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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. You don't have an old save file?
  2. In fairness, I was just as befuddled when I first saw that play live in real time as I was seeing the gif. It's just that I've been watching NFL for a very long time and I've seen that exact scenario play out dozens, probably hundreds of times, and I mean specifically a fumble near the QB (whether the QB was stripped, the RB fumbled, the exchange was fumbled between the QB and RB, the snap was fumbled, etc.) not just a fumble anywhere (I've seen that thousands of times), and in every case previous, and I mean an absolute 100%, the QB immediately tried to dive on the ball without hesitation, same as every other player near it. That's what struck me as being so odd about it. That was literally the only time I've seen someone not immediately dive for the ball when it was at their feet.
  3. Driving the buggy around the outskirts of Haran. Good times. The joys of running over zombies. It never gets old. A whole new cast of characters
  4. Interesting. I'll reserve judgement until something (preferably of substance) comes of this.
  5. I'm not sure if they sell a physical copy of just the expansion. I started playing it today. It's super fun. Driving was the one thing from Dead Island I really missed not having in Dying Light. Running over zombies never gets old. The new area is quite big and has a lot more open spaces than Haran. The buggy is super fun to drive too.
  6. LOL. If nothing else, Volo is predictable.
  7. No. It's the ****ing Superbowl. If that was like week 8, I might... might be inclined to agree with you, but that was the ****ing Superbowl. If there's ever a game where you go all out and risk life and limb that is it. You never know, that may have been Cam's first and only chance to win one ever.
  8. We've all heard the stories of what happens inside an NFL dogpile. Two word probably entered Newton's head: Manu Ginobili. http://www.sbnation.com/nba/2016/2/4/10918660/manu-ginobili-injury-spurs-testicles-no I have been known to pull my groin from time to time.
  9. It was a boring game, IMHO, but at least it was kinda close for most of the time. Also, #Effort
  10. You don't seem to understand my post or how the campaign worked. Yes, as more people pre-ordered new tiers would unlock and you get to choose one "reward" from each tier unlocked, hence how the campaign encouraged people who pre-ordered to pressure others to do the same, since the amount of stuff you got was dependent on how many people pre-ordered. It was literally in your best interest to get others to pre-order too. Even if every single tier was unlocked you still didn't get everything if you pre-ordered, you got your pick of 1 item out of like 3 or 4 in each tier, if I remember correctly. So you would literally have to pre-order 3 or 4 times to get everysingle doodad at launch. They disguised this gouging as "choice" you can "augment" your pre-order, it's up to you! Doesn't that sound fun? Except what they're doing is giving you small slices off the chunk they sliced off the game that would have otherwise come with your $60 purchase, because that's how games are sold nowadays because fanboys and spineless apologists have allowed it to get to this point. This is how much we get gouged nowadays as the "standard" because we, as consumers, have allowed them to gouge us this much. if we don't stand up to this crap they'll just gouge us even more in the very near future. As for your comparison to Kickstarter. Yeah, so what? I'm not here to defend Kickstarter. In fact, crowdfunding is something I've grown more weary and cynical of as time has passed. I'm well aware they are using more and more marketing ploys and bait and switch techniques to get as much money out of people as possible. The "others are doing it too" excuse doesn't make the practices any less distasteful to me. If anything, the fact that others are doing it too makes it all the more disturbing. Business, like most things, is monkey see monkey do. The more we allow this crap to happen the more it spreads like wildfire.
  11. Anonymous The Division Dev Admits The PC Version Is Being Downgraded To Keep Parity With Consoles. As with anything coming from an anonymous source, grain of salt is advised. It's no secret that console versions of games have been holding PC versions back. While this is a dirty "secret" pretty much everyone has known about for a long time, it is a bit stunning to have someone flat out admit it it, assuming this anonymous dev is legit. To me, the most fair thing to do would be to push each platform as far as you are capable. It's pretty sad because the XBOne and PS4 were supposed to "solve" or lessen this problem by closing the gap to high-end PC, but they would up being even further off high-end PC horsepower than the previous console generation upon release.
  12. Are you ****ing kidding me? Nothing wrong with a scheme that not only goaded people into preordering but also actively encouraged them to put pressure on others to do the same? Nothing wrong with a scheme that would make the game release later than it had to if a certain amount of pre-orders weren't met? Nothing wrong with a scheme that cut off parts of the game that would clearly be ready at launch and then had the gall to "reward" those that pre-ordered by only giving them a small slice off the stuff they cut out of the release as a "bonus". Even if you were the most loyal fanboy of the series, pre-ordered the game, and pressured a hundred people into also pre-ordering the game, you'd still not get the complete package available at launch. You'd literally have to pre-order like 4 copies of the game to get everything available at launch. From a strictly legal standpoint, they weren't breaking any laws, but from an ethical standpoint, that's some really dirty ****. Literally everything about that scheme was anti-consumer. They straight up held parts of the game and the release date hostage unless a certain level of pre-orders was met. To me, that's pretty ****ed up. Thank goodness enough people got up in arms over that. If sympathizers like you had let that crap go, we'd be getting an even more devious scheme next time.
  13. The worst of the lot are the fanboys. They're so wrapped up in their favorite franchise that they will staunchly defend any and all decisions made by the developer or publisher and will often go so far as attacking anyone with a contrary opinion. I can only try to guess at their mindset, but my theory is that they tend to think that by sticking up for the people making their favorite game series they will be rewarded somehow. In the cruelest of ironies, they are helping the publisher gouge them just that much harder next time. A business' primary goal is to make money, as much of it as possible. That is true across the board. Some will pursue said primary goal more aggressively and be more willing to use... unsavory practices than others. A company like EA that has put many a small to mid-sized studio out of business, shut down online game servers, sometimes after rather short periods of time, and been at the forefront of pushing season passes and microtransactions into full priced titles, all in the pursuit of the bottom line, will constantly actively be pushing the boundaries of how far they can take these things. Sadly, the fanboys are doing the PR work for the publisher by singing their praises, flooding metacritic 10/10 best game evar!!1!11! reviews to "offset negative ones" which is just as ridiculous as 0/10 reviews to offset good ones and "punish" the publishers, and actively working to silence any and all criticism of the franchise and publisher. Look at the whole fiasco with the shady as **** Deus Ex: Mankind Divided pre-order scheme (not EA, I know). There was a contingent of fanboys loudly and proudly defending that garbage. How friggin' brainwashed do you have to be to defend something like that? Holy ****! Luckily, that scheme was so ridiculous and enough people in the media took them to task for it that enough people opened their eyes and the outcry over it got strong enough that it was taken down, but just the mere fact that there were ANY people out there defending that crap boggles my mind.
  14. But as I said it really didn't need to be thousand of people that were in on it, they just needed the astronauts (who after the landing gave very few interviews), the people who helped fake it and the people who ordered it. The guy who made the screws for the Lunar module would believe that they were going to the moon, as would the guys who worked on everything else. We've been through this before in this thread. All the people from all the independent nations that monitored the flight and tracked the trajectory would have to be in on it too. You don't set a trajectory that takes you to the moon then halfway through the flight take a hard left and go into orbit instead, that's not how spacecraft from that era, or even spacecraft today, work.
  15. As a (very) amateur astronomer, I can tell you that no telescope on Earth exists that is even remotely close to having high enough magnification to see something the size of the equipment left on the moon, that's not even taking into account that there is a practical upper limit to magnification of a terreastrial telescope of about 400X due to distortion from our atmosphere.
  16. Ask yourself this question: Which is more likely? A) Thousands of highly paid professionals, scientists, engineers, and mathematicians from a multitude of nationalities have collaborated to execute and perpetuate what would be the single greatest and most elaborate hoax in the history of humanity, fabricating a veritable mountain of seemingly solid scientific evidence and expending a small fortune to make it happen. B) The moon landing really did happen, the rock solid evidence is real, and the people wearing aluminum foil hats and continuing to create more an more implausible conspiracy theory scenarios to "disprove it" have more than just a few brain cells missing.
  17. Confirmation Bias: The Thread
  18. In an unexpected twist, they have literally shown me the killer in Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders, unless they're going to pull a hardcore Russo swerve on me later on.
  19. Was this screenie taken on Nov 1st? Is she celebrating Dia de los Muertos? Bonus Points if she says, in the female equivalent of raspy hardboiled protagonist voice, "For me, every day is the Day of the Dead." Then she tosses a lit cigarette into a stream of gasoline and walks nonchalantly away from the giant explosion behind her. That's a free one, Hollywood, you can use that no charge. You're welcome.
  20. I'm typing this from the moon right now. You'd be surprised how good the wifi is up here, even inside the hollow interior. On the downside, Lizard People make terrible neighbors.
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