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Posts posted by Osvir

  1. @LadyCrimson: For fan-work voice acting it requires a devoted fan, someone who is engaged and knows all of these "issues" with recording, someone who has done some research and has a small/big portfolio. The question is then, why should a fan put so much work into it if it isn't interesting for the developers or the forums to begin with?


    I really want to do some sound sets for BGEE and test it out (get some feedback on the forums) but if there isn't any "end goal" or someone discourages you from doing it? Why even bother trying? <- this is all about personal confidence though, and I'm probably going to encounter hardships regardless if it is good or not when or if I release anything. Did I say this another post?: The internet can be a cruel place.


    EDIT: Prosper is Prosper and manages to pull it off (genius, really). Voice acting is difficult in a different way and there is more prestige in it me thinks.

  2. ^I agree about the "Oh snap I don't know how to use gloves I need to become a higher level". I'd laugh if I saw this but... no, you are correct :)



    EDIT: For the heck of it, my train of thought:


    Character Level determining the "Level" of your armor (specifically, not going to address the Weapons) is because of the Armor Experience/Resource Gathering. If you could go Full Plate instantly you'd find no use for the Leather Armor that you could've buffed up.


    Examples: I start off the world, get a Leather Armor, gain a couple of Character Levels. Been buffing up my Leather Armor with resources and it is really good at this point, I'm also now a Level capable of wearing Full Plate but changing to the Full Plate will give me a "blank" non-upgraded Full Plate mail, whilst my Leather Armor is well adjusted to my play style at this point (for the Rogue).


    For a Fighter perhaps the Leather Armor makes him better in some aspects, the Full Plate Mail would be giving more defenses and I'd be able to build it stronger but at the point I'm getting it it could be weaker in some respects. I could use it in certain circumstances and switch around between the FP Mail and the buffed Leather. Likewise I could build on the Full Plate (in my inventory) whilst wearing the Leather Armor.


    There were some talk about "Medium Armor" being difficult because it has no definite "value" in any of the IE games, which is what I'm trying to address with the Character based "what can you wear?" and Armor Resource Management.

  3. I absolutely hate weapon-specific skills and experience. In effect it means that you walk with a single weapon type through the whole game and all other weapons, however good they are, become vendor trash. Why? Because their bonuses do not compensate for a buttload of skills and perks that come along with the weapon you specialised in. If you use multiple weapons throughout the game just to spite the system you typically become a suboptimal fighter without the access to high-end weapon abilities and bonuses, which also sucks.


    Giving the player an option to change weapons (not just sword for a bow, but sword for a mace or an axe, depending on a situation) greatly improves the experience and tactical value of the game.


    Excellent statement and here's my rebuttal:


    A, It is a party based game. Why should your Fighter be good with every single weapon known to man when you've got 6 party members that you can spread the weapons out on? Where is the vendor trash when your Fighter is great with a Sword and your Barbarian is awesome with Axes and your Paladin or Priest got Blunt (Maces/Hammers) Mastery?


    B, For a solo character experience you would gain more experience with all weapons, making it possible for your character to have more diversity. Let me quote a section in the wall of text (one character mastering several weapons, even in a full party):

    So in short (pick only one):

    * 1 Level 5 Weapon Experience & 1 Level 3-4

    * 2 Level 5 & a 3rd on Level 2 at most

    * 3 Level 5 (Mace, Sword, Hammer)


    ^^^that is for end-game Masteries with a 6 party in mind (how many weapons have you mastered til the end-point of the game?). A solo character would probably be able to master 6-7 weapons/styles, if not more. "(pick only one)" is asking for your input, how many weapons would be feasible to Master by the end of the game if "Level 5" is Max level on the weapon?


    I am not talking some small sums (take down 10 enemies, gain a level), nor a TES-like experience. In Baldur's Gate it works like this:


    Take down Bandit = Get 15 experience out of 1'000 experience. <- That is exactly what I'm advocating for, for the weapon experience (and not some TES variant where "Hit" determines experience and/or leveling up)


    Weapon Skills aren't necessary, but there should be a reward for getting a "Level" in a Weapon ("+1 To Hit Chance" or something, +1 To Damage or Accuracy basically).


    Like you hate the idea, I hate the idea that my characters will gain most of the experience from Questing and suddenly be master swordsmen. Specially if they aren't even Fighters (A Wizard becoming a Master Swordsman as an excellent example... how?)


    How many weapons do you master in the IE games? I think my Fighter in Baldur's Gate 2 got something like this (level 10-ish, 8, I'm recalling from memory... pfft okay fine I'll boot BG2 up and check it out xD):

    3 in Sword & Board (2)

    2 in Axes (3)

    2 in something else I can't remember. (1 Warhammer)


    EDIT: By the way, my Fighter has been wielding Axes from the very start of Candlekeep to the point in the game where I'm at now. Just saying!


    2nd EDIT: I would love to see more input on this thread, more ideas, more issues and more problems! If you see something you don't like, give me a chance to counter-argue or find solutions for it. Perhaps something completely different from what I've written spawns out of it, maybe you've got ideas that would make this idea way better and perhaps entirely different.


    Going to refer to my post in the "Dev Team Sharing the Process".


    I'm reflecting on the title, "Dev team sharing process". Turn it around, "Forum sharing process". I've got some pretty wild ideas that I'm putting out but I have no idea how it actually works entirely in development in a company. I can only phantom a concept of what it requires, the project organizing, job placements, deadlines, communication, material (so much material :o). I've played around coding a little bit, managed to say "Hello World" with programming after some hours. Played around with different 3D art tools, played in different editors, done some easy insignificant modding. Most of my knowledge is from what I've read on wikias, forums, tutorials and some programmer and ex-schooled designers (1 is studying ZBrush and is an amazing artist). There are tons of different assets in each and every one of these tools (Editor or Utility). TONS.


    To the point, forum sharing the process is that we throw ideas at Obsidian, how much help are we, really? How much do we help?


    1. "Paladins are awesome!" <- is true from how I view them.


    2. But does it say that a certain group of Paladin could be of a specific order meant to cleanse and purge, fanatically hunting down innocent men, women and children, believing they are spreading the Justice of [insert God] as if they were on steroids and hallucinations of grandeur?


    How much does it help?


    I like to think: A lot :) and if we aren't helping I like to think that Obsidian will say something, or if there is some way to help out more effectively and better. Obsidian always has Final Word and I also like to believe that they know that they aren't obliged to use anything written here (regarding the latter, I know/feel/think that others feel differently, this is just my personal opinion).

  4. I only have one thing to say, create your own secret style with the outrageous Wall of Text. One of the ideas in there is about there being enough possible "Builds" that you'd be able to build your own style. Of course reading on community forums and similar post-release would quickly find the "best build" depending on playstyle. That's why I love League of Legends, there's very many different builds for just 1 champion.

  5. EDIT: Some areas could even be oddly angled (like the picture in the attachment) as an illusion, or a magical area where you walk on walls or walk upside down on the roof~


    *Tilts head* I hope not, that's giving me neck ache.


    Obviously the background picture would have to be accommodated and authentic to the "idea". Kind of like the Harry Potter staircase.


    Sorry for the picture, couldn't find a better one (didn't look hard enough).

  6. Yo!



    Let me explain, in Baldur's Gate (I)nvetory is its own interface. What I'm curious about is if it could be handled like a Window screen. Statistics as well, perhaps the Journal too. Maybe I could customize it as well and press 1 button and bring up 4-5 windows on the screen. It'd be easier to drag and drop items to my team mates as well if I have Character 1 and Character 2 up on the screen at the same time.



    Customizable tabs in the Log, one could be for Dice Rolls in combat, one for purely Dialogue, I know there was a 3rd idea as well... perhaps a "Search" tab for finding traps or other stuff. It'll be easier to relocate what has been said with not having everything in one log. I could scroll up the Dialogue (A quick fix "Journal") to recall what has been said, the Journal would go a little bit more into detail of Quests and such. The combat log would obviously be important for combat, removing any subtitles of Battle Cries and such and mainly be focused on dice rolls.


    Sorry if I'm posting in the wrong section, thought it'd fit here better than Widgets but yeah, you'll be the judge of that Moderator :)



    Here are some links to other threads:

    Combat Log #1

    Combat Log #2

    Conversation Log & Combat Log

    Scrolling text log for dialogue and combat



    And of course, what is your thoughts on the matter/topic?

  7. Regarding the power of the silent hero:


    When playing "Dragon Age: Origins" I was thinking "Wouldn't it be cool with the protagonist being able to talk!?" obviously Bioware felt the same thing (Looking at you, DA2 and ME... the Witcher as well). And I was VERY hyped about DA2 having full voice acting, now today with some hindsight I can say I enjoy Dragon Age: Origins more because it is a silent hero.


    If any Biowarian employees lurking about these forums, learn from this in DA3.

  8. http://fallout.wikia...n_Herd_(Fallout)

    This encounter was inspired by a prank Timothy Cain used to play in the MUD Darker Realms, where he would teleport cows who had similar dialogue into a friend's work room. A similar joke is present in Blizzard's Diablo, when played with Hellfire add-on.




    EDIT: I have to say thank you for this one Tim. This is one of the most memorable scenes from Fallout for me :) I thought I was going to get a difficult mutant encounter, I think it went something like this:


    "Oh snap, random encounter!"

    *sees Brahmin, breathe of relief... then...*

    "Wtf!?" :blink:

    *bursts out laughing into tears*

  9. And I dunno...occasionally I've heard amateur/volunteer voice work in mods and such that were ok, but most of the time ... they're quite terrible.


    Agreed, though some of them are really good in their amateur acting but the volume is wrong, the microphone is bad (sounds like someone is talking in a can) and it really sounds like something someone has put "into" the game externally. You hear lip smacking and the "Ptt" (breathing into the microphone is bad). It really sounds like it isn't a part of the game and that ruins the entire immersion aspects, so the sound has to be of a certain quality as well. Doesn't matter how good your voice acting is, if I can't hear it, it is pretty much pointless and more of an annoyance.


    EDIT: If you are going to do any voice acting you need to check your Input levels, check your audio editting skills (which isn't too complicated), work on your own voice level (test test test!!! Trial and error until you get control of your own voice!!). Ask someone for feedback!! You're probably going to have to retake every single line about 10-20 times to get something remotely "good" (often in the professional world you don't "strike Gold" on the first take).


    If you've ever done some "Bowling" you'll know this (unless you were/are a natural talent of course), you don't get a "Strike" the very first time you try it (acting requires

    , something I feel that many of the amateur sound sets didn't do before releasing).
  10. This is one of those ideas that is awesome but it is a demanding task. Start writing up/presenting some prototype language for inspiration/material.


    I don't remember where but someone did make a post about it in a thread.... *4 minutes later*


    Here (Racial Speech Skill) and this one (How are languages made?) and accents.


    This post by PsychoBlonde:

    I don't have a huge preference on how it is implemented mechanically (as long as it's done in an interesting way), but I do think having at least some language barriers in the game could add a lot. One potentially interesting mechanic might be to translate a certain number of words based on your character's Int or language skill, so then you, the player, get to try and figure out how to respond. So a low int character would get:


    Fre selthenarl bi kath devre dragon mer elain!


    whereas a high int character would get you:


    You smell like kath devre dragon elain!


    Whereas an actual member of the race/culture would get:


    You smell like rancid dragon piss!


    Edit: Although, it occurs to me that localizing this might be a nightmare.


    EDIT: Underline for highlight (very important to know/think about!). Also want to refer to my post in "Dev Team Sharing the Process" how much are we sharing "the process" of our ideas? How much material do we put out versus how much material do we ask for?


    A good thread to read over at the Wasteland 2 forums.

  11. [EDIT]Here's a cookie for you when this post is being hard on you because of wall of text :)




    Magic & the Economy for city lights. Of course that'd be normal light as well (lanterns). Guards walking around with torches at night. If there were 2-3 maintenance Wizards in a town, I want to advocate for Wizards with Lanterns again.


    Make Day and Night actually MATTER and be FUNCTIONAL there is also a link in that thread to another Day/Night thread (2nd post by none other than...).


    The TotalBiscuit interview is good to watch as well (here is a thread about the interview). Why would I need a campfire if it's not going to be dark? (Left side of the picture across the river)


    Even Enemy Unknown (can't we just split them like that? UFO & EnemU) has important Day/Night sequences. Hrm, but 1994 was first... *shrug*


    Nah, I just skipped to last page and started writing random stuff like I always do.


    It is alright, I do it too. Post first, read after (because I might have a thought or an idea right NAOW but reading makes me "forget" the entire idea). I value this as counter-productive because often someone else has already said what I want to say (with different words). But it gets you into the conversation/discussion. I call it "Entering Discussion"-post.


    At no point should I be unable to see where I am going just because did not carry enough torches or firewood and at no point should I be forced to have a backpack full of firewood or torches. So I prefer they rely more on interactive set objects and/or skill based lighting whether light spells or improved vision skills.


    So how do you do it instead? I don't want a backpack full of firewood either, in LoG you don't need to have 33 Torches in your backpack but the OCD in me just picks up everything I find. You need perhaps 4-5 to cycle between, you get 33 because you don't know or you expect that you won't find torches later on and you want to be sure you have as many as possible when wall torches start to run out.


    Could a Torch be an upgradeable off-hand item? I really need to update this Wall of Text in a Word document with navigation pane and clean/polish it. Coming soon! Could a Torch simply be an ability for a Utility character? Why does the torch have to be a wooden one? It is a magical setting so perhaps I could have a Torch Maul or a Torch Mace for the Fighter, thanks to the Wizard lighting it up or whatnot. Perhaps the Paladin could have an "Aura of Light" which makes it easier to see through the Darkness (could the Fog of War be an enemy by itself? "The Darkness" is a popular theme in many Good/Evil settings. I can only think of the Heartless in Kingdom Hearts as a pre-dominant "Shadow; Part of the Darkness" enemy).



    There are so many ways to be innovative with it. Thus far we've taken our torches down in this dungeon thread and we've been looking at "Pros/Cons" with having torches in a game. What's the solution for these problems? What are the problems with the pros? What can be done better? What can be done worse? How innovative, and how forgiving are you about "realism"? If torches are going to be in, they're obviously going to have to last more than 2 minutes, could 1 torch last forever? I refer back to my Wall of Text post about "Growth" and "Armor"+"Resources".


    I also want to bring up this point again: Torches being an early level/early game item which gets thrown away/unused after a point because your party grows beyond having a torch. You might be asking "Why should they be in if they are useless?", and I'll answer you "Why should every single shop keeper have the Leather Armor and every single Bandit dropping it? It is pretty much useless.". The fun thread, about the leather armor and the Bandit camp. That was hilarious (referring to being recruited by the Bandits "Here is your long sword and leather armor. Standard Bandit-ware" or something like that).


    Take down a Bandit = Get resources = Upgrade Armor/Weapons/Items


    P.S. and unrelated cryptic message to someone~ (go figure): Pirate's always have a navigator or a cartographer, he's the creative/odd one of the bunch, hence why he's burning the edges. A creative person tends to be artsy for a purpose, that's why it is never tedious.

  12. The general idea seems to be:


    Well known actors are good.

    Not so known actors are good.

    An actor you've never heard before but is an actor by profession. Works.


    Some nobody, not so good at all.


    There has to be something in the portfolio. "I'm the king of the world!" doesn't really say too much if I don't have any proof to back it up with, and it has to be good proof too that someone else thinks is good too. The internet is a cruel place, so many people don't think its worth trying (the really good unknown voice actors) because of confidence, which rules many actions in life.


    I'll be back later in this thread when or if I've done a sound set for BGEE.

  13. "None" should totally be an option for the main character! In Baldur's Gate, specifically, I kind of wanted a silent hero, the only way to get this is to put "Never" on all of the options regarding "Sound Feedback", but that turns off all of your companions sound set as well.


    Realizing now that I forgot to add that into the poll as a 3rd Question:


    1. * Companions has sound sets, main character has none

    2. * Companions has sound sets, main character can be modded/fan-made

    3. * Sound sets for all

    4. * Sound sets for none


    I'd vote for 2 in this case.

    • Like 1
  14. A few things if this is going to be implemented:


    1. Allow me to knock out environmental light sources, Thief style. If I'm playing a rogue (which I will) I want to be able to shut torches and lanterns off to make my sneaking easier. Even if my rogue won't need it (skills, invisibility ability), the warrior who couldn't sneak past a sleeping deaf-blind zombie most certainly is going to need the edge. The whole party is going to have to cross the place so...

    The AI would of course react to this, one or twice he might just wonder how strong the wind has gotten or how a mage light seems to need a recharge but when lights seem to consistently go dark, it's going to ring some alarm bells.


    2. Throw-able torches and flares. As said, a thief with a lantern is going to stick out like a sore thumb painted in neon lights but I'm not sure if rogue, or anybody else for that matter, is going to have any kind on night/heat vision ability, so a throw-able light source is a must. Whether it's a torch or a flare or some "light grenade" we can make, it'll be necessary. Good for judging the depth of a pit too. Heck, you could turn it into a weapon if some enemies were weak towards the light (shadow monsters?).


    3. Belt-hung lanterns. Torches might be the initial go-to light source and keep themselves as the easy and disposable one, but at least at some point I want to have some kind of light source which won't take up a precious arm to hold. A lantern hung from the belt or a magical light crystal attached to the jacket would work well.


    4. Have a "put out" button for the light source. Unless it's a one-off thing and it can't be put out, I'd favor a simple button to put out the light rather than having to stow it into my pockets to shut the light. More of a convenience thing but highly preferable.


    I like all 4 of these. Specially number 1.


    Prone stance is going be a part of the game mechanics as well (crawling through dungeon holes). Just search "Prone Project Eternity" in Google and you should find it. Nvm I got it, Reddit Q&A and Update #16 with Tim Cain. So swimming could possibly be in for some specific occasions where it would not be awkward (prone/swimming.. pretty much the same animation).


    Also, prone and crawling through some hole in a cave, are you telling me you won't need a trusty torch?


    Here is a thread and thoughts on realism.

  15. You can zoom in BGEE and it's cool, but when you zoom in too close it gets pixelated (due to paperdoll resolution no doubt). P:E will obviously be more high-tech.


    It's like zooming in on a picture in "Picture Viewer", scroll up zooms in, scroll down zooms out.


    Angles are a bit more tricky with a 2D image, you'd have to draw the image from several different views.


    EDIT: Some areas could even be oddly angled (like the picture in the attachment) as an illusion, or a magical area where you walk on walls or walk upside down on the roof~


  16. I vote "Yes" and then I vote on everything in the second poll.


    The only one I want to address is "Other", and in my opinion it could be 12 Sound Sets for simplicity:


    Broken down Baldur's Gate 1


    XXXXXXXa.wav : Battle Cry

    XXXXXXXb.wav : Becoming Leader

    XXXXXXXc.wav : Tired/Tired

    XXXXXXXd.wav : Badly Wounded

    XXXXXXXe.wav : Selected 1

    XXXXXXXf.wav : Selected 2

    XXXXXXXg.wav : Action Acknowledgement

    XXXXXXXh.wav : Being Hit

    XXXXXXXi.wav : Dying

    XXXXXXXj.wav : In "Area"

    XXXXXXXk.wav : Time (Day/Night)

    XXXXXXXl.wav : Reaction to Party Member Death


    I'm ambivalent.

  17. At Chosen of Mystra they've got a guide on how to make a sound set (It is very easy, I made 2 in a weekend, I'll have to redo some, probably in the coming week for BGEE). I don't know how many sound files there was for Planescape: Torment but there is quite a few.


    Inspired by this thread ("Dialog mostly voiced?").


    Making a double post/second post on what I'm voting.


    Baldur's Gate 1


    XXXXXXXa.wav : Battle Cry

    XXXXXXXb.wav : Becoming Leader

    XXXXXXXc.wav : Tired

    XXXXXXXd.wav : Bored

    XXXXXXXe.wav : Badly Wounded

    XXXXXXXf.wav : Selected 1

    XXXXXXXg.wav : Selected 2

    XXXXXXXh.wav : Selected 3

    XXXXXXXi.wav : Action Acknowledgement 1

    XXXXXXXj.wav : Action Acknowledgement 2

    XXXXXXXk.wav : Action Acknowledgement 3

    XXXXXXXl.wav : Being Hit

    XXXXXXXm.wav : Dying

    XXXXXXXn.wav : In Forest

    XXXXXXXo.wav : In City

    XXXXXXXp.wav : In Dungeon

    XXXXXXXq.wav : Daytime

    XXXXXXXr.wav : Nighttime

    XXXXXXXs.wav : Rare Selected 1

    XXXXXXXt.wav : Rare Selected 2

    XXXXXXXu.wav : Rare Selected 3

    XXXXXXXv.wav : Rare Selected 4

    XXXXXXXw.wav : Reaction to Party Member Death


    Baldur's Gate 2


    XXXXXXXa.wav Battle Cry 1(e.g. "Go for the Eyes!" "Booyah!")

    XXXXXXXb.wav Becoming Leader(e.g. "I am the best choice" "Swords for everyone!")

    XXXXXXXc.wav Tired(e.g. "About time for a rest" ")

    XXXXXXXd.wav Bored(e.g. "Could we be lazy a little faster?")

    XXXXXXXe.wav Badly Wounded(e.g. "Little help here!")

    XXXXXXXf.wav Selected 1(e.g. "Heya" "Heya" "Heya")

    XXXXXXXg.wav Selected 2

    XXXXXXXh.wav Selected 3

    XXXXXXXi.wav Action Acknowledgement 1(e.g. "I'm on it")

    XXXXXXXj.wav Action Acknowledgement 2

    XXXXXXXk.wav Action Acknowledgement 3

    XXXXXXXl.wav Being Hit(e.g. "OW!" "Crikey!")

    XXXXXXXm.wav Dying(e.g. "I'm ok...*thud*")

    XXXXXXXn.wav In Forest(e.g. "Lets hug a tree")

    XXXXXXXo.wav In City(e.g. "Where's the bar?")

    XXXXXXXp.wav In Dungeon(e.g. "Careful not to step in any")

    XXXXXXXq.wav Daytime(e.g. "The sun shines another day")

    XXXXXXXr.wav Nighttime(e.g. "Ahh, nighttime")

    XXXXXXXs.wav Action Acknowledgement 4

    XXXXXXXt.wav Action Acknowledgement 5

    XXXXXXXu.wav Action Acknowledgement 6

    XXXXXXXv.wav Action Acknowledgement 7

    XXXXXXXw.wav Reaction to Party Member Death(e.g. "Better you then me!!")

    XXXXXXXx.wav Rare Select 1(e.g. "So I kicked him in the head till he was dead")

    XXXXXXXy.wav Rare Select 2

    XXXXXXXz.wav Critical Hit Given(e.g. "Take that!")

    XXXXXXX1.wav Critical Miss(e.g. "Hold Still!")

    XXXXXXX2.wav Target Immune(e.g. "My weapon has no effect?")

    XXXXXXX3.wav Inventory Full(e.g. "That is on the ground")

    XXXXXXX4.wav Successfully Picked A Pocket(e.g. "Success")

    XXXXXXX5.wav Successfully Hid In Shadows(e.g. "Hey guys, CAN YOU SEE ME NOW!?")

    XXXXXXX6.wav Spell Disrupted(e.g. "I've lost my spell")

    XXXXXXX7.wav Set A Trap(e.g. "Hey, I set a trap!")

    XXXXXXX8.wav Battle Cry 2

    XXXXXXX9.wav Battle Cry 3

    XXXXXXX0.wav Selected 6

    XXXXXXX_.wav Action Acknowledgement 8


    Icewind Dale


    xxxxx01 Morale Failure 1

    xxxxx02 Morale Failure 2

    xxxxx03 Battle Cry 1

    xxxxx04 Battle Cry 2

    xxxxx05 Battle Cry 3

    xxxxx06 Battle Cry 4

    xxxxx07 Battle Cry 5

    xxxxx08 Becoming Leader 1

    xxxxx09 Becoming Leader 2

    xxxxx10 Tired 1

    xxxxx11 Tired 2

    xxxxx12 Bored 1

    xxxxx13 Bored 2

    xxxxx14 Hurt 1

    xxxxx15 Hurt 2

    xxxxx16 Selected Common 1

    xxxxx17 Selected Common 2

    xxxxx18 Selected Common 3

    xxxxx19 Selected Common 4

    xxxxx20 Selected Common 5

    xxxxx21 Selected Common 6

    xxxxx22 Selected Common 7

    xxxxx23 Selected Action 1

    xxxxx24 Selected Action 2

    xxxxx25 Selected Action 3

    xxxxx26 Selected Action 4

    xxxxx27 Selected Action 5

    xxxxx28 Selected Action 6

    xxxxx29 Selected Action 7

    xxxxx30 Selected Rare 1

    xxxxx31 Selected Rare 2

    xxxxx32 Selected Rare 3

    xxxxx33 Selected Rare 4

    xxxxx34 Being Hit 1

    xxxxx35 Being Hit 2

    xxxxx36 Being Hit 3

    xxxxx37 Dying 1

    xxxxx38 Dying 2

    xxxxx39 Reaction to Party Member Dying 1

    xxxxx40 Reaction to Party Member Dying 1


    Don't forget to tell if the Poll is bad (with suggestions/feedback) so I can make it better before Edit time runs out!

  18. A voice is still something tangible, even if it is only a grunt. I'd like to see myself as a good reader, the voice is just as much an instrument as the written word is. I'd prefer something like Baldur's Gate sound sets and for more important important characters but I'd really be fine with only text.


    *Thunders and sparkles of light erupted from his mouth as he spoke, his voice echoing across the vale as the ominous cloud drew closer engulfing the giant looking down upon you, then for you* <- sounds pretty awesome in my head, does it for you as well? If not, an actual beaming voice would make it easier to project the setting and atmosphere, the tone, I wish to put on the situation.


    I'd like to see a mix and match but I think that Sylvanpyxie and KaineParker are right on point.


    Gorion: "We are in an ambush" wouldn't have been the same with only text.

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