however you would like.







    I hope it's a class kit that Forton uses and that there's other paths one can take if one wants to make a Monk.


    Heck, I hope that all Classes "evolve" as you play them. In the best way that I can think of would be starting off as a rather "Commoner Monk" and as you put your perks/skill points/abilities out and such and so on and on he becomes either a "Flagellant Monk" or a "Spiritual Monk" etc. etc.


    Forton is a companion after all, so he should/could/would have his own path, no?

    • Like 1
  3. More information on the monk in the PC Gamer live chat:

    Josh Sawyer: we're actually pretty early in developing the companion ideas and i want to work more with george and avellone on fleshing out their story arcs. i don't remember the order in which each class was unlocked, but one of them was forton, the monk. forton is a big believer in mortification of the flesh. and the use of mind-expanding drugs. :) we won't be having companions for every single class, but that's one of the reasons we wanted to develop the adventurer's hall. that will allow you to supplement/build your party however you would like.



  4. From what little we know . . . the Priest gets awful close to what you're asking already. I can see why they wouldn't want to retread that well trodden ground. Honestly what you're asking for, even barring the Priest, isn't exactly original. It's well tread in Western games. The chain mail wearing, blunt instrument weilding, shield bearing, learned, bookish, holy man is . . . not a new concept..


    It could be!


    This is what I want to see when I speak about "Monk":

    http://www.traveladv....ks01.jpg<br />http://bulldogbillio...ire_kungfu3.jpg

    Not the standard western view Gung-ho Kung-Fu Bruce Lee shrieking rage fighter with the "Fist of Doom"-brawler:



    A class that follow the heart and soul, the inner path. Some might think it's "Oh well that's part of his personality" but really, it's part of his profession, life, choices and spirituality. E.g., class. It's a discipline, not a fighting style.




    • Like 1
  5. Would a Codex work instead of the books? I really enjoyed picking up books and I hunted them out too but it filled up my inventory so fast.


    Could it be done more effectively? For the atmosphere it'd be great to have books you have to pick up, but just like a keychain (which doesn't go into your inventory, but into your Journal or another place) perhaps it could either be thrown into a Codex or fill up space in some sub-dimensional library? xD

  6. 3) 1 million & 1 keys. Even Durlag's tower lost points for this. You're 3 levels down and at least one of your characters is basically forced to *disable* use of his inventory because it's filled to capacity with all the keys, journals, wardstones etc. that the dungeon "requires" you to have if you wish to advance. This is unnecessary for a decent dungeon-crawling experience, and while I actually enjoy a good inventory management mini-game in my RPGs, I dislike those occasions when the mini-game turns into the main struggle of the dungeon. Devs need to be mindful of this.



    NOW.... Stuff I do want to see.


    3) Do puzzles/obstacles, but don't overdo them. 1 per level is a good rule of thumb


    Different topic really, just wanted to reply to and agree with this and highlight it:

    * Key chains for keys in P:E please, a separate inventory/thing

    * Codex for Books, I want to pick them up, read them and keep them, which just fills my inventory up too fast.


    Also on "3) want to see": I don't know if 1 per level is too good either, sounds like a routine. 1 puzzle on the first level, no puzzle on the second level, suddenly 3 puzzles on the third level, 1 on the fourth level, none on the 5th etc. etc. something out of the blue to keep the unexpected unexpected. 1 per level can get very much "I'm expecting a puzzle" when you click them stairs to get to the next level.

  7. Oh sweet! I can totally see this as some sort of "artifact" in some cave, and one of your scholar-ish Magey-ish companions are looking for this thing, because it is enchanted in some way, the essence of magical runes, and if any word is written upon a sheet of enchanted papyrus through this machine (a specific papyrus too) it will create the best magical spell/scroll in the game.


    ^apart from all that gibberish, and in all seriousness, I think the OP is freaking sweet. Kudos Monte Carlo, this printing press is sexier than any sword (I'm a sucker for history).

  8. Well, now it looks like we can have a stronghold at the 3Mill mark. While I enjoyed Crossroads Keep I do hope it's not going to be about raising armies and such for this stronghold. Thinking about this made me realise one of the problems I've had with recent games: they always seem to end up due to their 'epicness' having huge armies marching against each other and also have you become a 'commander' and a 'great leader of men', meeting the king and leading his troops. Not only does it presume your character is a great leader of men, but the gameplay never actually incorporates it: it's all built around the small party, and 'leading the men' usually boils down to a few dialogue choices. I hope in this one we don't get that, that it is indeed more personal, and I hope the stronghold reflects this, becoming something other than just a keep, and more like the class strongholds in BG2 or like some of the ones proposed here by people like rjshae's last post.


    Yes I hear that. I totally agree with this entire post.


    However, I can also "envision" how it could be done more personal, where there are more effects to your decisions (e.g., Visit the battlegrounds after the battles, take part of the battles on the front lines, Braveheart style, villages burned after your cruel tyranny, villages saved because of your intervention, military power and you causing a police state if you tend to play more evil. Or perhaps you create an army of love and all your guards are dressed in flowers, or an army of nature. Perhaps an army of order and justice, and friendship, unity and harmony). However, too make a good personal army stuff management for a game like Baldur's Gate (or P:E for that matter) I think that you'd need a lot of time and resources and a strict direction.


    You'd have to make two individual games/genres and puzzle them into each other. So it'd be like making 3 games (to make it the best as possible).

    • Like 1
  9. Making a script should not be too hard I think: When "enemy spotted" - equip, and un-equip when there's no enemies on screen?


    Personally there doesn't even need to be an animation for the actual action of sheathing. I used to go into the inventory in BG and un-equip whenever I came into town (and remove helmets too) because I thought it looked better on so many levels...


    Will there be a "No Helmets" options?


    edit: wording

  10. I'd love to see two-handed mace's (cudgel's?) or giant swords, but my character should be almost dragging them and attack very slowly (Unless having a ridiculous amount of Strength). Giant weapons generally, within reason and with realism/authenticity taken into consideration.


    EDIT: One tactical aspect of this could also be to buff my Warrior a lot with a Chanter, making him even more capable of wielding the two-handed weapons. So if he attacks super slow without buff's, I can buff him so he attacks "slow" or even "average".


    In other words it would almost be a disadvantage having a giant weapon, because it'd need an upkeep of 2 characters. However, tactically the two handed weapons could be advantageous (as they should be) against a large crowd of enemies (sweeping and cleaving attacks).

  11. Obsidian should institute a "Screenshot Thursday" tradition, where every Thursday they post up a new screenie of some part of their current development. They wouldn't all have to be as friggin' cool as this one, of course, but even just a snippet of them working with their tools, or a screen grab of the WIP from an artist's current render scene.


    Come on Obsidian, how about it?


    That almost sounds like a "monthly subscription" thing.


    EDIT: Been thinking about this for a couple of days, with Kickstarter and all and monthly subscriptions for MMO's and such.


    What is the difference between paying monthly for a game in development and for a game that you play?


    The one in development is an investment for something you believe in, the other one is entertainment.

  12. I can't help but feel that there could be a cryptic message in there somewhere... :p

    * The doorway is BIG, there's bound to be giant creatures in there

    * In the middle of the waterfall there's an angry "lion" face

    * Campsite, is this an indication of "You can rest here"-mechanic before heading into the dungeon?

    * By the boat, it's really only a rock but if you zoom it looks like it has a nostrils, beard and hair that falls back.

    * Marks by the entrance wall


    It is simply breath taking :D

  13. nice. someone (not me) should throw a mockup ui on there too :yes:

    Actually 3d characters will look much better (especially in dynamic), you may look on screenshots of ToEE.


    @Milten; I just wrote "Baldur's Gate" in google and took the first I found pretty much :p

    @ogrezilla; I couldn't help myself #2 xD

    @Obsidian; <3


    • Like 1
  14. Update #12 with Tim Cain I think.


    They aren't going to design the game initially with Multi-Classing (e.g., they are considering Multi-Classing, but before doing that Obsidian wants to focus on the Main Classes).


    Bonus question: Are you considering multiclassing?


    Answer: Bonus questions are cheating…but yes, we are considering adding multi-classing to the game. A better way to put this answer is that we are not ruling them out at this time. If they work well with our final system, we will offer them.

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