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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Shadwen The graphics are nice enough, though the game could definitely stand to be less brown and grey and more colorful.
  2. I started playing Shadwen. Pretty fun so far, though quite easy. I'm very early in the game, so I'm sure it will get much harder eventually. You start with a tutorial level playing as the orphan girl Lily sneaking into the gardens to swipe some apples. Then you play another tutorial level as Shadwen, the assassin, on her own. After that, you play as Shadwen and Lily is AI controlled. Lily will move from hiding place to hiding place. By default, she generally follows you around, though you can turn that off in the options and she'll only move when you tell her to move (you point at a hiding place and press T to tell her to go there). You can also turn guard vision cones on or off (off by default) and "helpful outlines" on or off (on by default). I played on the default settings for the first 3 levels, but I'm going to switch everything off for the rest of the game. You can murder guards by backstabbing them or distract them to get them out of the way. Supposedly how murdery you go about traversing the levels will have an impact on your relationship with Lily. So far I haven't killed anybody. There are usually multiple ways to traverse the levels, including parapets, eaves, and such that Shadwen can access via grappling hook and use to traverse above the guards, so long as she can get up there without being seen. Lily can't go up there so you need to clear the way for her. You can also use the grappling hook to grab barrels and crates and yank them to create distractions. Time only moves when you move in the game, though you can hold down Q to let time flow normally while you stay still. You can also rewind time at any time.
  3. This is why Arteezy and EternalEnvy on the same team is such a bad idea. Even in a meta that is friendly toward greedy play, having 2 heavy farming cores tends to leave your offlaner and supports with nothing, not to mention making you predictable. The current meta, however, does not generally reward greed and is much more geared toward constant fighting, making the RTZ and EE combo that much more troublesome. They're both good players and they can work on a team, just not the same team.
  4. That is definitely true. If you want to reach the point where you can roll into a sector with a pair of frigates, a handful of corvettes, a destroyer, a carrier, and a couple dozen fighters, you need to put in several hundreds of hours into the game. That said, engaging in a massive fleet battle is so ridiculously glorious.
  5. Yeah, I feel the same, but when space flight games are so few and far between I can't be picky. I'm fine with arcadey if the game is fun enough. I just like flying space ships. I feel your pain. This is why I STILL play X3: Albion Prelude.
  6. Of all the times I've ever seen trailers, articles, etc of NMS, the term space flight sim never even entered my mind. I always just assumed the space flight element would be very arcadey and bare bones, not much more than a means of getting from Planet A to Planet B so you could do Minecraft-style farming. Is this an accurate assumption?
  7. Awesome news. Outcast was a great game. Its biggest failing may have been that it was about 10 years ahead of its time.
  8. Digital Chaos March 2016: Team Secret win the Shanghai Major with the lineup of Puppey, pieliedie, Misery, w33.haa, and EternalEnvy. Shortly after that w33.haa and Misery get kicked from the team and replaced by Universe and Arteezy formerly of Evil Geniuses. The original DC lineup disbands after coming up short repeatedly and then is reformed as Misery, w33.haa, Resolution, Saksa, and Moo. EG and Secret do a bunch of nothing. DC starts slowly but builds momentum. EG and Secret shuffle rosters again. Universe goes back to EG. All 3 teams qualify for TI6. EG plays well and is now in the final 4. DC plays well and is now in the final 4. Secret exits the tournament in last place. Karma. Also, the Arteezy Curse continues.
  9. The Sleepy Rat avatar is only available in the limited edition $500 Collector's Box. It also comes with a cloth map and a pack of matches. In all seriousness, I'll play some Shadwen over the weekend. Too much DotA on right now to play any games at all during the work week. I got it now because it was on sale and they released a content patch, which should address one of the issues expressed by people of the game at launch (not enough content). Hopefully they've also had time to fix some of the bugs by now. I'm going to go for a pacifist run (something I always go for in stealth games), assuming the game allows that.
  10. the_dog_days gets it. I'm just trying to save people money. To show good faith, I'm giving all of you the Keyrock Periodically Changes His Avatar To A Different Io Shirai Picture DLC as my gift to you. That's 19 pictures (and counting). THINK OF THE VALUE!
  11. The base game is indeed free to play. If you want to find out my opinion on the game you can enhance your experience with the Game Opinion DLC for just $19.95. Better yet, you can buy the season pass for $59.95 and get all future DLCs at a discounted price!
  12. And it's gone. The site hosting the downloads got DMCA'd by Big N's lawyers. I'm shocked it took them this long. This project was no secret, there was even a public countdown for the release. The fact Nintendo didn't cease & desist this project months ago shows just how little they care about and pay attention to the Metroid franchise. Well, time for Big N to finally put Samus out to pasture and put a bullet in her dome with Federation Force... Oops, they already did that with Other M.
  13. @Leferd - To be fair, eSports are still in their infancy toddler years. In the 1980s, baseball had been around for over a century. eSports have been around for less than 2 decades. In that sense, they're ahead of the curve of popular conventional team sports in terms of stats analytics adoption. Also, you and Nahaz would be good friends. He's DotA 2's biggest stat analytics proponent.
  14. Back to Axiom Verge. I killed another boss, the Uruku variant, got a sweet lab coat, and acquired a pair of hentai tentacles. Now to find some Japanese schoolgirls...
  15. I didn't have any issues with the font in W2 DC. While I would prefer Century Schoolbook over anything else for most applications, given that it's the easiest to read for me, probably because many books I used in school used that font, as long as it's a standard, plain, easy to read font rather than something ridiculous like Bleeding Cowboys, it doesn't bother me. As for console release, so long as console UI design in no way encroaches on PC UI design, it doesn't bother me much. There is always going to be the suspicion that the console ports are delaying the PC version so they can release simultaneously, but I'm patient enough that I can get over that.
  16. I might catch a bit of the Olympics over the weekend, since TI6 is off until Monday, but once that comes back on I'll just be watching DotA instead. I don't really care about most of the stuff outside of track & field anyway.
  17. That's just the kind of thing specieist ****lord scum would say. #LiterallyHitlerFzoulChembryl
  18. There's one close enough to where I work that I can go there for lunch.
  19. It counts as a level of the abyss.
  20. My Kenworth W900 It will have to do until SCS add the badassery that is the Peterbilt 389 (there is actually a mod in the workshop now that adds the 389 but the price for it is ridiculously low, like 1/4 of what it should cost, and I don't want to cheat the economy).
  21. I finally watched John Wick. It lived up to the hype. That movie is badass.
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