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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Man, I am loving the horse trade on the AH. I can easily make close to the 5 gold it takes to buy a horse in a day just from my regular play, without any excess grinding. I can then sell said horse in the AH for somewhere in the neighborhood of 8 or 9k AD on average. That's a nice little source of income, I hope it lasts.
  2. That's a really good idea. I can't wait to test it out in TW2 (that will give me an excuse to play through the game for the 6th time), and it makes all the sense in the world to pass that change, if successful, along to the next game, as it's being made with the same engine, well a new iteration of it, but I'm sure it's quite similar.
  3. Pfft, Call of Duty was better before it sold out. I used to follow Project: Eternity, when it was still underground. I play Leisure Suit Larry Box: Office Bust because it's ironic.
  4. I'm likely in the minority, but I actually enjoyed the mini games in TW2. Boxing was fun, but too easy. Dice poker was fun, but random, as expected. Arm wrestling was a blast, and actually somewhat challenging. As mentioned, if you're not down with any of the mini games you can just omit them entirely, you won't really be missing out on much of anything. What I'm most looking forward to with TW3 is their promise to make the combat more responsive. I think their semi-pseudo-quasi-Batman-esque combat system is a good base, it just needs some tweaking. Also, they need to work on balancing their skills and signs so you don't have an "I Win" skill (Quen sign) available. Then there's the promise of making HUGE open world while still keeping a good narrative. That... That's going to be a challenge. I hope they take more cues from Obsidian Entertainment than from Bethesda in that regard.
  5. ^ "More generals" - Yep. "More strategy" - I doubt it.
  6. I'm shocked we haven't heard anything about either Gran Turismo or Uncharted. I thought those were Sony's flagship franchises? Will they really launch the PS4 without one of those?
  7. all i saw was ryse, that digital-only killer instinct remake and dead rising 3. does microsoft have more exclusives than those? They have exclusive Big Brother spying technology. Does that count?
  8. So maybe D&D even beat the Japanese to tentacle hentai? Congratulations?
  9. Monks are too sexy for their shirt, too sexy for their shirt, so sexy it hurts.
  10. I'd almost consider buying a Wii U for a new F-Zero alone. F-Zero GX was so insanely awesome. Why has it been so long since we've gotten a proper new game in the series?
  11. Big N's policy of not rushing their 1st party titles and only releasing them when they meet their stringent standards is definitely a hindrance sometimes. That was partly the reason the 3DS launched without a single killer title and it was basically repeated with the Wii U. I do admire the policy, though, as their track record of 1st party titles is impeccable.
  12. I'm glad you got everything sorted out, Indira. This game is just mere weeks away, I'm super excited. I'm still not sure if I'm going Ork Decker or Ork Shaman.
  13. OGB, how can I explain it I'll take you frame by frame it To have y'all jumpin', shall we singin' it O is for Old, G is for God, scratch your temple The last B...well...that's not that simple
  14. I personally found Flemeth a lot more interesting a character than Morrigan, despite the fact that Flemeth's appearences were quite brief. I do kind of wonder if Morrigan's been Flemeth'd.
  15. With BioWare's Revolutionary Proprietary UglyTech® Rendering Technology, We're Now Able To Produce A Staggering 75% More Ugly Characters. * UglyTech is a trademark of BioWare, a subsidiary of Electronic Arts. All right reserved.
  16. At least the love scenes in The Witcher 2 were far less awkward than Dragon Age 2, or any love scene is a BioWare game for that matter. Also, the love scenes with Triss serve a purpose as the love triangle between Geralt Triss and Yennefer is an important part of the trilogy's storyline. The other potential love scenes are superfluous, though.
  17. I'm with Tagaziel, I though The Witcher 2 was an improvement on TW1 in practically every way, combat being the most obvious. While combat in TW2 was far from perfect, it was a million times better than what TW1 had going on.
  18. Yeah, Tera is definitely similar to how Neverwinter plays, but at least with Neverwinter you don't have to deal with the incredibly creepy loli/furry fetish aspect. Movement on the battlefield becomes even more important in endgame dungeon boss fights. It's all about dodging AoEs and effectively utilizing skills that relieve or make you temporarily immune to stuns or knockdowns. Another good thing about Neverwinter, as compared to other F2Ps, is that you level super quickly. Also, you truly NEVER have to buy anything via microtransactios and you can easily make it to endgame and hve a viable character.
  19. I love the Gothic series and I love Gothic 3, but it took nearly 2 after launch for that to even become a playable game. Gothic 3, in its current shape with the latest community patch and the content mods and the AI rewrite and rebalance, is a great game, but it was an UNMITIGATED DISASTER when it launched.
  20. The staggering level of ambition of The Witcher 3 does scare me a bit, simply because of what I've seen happen to another great series that got really ambitious with its third iteration: Gothic. Luckily, CD Projekt RED are in a position where they pretty much answer to no one but themselves, and with their subsidiary, GOG, constantly blowing more wind in their sails, they may actually have the time and resources to at least attempt to fully realize their ambitions. As for Dragon Age 3, I hope it's good, I really do, there's just so little to go on at this point.
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