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Posts posted by Osvir

  1. I'd honestly prefer a tribute to Boo rather than a tribute to Minsc, in some way. Boo could be an inter-planetary being that travels from realm to realm to aid in the assistance with confused and distressed individuals *eyes glance towards Forton*


    LOL! Boo could be a hallucination/spirit/soul that only a drug abusing character can see (Forton in this case, or the Player character if he goes down that road too). It'd be fun, Forton rambling to an imaginary friend all game until you get up to the same level of addiction as him you'll start to believe him. It'd be a reward for pursuing addiction. It could be fun dialogue conversations too "Who the hell are you talking too!?".

    • Like 4
  2. ^Here's for hoping that media grows more mature and stops their childish games til April 2014 and starts using their tools to communicate with people rather than influencing an image onto the people. When they start doing their job, knowing what powerful force that they are (and treat the people as people and not dollar signs), perhaps there will be actual intellectualism in what they say. If not: we don't need to care wtf about the blasphemy they portray.


    Let Obsidian make their game with their vision, without feeling hampered about "I wonder what the media will say". Something that should be more important, and most important, would be "I wonder what the people will say". And I think Obsidian is on the right track.


    We'll all be friends on Planet Earth at some point. Naive dream, but I believe it :)

  3. Philosophically speaking, even if I try my best to make an original character, that character is going to be based off aspects of myself and my own influence for what/who that character is. Ultimately, every character I make (Metagame, myself, someone else etc. etc.) is all in my imagination where I draw the creativity/morality from. That is being nitpicky though (every character you make is based off of you; the "Avatar" of you, the "Alter Ego". I think Chris, Avellone, speaks about it in an awesome interview).


    I'd confront most of the objectives, morality decisions, like I would in real life, with some exaggeration to it as well of course. I usually try to talk my way out of fighting, but if it comes down to being the only solution, then I'd deal with it, whilst in real world I would probably try harder to not be violent, a game is limited in those ways I believe. You can't push your agenda onto someone else as much mechanically because the game doesn't physically allow you too.


    Someone really wants to fight my character, tough luck for me (and tough luck for this someone as he is going to get it handed to him with a hammer to the face), in real life I would try to argue not too fight me, I'd try to resolve the problem and go to the core of the problem to turn it around so we both can walk away happy. Not going to happen in P:E, I think, but yeah... a game is limited for a purpose and I'm fine with that.


    Likewise I don't like to run away from encounters, as my character is usually brave and courageous and persistence in patience. Monkish in some respects.


    Hmm this brings up a thought... will you be able to run away from encounters with an impact? (Like a dialogue choice has impact) if I ignore the mob in front of me that wants all my moneys and I just barge right through them without fighting them, could that have some impact later somehow? Maybe these bandits come up to us and thanks us for not dealing with them like we dealt with their boss (realizing we were way above their power level, as if we spared their lives rather than crushed them like the maggots they really were). Likewise if we hightail it the other way they might laugh at us for being cowards and villagers/reputation takes effect too.


    A mix of myself and original character. How original can a character be anyway ;)

    As I am not decided on gender though, I can't predict that I will completly play myself either.


    As original as you are. Though, philosophically speaking (again), I believe we are all part of the one and the same :p had a short swift discussion about this with a friend. We are all "One" <3

  4. A Fallout/Fallout 2 traveling system would be much more fun than a Baldur's Gate one me thinks, freedom of traveling. You have the freedom to go anywhere. The Fog of War could even encase the world map as well, and as you explore (like Fallout) you reveal more of the world map. Whilst in Baldur's Gate/Dragon Age it is like "unlockable" nodes.


    "Go to this point to unlock 2 more points". A Fallout-esque traveling system would be effective too I think, for immersion, but more importantly interaction with the game's different features.

  5. I feel opposite, I've been playing Baldur's Gate (the original, with tons of mods, recently) and I feel it "stutters" when I change location. If I click somewhere they walk towards that area but if I press somewhere else whilst they are on their way they "stutter" and then walk the other directed location. In BGEE the reaction is much faster, there is no stutter and they walk as directed. Don't know if that is exactly what you're after but just one of my own observations (also, try shift+click).

  6. ^Guild Wars 2, from the little I've read/seen of it is action oriented unlike many games before it. It looks like a legit game. I think AngryJoe's presentation and "image" is obnoxious but he sells his product and his reviews are still good imo and he has good valid points <- About having an open mind, I reckon many here dislike AngryJoe "just because".


    After seeing this review I really wanted Guild Wars 2.



    Re-watching this review I'm thinking about this (Wall of text) regarding weapon skills, this review inspired me.

  7. A captured tinkerbell on a leash would resolve the issue.



    I remember/recall reading this somewhere.. that there was going to be a "7th" party member (a soul entity following you around). Obsidian statement by the way, I just don't remember where. Around the time we were discussing about pack mules (2-3 weeks ago?). Obsidian needs to put me down regarding this, I don't want to be spreading them lies. I think it was about that time where an in-game pet was being discussed as well.


    EDIT: Don't reply to this until I've checked some sources (or if you have a proper source or you recall it too). I'm re-reading/watching the updates.


    Update #13

    In the western reaches of the Dyrwood lies the Endless Paths, an ancient network of cobbled trails that wind through arches of dense overgrowth, twisting within the confines of a high castle wall as they make their way to the gates of iron-shuttered towers that jut forth from the interior. In ages past, the towers rising from the gardens to pierce the canopy of the forest once marked the dominion of the castle's relentless, crazed builder: Od Nua. But the courses of Od Nua's madness run far below the surface, stretching forever deeper into wandering catacombs and bone-cramped oubliettes unseen by living eyes for centuries. The Endless Paths, as the old Glanfathans call them, cannot be walked by the living, but the storytellers say with certainty that many strong souls have found a permanent home beneath the grieving creator's estate.


    Most else that is said and written of the place is fiction or conjecture, more likely to have sprouted from the svef-enhanced imaginations of bored and boasting mercenaries than from any seed of truth. Hosts of lost souls that relentlessly stalk the living, cathedral-sized tombs overflowing with the restless victims of a horrific plague, lightless chambers sealing in the remnants of Od Nua's failed experiments. Most legends converge on a common theme: that under the castle rest myriad forgotten vaults of death and darkness glittering with Od Nua's enchanted creations and the abandoned treasure of ill-fated interlopers. So great is the fear of the castle's denizens that even drunken and drug-cheered adventurers do not joke of setting foot on the paths, lest their souls join the eternal ranks of those that have gone before them.


    Not what I'm looking for but just a tidbit of something that could work well with lanterns- I know that I've posted that several times, I just think it makes it easier to read when there's a link or two in post. Definitely "stands out" doesn't it?


    Still looking for the right information regarding this... here's something from the wikia that resonate with the above quote:


    The player witnesses an extraordinary and horrific supernatural event that thrusts them into a unique and difficult circumstance. Burdened with the consequences of this event, the player has to investigate what has happened in order to free themselves from the restless forces that follow and haunt them wherever they go.


    Replying to myself; extending post past edit. I feel that a Fog of War entity/God resonates with this too, a Darkness God. If the Fog of War is an enemy by itself, there could be some pretty cool instances. The villagers running from their village because they are being hunted by the restless Shadows, being engulfed by it. Or we are out exploring the world when suddenly we come across a broken down villager who has been running for weeks.


    With the isometric view this could be really cool. Specially if you could see torches far away in the fog of war (encased by darkness and a vision ring around it). You wouldn't see every light spot on the map in a dungeon, but if you came up to a fork you could perhaps see if there is an enemy down the hallway holding a torch or simply a wall torch. You'd not just physically explore the map (with your party) but you would actually be exploring the map (through the map interface/scrolling the map) which I think enhances the "Adventurer" aspects.


    Someone could approach you from the darkness, and you can't see their face or where they are at, entirely. "Psst psst over here!" and you follow someone through the darkness. Bringing up a torch in this way could see someone just running away towards at the edge of the Fog of War.


    An idea I've had for a First Person game is a monster that lurks after you, follows you around (looking like a Mantis), invisible, haunting you. Kind of like an "Alien" (Alien movies), but it doesn't strike, it just haunts you, as if teasing you. An evil poltergeist~ dripping it's goo on you from above, and when you look up it attacks. Or you notice it, attack it and it disappears into the shadows just to remain "gone" or believed to be gone. Though slowly and progressively you start to hear its hissing and wheezing again as it approaches closer. Atmosphere.


    Something I would like to see as well, something World War Z seems to play with, is an overwhelming horde of monsters that come after you like a flood. Climbing on top of each other, just rushing relentlessly forward towards you and if you stand in their way you're going to get overwhelmed and engulfed so you better RUN. This could work very well in the isometric view.


    Like Hormalakh said about Firkraag (who I have yet to approach/meet), could there be dangers in the Fog of War that actually puts you on your toes? At first you see a emerald light shining alluringly in the darkness and you approach it in hopes of treasure, only to see something that makes you hightail it the other way. Likewise this would give you, the player, the experience of it and the next time you see something similar you are going to be way more careful and less naive.


    In Bleach -bare with me- there is one monster (a Hollow) that tricks the main character with the image of his mother. He is called Grand Fischer (yes, with a C). The tentacle on his head is a sort of "bait" which can be an illusion that he puts forward, a human being or whatever. Something that the main character is baited by and follows it, only to fall into a trap. I think this monster is based off of this fish:



    With a monster like this in mind, perhaps you could see a light source down the hall in the fork and naively press "Walk over here" and fail to notice the pitfall between where you're at now and there, making dungeon crawling even more focused (you need to stay focused on where you're at right now and your bearing around you. Pressing a location senselessly on the other side of the map could get you in trouble on the way if you're not paying attention).


    I really enjoyed this movie a lot, it portrayed a futuristic dark world, the world itself extremely dangerous with only safe-havens in well guarded cities:


    Now, I wouldn't want P:E to be taken down that path to the same extent, but the sense morality of it "The world is a dark cruel place". Something that neither Baldur's Gate or Icewind Dale touches, in my opinion, Planescape: Torment would probably touch it if it was a big world like Baldur's Gate. It only takes place in and around Sigil right? ~and from what I understand, some obscure abstract surreal realms~ (haven't finished it)

  8. Thinking about what Ieo said, could an area spawn enemies depending on your level or your progression through the story? At first, the Crossroads might not hold much, but after getting to Baldur's Gate (or even Friendly Arms Inn) something new could spawn there.


    However, for a player, it could become the OCD nightmare (Got to explore every area every time I finish a major plot/quest/level line!). Even if it is level based, it can become an OCD nightmare. So instead of tying random encounters to a specific area, have it in some areas and most importantly "any" area (perhaps not 100% meeting Bounty Hunters, but perhaps 5 areas could trigger that encounter). The mob of Bounty Hunters could engage you at the Crossroads, just as much as they could engage you in the Tradeway North. Every area does not need to be action packed with "something".

  9. I am happy to have a dog come along for the ride as long as it doesn't take up an NPC slot :)


    New Dogmeat FTW!!


    Houndmeat! :'D


    In tribute to the Black Hound


    Using this thread/post to gather all pet topics, bit of a necro but I think it's good to be on the same page (knowledge) sometimes:

    Pet Mechanics a suggestion

    The in-game pet (KS)

    Enhanced Pets

    Pet as a Gel Cube

    Pet Speculation


  10. A captured tinkerbell on a leash would resolve the issue.



    I remember/recall reading this somewhere.. that there was going to be a "7th" party member (a soul entity following you around). Obsidian statement by the way, I just don't remember where. Around the time we were discussing about pack mules (2-3 weeks ago?). Obsidian needs to put me down regarding this, I don't want to be spreading them lies. I think it was about that time where an in-game pet was being discussed as well.


    EDIT: Don't reply to this until I've checked some sources (or if you have a proper source or you recall it too). I'm re-reading/watching the updates.


    Update #13

    In the western reaches of the Dyrwood lies the Endless Paths, an ancient network of cobbled trails that wind through arches of dense overgrowth, twisting within the confines of a high castle wall as they make their way to the gates of iron-shuttered towers that jut forth from the interior. In ages past, the towers rising from the gardens to pierce the canopy of the forest once marked the dominion of the castle's relentless, crazed builder: Od Nua. But the courses of Od Nua's madness run far below the surface, stretching forever deeper into wandering catacombs and bone-cramped oubliettes unseen by living eyes for centuries. The Endless Paths, as the old Glanfathans call them, cannot be walked by the living, but the storytellers say with certainty that many strong souls have found a permanent home beneath the grieving creator's estate.


    Most else that is said and written of the place is fiction or conjecture, more likely to have sprouted from the svef-enhanced imaginations of bored and boasting mercenaries than from any seed of truth. Hosts of lost souls that relentlessly stalk the living, cathedral-sized tombs overflowing with the restless victims of a horrific plague, lightless chambers sealing in the remnants of Od Nua's failed experiments. Most legends converge on a common theme: that under the castle rest myriad forgotten vaults of death and darkness glittering with Od Nua's enchanted creations and the abandoned treasure of ill-fated interlopers. So great is the fear of the castle's denizens that even drunken and drug-cheered adventurers do not joke of setting foot on the paths, lest their souls join the eternal ranks of those that have gone before them.


    Not what I'm looking for but just a tidbit of something that could work well with lanterns- I know that I've posted that several times, I just think it makes it easier to read when there's a link or two in post. Definitely "stands out" doesn't it?


    Still looking for the right information regarding this... here's something from the wikia that resonate with the above quote:


    The player witnesses an extraordinary and horrific supernatural event that thrusts them into a unique and difficult circumstance. Burdened with the consequences of this event, the player has to investigate what has happened in order to free themselves from the restless forces that follow and haunt them wherever they go.

  11. Seeing torches and/or light in the fog of war from afar (and things around it) would be cool. If the enemy sees me if I have a torch I should be able to see them if they have a "torch" (in essence, light source). It could also give me a sense of direction and more importantly for the non-lethal or burglary approach, see where the guards are during night.

    • Like 1
  12. To be real..


    Rape in literature is like enjoying "not enjoying" it. To give a reason for vengeance or anger in the player because the character gets somehow in some way emotionally attached. If you are the one doing it in the game to someone as the player character then, then I don't know, then it is bad design. Even if you make a cruel character intent to be utterly evil and it could be authentic to the setting I just feel that is taking it too far (for the player character).


    As an indication, something we figure out by ourselves and decides what to do with it (passive or aggressive reaction/morality) is more feasible when the villager chick is distressed, afraid and doesn't seem to like our approach (no matter how kind we may seem to be). Something traumatizing, blegh, I don't even want to think about it.


    Doesn't mean I like it, but there are times in video games where I get emotionally attached to characters (or in books) and I get so pissed off when something unfair happens to any of these attached characters (doesn't necessarily have to be rape). It really makes a story better though, with this element. I think this falls into the category of "Frustration", and getting your hands on that master sword only to have it slip to your fingers and down a drain never to be seen again is also part of this.


    Whatever abuse or unfairness anyone receives (male or female). I don't like it, but it could be necessary for the "journey" and the narrative. Darkness of the Soul should be as apparent as the Darkness of the Fog. And it comes in many different forms.


    "Postal" manages to pull it off but "Postal: Running with Scissors" is f- up by default (I had fun with it, because it felt undramatic and more of a joke).


    On male and female~ oh well I don't know what to do with it.


    * Human

    * Aumaua

    * Orlan

    * Elf

    * Dwarf

    * Godlike


    There'd probably be different branches (factions) in each of these as well. Let's say 2 factions in each Race and maybe 1 minor faction. Perhaps even an external faction that is open to all races (multi-cultural). A neutral faction where everyone is welcome.


    How would male/female play out in these different cultures/factions?

  13. Is it really going to be tougher solo? In Baldur's Gate (2), for example, most of the game was hilariously easy if you soloed, because your one character would be getting all of the experience, instead of having it be split up, and your stats would be ridiculously overpowered, (especially if you were a caster!), in comparison to where they were supposed to be if you had been using a 6-player party. Until you hit max level and then hit the real encounters that you were supposed to be fighting with a max level full party...


    Did you perchance try that on the most difficult mode? I wouldn't know (haven't tried it to be honest), I only draw my knowledge from Bioware and their statement on Dragon Age: Origins. They said that soloing on harder difficulty (Nightmare) would be impossible (and it is, not even going to challenge it when my entire party goes down against an Ogre on Nightmare, how would 1 character stand a chance?). I think it was doable but challenging on Easy (solo).

  14. Up to 6 party members.


    Party Size Poll

    Party size

    Party size limitations


    You could play with only 1 character (the main character) without any more members, but it is going to be designed for 6 party members. Playing with 1 character would be tough (near impossible? Challenge accepted?) on harder difficulty modes.


    EDIT: This list is the king and way better than the search function... needs to be updated with the latest threads and cleaned up a bit though (I'm just lazy :p):




    Hint: CTRL+F

  15. Not sure if it should become another class of armor itself. If it's so it could be done to ridiculous extent - the first rags you've found could be made to the best armor ever with whole upgrades and perks from "almost not an armor" to heaviest full plate, maintaining all applied buffs.


    Armor on armor on armor. You start off with rags, but you build it up, put some more leather on it from those Bandits you slew and now you've not got rags (but an armor functioning as a leather armor). Later we meet some guards in chainmail, we slay those guys too and add on the resources to our rags+leather making a chainmail. Then there's some Templars being pesky and we take them down with some ease and add their Plate Mail to our composition. Rags into Leather into Chain into Plate. Of course you'd be able to get to the Craftsmen and buy a fresh piece of plate and/or upgrade your rags with some excessive vendor trash that the Craftsman is selling to you to transform the rags into something... more.


    ^^Craftsmen would be more important for those who play a non-lethal approach. And of course non-lethal take downs and strip the unconscious guard naked.


    So when I say "buff" I really mean "build" (e.g., not magically buffing, which shouldn't be excluded).

  16. Whoa, slow it down guys. You're becoming so immersed in these ideas of yours that you're forgetting what was your goal in the first place ;)


    What is my goal? I'm just thinking out different aspects, new ideas, what I think is effective ways to build your character and the growth progression of your character for both player and developer alike. The goal for me is to produce as much material/inspiration as possible so that Obsidian gets more "insights" and/or ideas to make it as effective as possible. If this thread is completely down the drain of being "effective" I hope "someone" says something.


    ^That's my goal. If I'm not immersed by my own ideas, how is someone else going to be? I'll just stamp this thread (like I've done in other threads) so you know where I'm at: Not expecting anything, P:E will be fine with or without the involvement of anything on these forums. I have faith in Obsidian that they will make what's best for P:E ;) they've got Final Word, Middle Word and First Word (not excluding the famous Middle Finger as well). The DM rules these forums.


    Unrelated but, ninjas are cool :ninja: :ninja: :ninja:

    • Like 1
  17. Apart from this post (How to make custom sound sets for Baldur's Gate, might be different for BGEE (which folder to put it in, google is your friend)) I'd also like to link to Audacity as well (freeware audio recording)


    If anyone is interested in doing some fan work later on for Obsidian IF they would ever ask, and if not in P:E you might get your voice heard in BGEE. It just released and should be a great ground to test out your skill, and more importantly have some material to back up any claims.


    EDIT: Right! If you're making some sound sets, just make one .wav file first. Let's take "Battle Cry 1" as an example. Save it, put it into the Baldur's Gate folder where applicable, listen and see if you've got the volume right in Character Creation (compared to the other characters/sound sets in Baldur's Gate). It is pain staking to make an entire 40 .wav file list and realizing that your volume was wrong (easy to fix in Audacity though, just crank up the volume a little bit, but it might make it BAD too). Articulation is very important too (I'm in the midst of creating something serious silly for laughs).

  18. I enjoyed it a lot Felithvian, albeit from time to time. It felt like I was on a roller coaster between good and bad. Wherein it was awesome at some points, and took a down turn, then went up again, then down (it grew on me, but I decided that it would before I even started to listen to it, mindset is a powerful thing). The presentation (the initial narration) felt oddly inserted. Though, my headphones broke and I'm relying on very poor laptop speakers. Now I've got an excuse to use my real speakers :devil:


    EDIT: Which brings up another interesting point, sound is different dependent on hardware. Harman/Kardon speaks for itself, that's like some monster computer speakers by themselves and that makes anything sound way better. Some headphones you got may distort your experience and you won't get the "full" experience either and will get a bad experience because you couldn't turn up your headphones to present the "depth" or immersion, though that is a bad argument for bad voice acting (bad voice acting is bad voice acting). It is still something ponder on I think.

    • Like 1
  19. "Entering discussion post" (read page 1&2, went through page 4 quickly)


    Could identifying items and the Codex/Journal be linked somehow? I find an "Sword" and I have no idea what it is, could I (the player) be a Lore Master? Could an unidentified item have a word inscribed on it, and if I go to the Codex I could find the "Word" which is now clickable because I have the item in question in my inventory which equals identifying it. <- That could be an annoying workload for Obsidian though.


    Concept is that... finding a Book with some lore about a Sword that I happen to have in my inventory should identify it.

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