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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. What is your stance on bull shark testosterone?
  2. Curling is surprisingly entertaining to watch, both men and women. I used to laugh at it too, then I kept getting sucked into matches. Now it;s something I really look forward to during the Olympics.
  3. I'm not completely sure, but I think the only decisions that originally imported over from TW1 (with any impact at all) are Adda alive or dead and Order/Scoia'tael/Neutral. In the Enhanced Edition of TW2 they add in a journal entry if you hooked up with Shani in TW1, so the Triss/Shani choice carries over too.
  4. I hope so. I wonder if Adda (or the lack of Adda) will come into play in The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt For More Poontang.
  5. Okay, cool. At least now I know I didn't miss something. I'll see about finishing the game tomorrow. Too tired to do it tonight.
  6. So I went through the Cursed Dungeon place and whooped up on all the undead there, eventually running into Casper, The Friendly ghost on level 2. Now I have the stone disc, but can't seem to do anything with it. Am I missing something or is this something you can only complete as part of a promotion quest for a class I don't have? In other news, I found the last obelisk, got the treasure, then activated all the dragon shrines (having tons of supplies makes that easy) and got the heavy armor relic. I'm pretty much ready to head into the end game dungeon, methinks.
  7. Pfft, 1992 Mode with Mecha-Hitler End Boss is where it's at.
  8. I'll say this, I can't remember the last time I played a game even remotely this long straight through. Usually anything over 40 hours and I have to take at least a 2 week break before I keep going, yet here I am almost 90 hours in and still eager to keep jump back in and finish up the last few quests (I'm missing an obelisk somewhere) before heading to the end game dungeon.
  9. GotY 2014, the rest may as well give up now.
  10. If it makes you feel better, a romance mod will be right behind the nude mod. I bet someone is already thinking up ideas for Sagani and Forton romance scripts. I can neither confirm nor deny that person goes under the handle "Keyrock".
  11. Dark Helmet can show you the way
  12. Probably not before Nexus poops out a nude mod. But probably a hour or two if they had access to beta. The nude mod ALWAYS comes first, because priorities.
  13. You can always play out pretend romances with the characters in your head. Heck, you can even use props like dolls or action figures. You can make it work, I have faith in you, Bruce.
  14. Magic hammer? But if it was magic, why would the head need to be so massive? If magic is making the hammer lighter then that undoes the entire purpose of having the head that large in the first place (i.e. so the it will be heavier and strike with more force). If magical force is what is creating the impact (sending out a shock wave or whatever) then the size of the head almost doesn't matter and it would be more practical to make a hammer with a small head, since it would do every bit as much damage yet be much more portable. Edit: Wait, I think I just answered my own question. The hammer is magical and the size of the hammer head is simply for show. Homeslice is obviously trying to compensate for a lack of size somewhere else.
  15. Cool. Hopefully at least one of the dungeons is designed with characters that finished the main quest in mind, otherwise, there's no point in my current party going into those dungeons and massacring everyone inside with one arm tied behind their backs.
  16. I wants it, I wants it. Hopefully at least one of the new dungeons is a super duper extra brutally difficult dungeon, as my characters are essentially demigods now at level 29. Of course, most likely I'll be done with my current playthrough when this comes out, so I may not get to this new content until my next party.
  17. Wait, there were multiple opponents. Why not just cast chain lightning? For me, I've come to terms with the fact that the company that made Baldur's Gate (and MDK2, for that matter) no longer exists. That doesn't mean that BioWare can't make good, or even great, games still, they obviously have some rather talented people working there (particularly that one chap in QA), but they're never going to make another game like Baldur's Gate again. DA:O was a good attempt that got some things right and some things wrong, but it's pretty clear that's as close as they're ever going to get to making that type of game again, for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is that many of the people that made BG are no longer at BioWare. Everything I have seen and heard about DA:I suggests it will be a lot more DA2 than DA:O. That's not necessarily a bad thing despite how poor a game DA2 was (and despite me wishing they would not only go further toward the DA:O end of the spectrum, but even past it in that direction). DA2 had the potential for a good game in it, it was just quite obviously fast tracked out the door and basically released as a shell of a game without much body and soul in it. While I don't like the direction DA2 went in, that doesn't mean it couldn't have been a good game had BioWare not had to make a xerox of a dungeon and combat encounter, then stuff a bunch of copies of said dungeon and combat encounter into the game. With DA:I they've had a lot longer to work on it, hopefully that means they release a game with a bunch of content, rather than a few pieces of content xeroxed a bunch of times.
  18. I have no issue with cosplayers dressing up as whoever or whatever they like. I do slightly shake my head at the recent trend of developers designing characters (Like Kojima's MGS5 slutty sniper) or releasing kits like this specifically with cosplayers in mind. It just seems presumptuous to assume people will automatically cosplay your characters before the game has even been released. The assumption, in this case, is almost certainly correct, but it just seems kinda c0cky and full of yourself to make that assumption. If cosplayers are going to cosplay a character from your game then they're going to cosplay a character from your game. Attempting to coax them into doing so just seems petty.
  19. Finished the Tomb of Extra Spooky Name, it was surprisingly easy. My characters are just too powerful now. I'd just cast a dark ward and straight melee them. It was so easy I stopped bothering to cast poison cloud or acid splash or celestial armor or using shatter, and only had to use Regeneration once in a long time. Other than having to cure feeblemind once in a while, there was nothing to it, I just steamrolled everybody in there, boss included. Once in a while they'd actually manage to do some damage to me, but for the most part I was blocking, evading, and resisting whatever they threw at me and just laughing at them. Ambushed by a dozen creeps all around me? Pfft, whatever, bring it, panzies.
  20. That looks pretty promising. Hopefully there are some polearms in the game like a glaive, bardiche, or lucerne hammer. Edit: Although, they're obviously not going for anything resembling realistic weapons (which is fine), since nobody could wield that hammer with one hand unless it was made of plastic and hollow.
  21. The red ending is choosing Triss, the green ending is Shani, and I guess Yennefer could be the blue ending, though she seems more fond of black and purple. I'm assuming there will also be an explosion in each ending.
  22. I've found and entered the Tomb of Extra Spooky Name. This marks the beginning of Act 4. This isn't the final dungeon in the game, I hope? Because I still have unfinished business on the surface.
  23. Fixed. Using non-regulation Polish flags on the Internet is punishable by subjecting unpatriotic citizens to listening to looped recordings of Doda Elektroda in confined spaces for six hours per offence. I am so ashamed. Jestem idiotÄ….
  24. Still Might & Magic X. I'm almost 80 hours deep and still on Act 3. When they went old-school with this game, they made sure it was old-school long too.
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