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Posts posted by Osvir

  1. I also want to take my time now in this thread to say that, although not forced, liking each other's posts on the site may benefit a common goal.


    Because it gives a broader picture on where we are all at, together. Getting each other on the same level is something I believe is great and might even make discussion more understanding and respecting if we know where we're all coming from, then we'll know what kind of directive we both want as well as are looking forward too :) this doesn't mean we should expect anything. And I can't stress this enough, more because it is my way of living. I don't expect anything. YOLO!


    However, doing it comes at a consequence. Namely the 90% "likes" and the 10% "likes".

    Now for Obsidian it is important in my opinion that, if 90% of the people likes something and Obsidian likes the 10%, I think they should go with the 10%. Maybe they've got a solution inside that 10% that we do not understand at this point. What I'm hinting towards here is some sort of professionalism from a fan's perspective. To go into a little bit more detail, within that 90% of the likes is 10% that's awesome, 35% awesome and finally 45% that is awesome. Those 10% of the 90% might disappear into the void.


    One of the more common WoW arguments "500'000 people can't be wrong". And I wish to say, yes they can. I am of course relating to the time when it was popular to write it. Today there be less people saying, people who used to say it but has left the *cough* dark *cough* side.


    I enjoyed World of Warcraft, just too time consuming and a little bit "not for me". Great game for those who shaped it, namely the first players. When a quest became too difficult for a player joining the servers later, the first people who played and learned then taught the game to the following gamers. And that way it went.


    Blizzard works very closely with their player base, but being such a large company they have thousands of other things to think about. Something a smaller, independent company doesn't need to juggle at the office. I read at RPGCodex, this is something Sawyer agrees with too (for all of you who blindly follow a man, putting him on a pedestal idolizing him. None of us are different, we are all equal. This isn't coming from a religious standpoint, I am not religious, but from a friend, from a brother from another mother to you: Hugs :) I like you).


    About my own "likes" on these forums:

    Some of them are because I just feel like it. Some of them are genuine. Sometimes I want to like but I don't. Sometime it is even tactical.


    Re-posting others ideas with sources:

    I've seen several awesome ideas, and because I want to endorse them I refer to them and link to them in other threads so that more people can see them and discuss them.


    Finally, some spiritualistic/humane mumbo-jumbo: Together we shape the world :)


    EDIT: Lastly (I'm such a love nerd sorry xD take it with a pinch of salt haha), the only agenda and ambition I have is to imagine a game together.


    You are all intelligent beautiful people~



  2. Am I the only one who has always wanted to kill Imoen, and was frustrated that I couldn't?


    No, totally no xD many times. But I at the same time I can be cool with her, all depends on the character I make as well as my own party management. I've played with her and without her, and I think there are great fan mods that activates banter's (fanmade, I think) which gives her much more personality.


    But... I just think the hug thing is a silly childish message of friendship, respect and all that other love crap that is very important :p


    A "once-a-game-specific-character-side-quest"-thing, at least. A mundane hug of friendship, and nothing romantic involved at all.

  3. Ever felt you needed a hug from Imoen after Gorion had been slain? Early game?


    Although it is not very important mechanically as a huge development thing, I think it is very important at the same time :D


    At least one instance of it, at some point in the game.


    Hugs :D

  4. People are too weak-willed to play properly.





    Not really.


    Look, I don't want to start anything brother :) so don't presume this is rude (and I'm sorry for assuming that you are assuming, which in itself might come off as rude which I do not mean too. See this as a bureaucratic literal self-observant post of no ill will :) hugs!) <3


    The point and the response:

    Playing a game "properly" is preference. You prefer to play in a way you deem it to be played. In your mind that's the proper way to play it.


    I might have misunderstood your post, and I am again sorry for it, but playing a game properly is in my mind completely about preference.


    But if I had to state "How do you play a game properly?" then my answer would always be "To have lots of FUN". Are you not having fun playing a game, then you do not have the proper mindset. But as I said, this is my preference.


    I don't care if Project: Eternity becomes the best game or the worst game ever spawned in the history of mankind. I've already decided and set my mind on it. I will have fun, and I'm not even forcing that thought. I want to have fun so I will have fun, it's that simple :) it's kind of the same thing about "I want to spread love so I will spread love" <3

  5. Stockholm, Sweden


    Hi Drake. I'm astonished that folks from Europe (and Britain :biggrin: ) outnumber Americans here. Of course, it might be that the Americans are just too clever to post in this poll.


    What I can deduce from my roadtrip in America would be that they are either too busy partying or too busy working.

    Or too busy watching television.


    I love America, beautiful country, beautiful people :) Europe is awesome too. We're all living on the same planet (I've got 2 feet on Mother Earth, not 2 feet in a corporate country).

  6. You can save in X-Com during the missions, I do it all the time.


    Peopel are too weak-willed to paly properly.




    Only saving in Camp or at an Inn sounds all good. Hey, starts to sound like Final Fantasy now (When did they stop with the "Tent" in Final Fantasy by the way? xD maybe never did, I stopped playing Final Fantasy after number 11 pretty much).

  7. This may be thinking too far ahead, but...


    Replayability? Don't make a sequel like Mass Effect 3. It killed all my will to play the previous chapters, even though I played ME at least a dozen of times and ME2 at least ten times.


    Did you also feel that the game was ending too soon, too sudden? I thought the entire ending section was absurd on so many levels, but then again I had spoiled myself before hand (So I knew what I was expecting). Does the "No spoilers" in the General Discussion imply no spoilers at all or only for Project: Eternity? Anyways~


    Topic! Replayability is best done, I think, at character creation. Let me explain: People are talking about that in Dragon Age: Origins "If you were a Fighter compared to a Rogue there's no difference!" and I'm looking at Baldur's Gate and chuckling thinking the exact same thing. Okay, tactically it is a completely different thing. Stay awhile and listen:

    Everything that matters in Baldur's Gate for building a character are the statistics; in order, Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Wisdom, Intelligence, Charisma (Did I miss one?). That's what keeps me replaying it, same with Planescape: Torment. Why?


    Because it had such an impact. Or at least it felt like it. Fallout 2 is a perfect, and a much better example of this, having low Intelligence impacted your entire game. Variety in character customization, both in appearance and statistics, makes the game replayable in my opinion. This is given that the story and world my character(s) travel through is great :) but I am just pre-assuming that is going to be the case for Project: Eternity so I'll not even discuss it.


    BUT! The most important thing above all is statistics "It is what is inside that counts" after all.

  8. I don't think it's going to be much of an issue. But I've read some of it too in a thread, what I managed to digest was pretty much:


    Chronology start

    [EDIT]: *Someone said: [/EDIT]


    Obsidian Announced:

    * Level-Scaling System


    People Responded:

    * Gasp!

    * No!

    * Help! :(

    * Save the whales!

    * How can they!?

    * Cryy!

    * Hey I've got an idea, scaling encounters?

    * Oh, that sounds pretty good.

    * Yeah!

    * Woo! :D

    * Save the whales!

    * We can do it!

    * Do it Obsidian!

    * Omgosh why aren't you doing it!?

    * Cryyy!

    * No!


    The Chronology of Fanboy-ism~


    Anyways, I suppose this is the thread you're talking about? I'm pretty sure I read some clarification in one of the posts *scratches head and looks meaningfully at OP* did you read all the posts?


  9. If you're going to scale PE's version of Mt. Everest, you ought to prepare accordingly.


    The second suggestion is to implement some level of destructible and interactive environment. This would help broaden party tactics and encourage thinking that is less direct and more "out of the box". Destructible environments could also play a role in puzzles and exploration, hence my example about burning thick vines and discovering a secret path in the forest.


    Now I don't think both ideas are likely to make it in, or are a necessary addition, the first idea could comfortably be put into Expert Mode instead of something all players should have to deal with. But I do think both ideas would make the game more enjoyable.


    As I recall it in Diablo III there were some destructible environment you could make toppling it on the enemies. I don't know why but, it feels like that is always the solution in the games somehow. I do enjoy it, but it also shows me about how far the developer's are at. People ask for destructible environments and that's what they come up with.


    It was also much more present in Act 1 than in any other of the acts which brings me to the only conclusion that destructible environment is time consuming to create.


    (X-Com picture was here)

    *Scroll the thread I'm sure yu'll find it, if you're interested




    I only heard about this game like last year, bought it and playing it on Steam. It's a great game. Well, when you start to understand it (rather quick learning curve in my opinion, but at the same time kind of steep too. It felt a little bit trial and error (I think I played like... 5-6 times before I figured out how to play it).

  10. I'm beginnning to think that it doesn't matter what Josh or Tim actually say. Seems like many people would rather just believe in the kind of system they want as almost like an article of faith. Perhaps it's like religion or just intellectual hedonism. Many people choose to believe that x is true simply because it makes them happy to believe that x is true. I'll never understand that sort of thinking. I like to at least try to discover what is actually true, outside of my wishes and desires. As far as I can tell you guys are basically designing your own system here. While interesting, it has little to do with whatever system Obsidian is actually planning.


    I believe that this rest function is a good idea :) most likely we'll see something more simplified. But I'm sure that some of these ideas Obsidian is like "We want to do it, but can we?". My faith is that Obsidian will know what is best for the development. I am sure there are many ideas that are "We want to do it, we'll try it for another game". Most of all, I like to see it as we are limitless, corny as it sound we are aloof airy and we really need to get brought down to Earth with Obsidian saying (like you do to a little child) "No!". I am sure Project: Eternity is going to be some sort of indication of this "No".


    For an example, this camping and resting function has probably reached it's peak as a function in a game like P:E. But who is to say that having an axe and cutting down trees to build your own house would not work? How far can the idea go? xD How do we know that Obsidian isn't already thinking about that. You see, our discussions help Obsidian think about thinks they might have thought about and discussed between themselves, it also help with giving ideas that they might not have thought about before. Also, what kind of ideas do they have that we haven't seen or thought about that they could combine (or no combining at all) with these ideas.


    With that being said, what do you think of the Camp (as discussed in this thread) metiman? :)

  11. Kind of, Quest events.


    Imagine doing Kivan's quest, but from being a third-party. Where he leads and you follow (and would you walk back he would continue forward). During the time you follow on his quests you would pretty much be a 7 man party, with perhaps some basic shouts a la "Watch out!", "Get over here", "Follow me for a while". You wouldn't have any mechanical control but this could be a tactical aspect in itself in combat (Controlling an out of Party companion with limited tactical management, controlling several? Lead an army? xD). Of course, the companion should have some proper AI.


    I'm thinking Side-Kick Heroes, basically potential Companions or traveler's, that travels the world actively doing one Quest tree.

    Every NPC usually has their own in-built Quest tree that they have to follow right? That you have to do anyways?


    If Time is going to be a resource, would you miss certain Quests, companions?

  12. I like the overall proposed implementation.


    my biggest question is this: Why did they describe this system first and foremost as "cooldown based?" It sounds more like Vancian with a little cooldown flair to it.


    There is no flexibility with the D&D Vancian system, and it's much harder to tweak across difficulty levels too. With the combined spell tier + grimoire cooldowns and scaling application by character level, that leaves a lot of room for tweaking... There's still one major variable missing, though, and that's soul. Hmmm. I hope they get creative with soul and not treat it as a pure mana bladder or something.


    Kaz and Kairean (unsure about the latter's exact spelling, some newer people on the forums) suggested this in some other threads:


    "Magic System Ideas" thread@Kairean:



    "Magic: Limited Casting?" thread, couldn't find Kaz post (I quote it in this thread):



    Short version:

    A; Mage's use their own souls to cast magic (potential "Soul Sickness"? further additions and conclusions = casting too much of too high powered spells could kill your Mage).

    B; Sucking the souls of your slain enemies to replenish.


    Brilliant? Yes, imo.

    • Like 1
  13. I proposed a portable hole in my inventory thread that allows you to essentially enter a small dungeon where you can just drop gear you find, I imagine this would be a very hard find or very expensive at the least.


    Also tensor's floating disk for mages to help tote gear around for the group.


    Terranigma reference? :D

  14. I don't think resting is going to have any significant place in this game.


    Oh I'm sure it's going to be alright with or without a rest function. It might perhaps not be significant but it's still going to be a part of the experience.


    I have a feeling it is going to be something much, much simpler than all of this, I don't know; I just like to discuss.


    EDIT: Positive waves <3

  15. I'd also find the poll more interesting if it were structured:


    My PC is typically a magic user and ...

    My PC is typically not a magic user and ...


    Thanks for the tip :) What I wanted to address was the specific use of Magic that Tim Cain speaks about in Update #16.

    EDIT: The semi-confusion going on in this thread seems to be about no one clicking the links or being up to date so I'll just try to explain briefly:

    Obsidian are considering (important word, remember it) to use a Magic resource based system where a Mage's lower tier spells will be Unlimited in proportion with his level.


    The consideration (that important word again) Obsidian has in mind sounds something like this:

    All of this is an example: A Mage with a 2nd Spell Level would be able to throw Level 1 Spells freely right and left whilst the Level 2 Spells would be costly. As you gain Spell Level 3, Level 2 Spells would be unlimited as well. Again this is only what they are considering (I hope you know the definition of the word).


    Now, the question I am asking is: Would you like to see another mode of this? If Obsidian chooses to go with this, would you like to see an option where you can turn the "Unlimited" off and get the ability to have it "Limited" on one of your playthroughs?


    It makes sense, really, especially if it's a matter of progression. "My low tier spells start off challenging, but eventually they get to the point I realize they're trivial. However, my better spells, in higher ranges, are just so taxing that they are always going to be limited through some means."


    Simply fantastic explanation, I'm on the same page :D but I also want the hardcore way wherein the low level magic tiers never get trivial... just less difficult than they were at a start.

  16. Great ideas! I love the mobile camp, specially the one where you would be able to place it out beforehand (Example: Tradeway North in Baldur's Gate~ setting up an easy camp by the caves/in the caves before exploring the general area further. To rest I would have to return to the camp site).


    Camping as an in-game function/Replacement of Rest:

    * Can only rest by campsite

    * If more Baldur's Gate-esque (Map-by-Map/Area-styled) can place max 2 campsites per area.

    * If more Divine Divinity-esque (Open world) can only place campsites

    a, at a certain distance from each other (It wouldn't serve a good function to place two campsites on top of each other)

    b, cooldown/can't place campsites every second, but something sensible

    * Campsites = Waypoints and you can Fast Travel between them and City Inn's.


    This: you set up your Waypoints/Checkpoints yourself. Now I don't know how difficult/easy this is from a developer's perspective but that would be awesome.


    snapback.pngIeo, on 03 October 2012 - 07:15 PM, said:


    maybe there's a "campfire" button on the UI that allows you to drop a camp somewhere on that map and the mule automatically stays there.


    Waypoints! There could be Camp Sites scattered about the world, mechanically they would be like "Waypoints" in Diablo II, you have to find them before you can use them. These points could also be points in which you can Fast Travel from Camp Site to Camp Site (Without going to the "edge" of the screen).


    Remember the Scenario Sawyer brought up and asked us about what was good about the experience of walking back to camp?


    I can totally see how this Camp Site thing could be directly combined with that.


    There is a camp fire in Baldur's Gate, right outside a Goblin cave (in Tradeway North). For some reason I always rest by it when I'm in that area.


    There could be different difficulties on it too, in hardcore mode the Mule can be slain, but in Casual/Normal the Mule always flee's.


    How to deal with injuries, I can see a Fallout system existing... but instead of just using the doctor's bag or skill you'd use different types of herbs and plants, a wooden plank to braze a broken leg etc. etc. and the injuries heal over time and not instantly.

  17. Ah no, I think if you scroll up a couple of links you'll find it. It's a thread about "Fatigue" and "Breathe" being a mechanic like Health.

    Best way I can explain Fatigue in a game is kind of like... Stamina? Diablo II is an excellent example where it is used. In a game like P:E Fatigue would have more depth though, and a lot of actions would have to cost Fatigue and all other things.


    TrashMan did a pretty good post on it, check it out :)



    Breathe would be something that we seen in Dragon Age: Origins, the "Passive" abilities you had to activate, but doing so you lost a good portion of your Mana/Stamina bar which was a great feature and idea/solution in DA:O. With the latest announcement/Update Tim Cain seems to suggest that a Fatigue System won't be used in this particular way (He doesn't mention fatigue, I think? So it's all in speculation if the parameter of Fatigue/Stamina is going to be present):


    Update #16:




    *reads your link*


    Imma post on your link :D some pretty sweet ideas mate.


    Overpowered, I'd rather not see that in PE... as much as I loved them in BG and metagamed to get one ASAP...


    I'm an ASAP man too, Scroll Cases, Potion Bags, Unlimited Quivers, Gem Bags, Bags of Holding. Many of these are mods though, and like you said I can only agree with a twist: I'd rather not see that in vanilla PE.

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