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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. So far nothing that interests me in the first wave except Darkest Dungeons, but that's still in early access, so never mind. I will scoop up the Strife Collectors Edition during this sale, it's 50% off any time during the entire sale, but I may wait a few days to see if it gets discounted deeper. Then again I may just get it at 50%. I kind of just want to give them some money because I've put in 25 hours so far for not a single penny, I plan to keep playing it, and I feel they should get some of my money. Getting the Collectors Edition will get me a bunch of cool skins as well as a bunch of in-game currency... which I'll spend on more skins and dyes.
  2. Q: Who wants some more Wang? A: I do. I love me some Wang. Warning: Strong language
  3. And so it has begun, the Steam Summer Sale is upon us.
  4. Completely reading into things obviously, nothing to back it up, but what if he is planning his own Kickstarter project? Yeah, he very much tiptoed around that question.
  5. Shadow Warrior and the 2 Metro games are the best shooters of this decade that I've played. (I've yet to play the new Wolfensteins)
  6. MCA barely mentions his work on Pillars and quickly moves on, while he talks at length, and, dare I say, lovingly, about Wasteland 2 and TToN. Hmm...
  7. Do you want more Wang? I bet you want more Wang. It sure looks like we'll be getting more Wang. http://shadowwarrior.com/
  8. Fan made spiritual successor to Tower of Doom and Shadow over Mystara released for free. Get it while you can because WotC is almost certainly going to cease and desist this game out of existence.
  9. I'm definitely interested. Hopefully it's good.
  10. Yes, but those use an Apple emulator. They work fine for some people, for others, not so much. Hopefully this means that whoever has those games already but doesn't buy TBT4 still gets the reworked versions as a free upgrade.
  11. I'm glad the original trilogy is getting overhauled. They work through an emulator now and the version they ship with no longer works on Linux. While it's possible to compile a new version of the emulator to get the games to work, it will be nice to just be able to install them and play them without having to jump through hoops.
  12. Answers to some questions about the game from Brian Fargo:
  13. I'm not sold on this game. I'm not a fan of the art style. Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of these people that freaks out over stylized graphics and everything must look realistic or kill it with fire, but these stylized graphics look kinda meh. It's like they tried to find a middle ground between stylized and realistic and I'd rather they went full on in either direction because their middle ground looks really boring. Also, there's a disturbing lack of feedback in most of the animations I've seen. Outside of some specific abilities that knock characters down, they all might as well be swinging at thin air because weapons just pass through characters and they just keep on keeping on as if nothing happened. Of course, I can overlook the art style and animations so long as the story is good and the combat encounters are well crafted, varied, and posing unique challenges (for the love of god, don't have 95% of the battles be filler battles against trash mobs). As for DM mode, it's certainly an interesting idea and it could be really good. I guess it all depends on how much control the DM has over the adventures. If it's just here's a random dungeon, you can move the monster spawn points around and tweak a few stats and that's it, then I don't see a point in it. Hopefully it will be a much more robust system.
  14. Another day another Strife match (I generally play 1 or 2 matches a day, they usually take 35-40 minutes each). This time I had better map awareness. I was more cognizant of hiding spots for potential ganks and I paid better attention to enemies being missing from lanes and the map in general and was extra cautious when enemies were missing and checked on Cindara and Baldir if I was nearby to see if the enemy team was trying for an objective. I even managed to set up a gank or two of my own. On the other hand, I got reckless and pursued and pushed too hard a couple times, leading to a couple very avoidable deaths. Baby steps. Our team won though, so that's a bonus.
  15. Kidnapped by aliens so they could steal his game design secrets, managed to escape but decided to go back to the aliens because they have more advanced technology and a better medical plan. On a serious note, I think the most popular theories right now are: a) Going to InXile b) Going to Bethesda c) Burnt out and taking a break from game development
  16. MCA wised up and realized that the real money is in F2P microtransaction-based mobile games. /hides
  17. That's right, I forgot about Kinect.
  18. What party games does the XBone have?
  19. He said he "can't say any more at this time". E3 is just around the corner... what if he shows up on stage... during Activision's presentation? Swerve Yes, I did post that just as an excuse to post another ridiculous wrestling gif.
  20. My hypothetical erection level has been upgraded to raging boner.
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