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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. The fact that a game would actually be able to install a rootkit and grant kernel-level privileges speaks volumes about Windows' security. Edit: Okay, I read that it at least asks you to grant the game superuser-level privileges on start, so at least it wasn't able to do this on its own. When a game asks for superuser-level privileges, something is wrong, terribly wrong. Games should only ever exist in user space. Under no circumstance should a game be ever allowed to mess with the operating system itself.
  2. Maybe the rest of the world is following in Japan's footsteps, where the home console market is effectively dead (or at least on life support) and gaming on the go is king? Homestly, the AAA gaming market is due for a crash. The current model is unsustainable with costs continuing to skyrocket and game prices remaining the same. A price hike in game prices would also likely backfire and shrink the market even faster, hence why publishers are instead going down the DLC and microtransaction shenanigans route.
  3. There has been a significant delay on pretty much every die shrink that I can remember. I'll be shocked if we see 7nm by 2020, much less before then.
  4. Normally I'd be against banning a developer or publisher from a sales platform, even though Valve is within their rights to allow or block anyone they want. That said, Digital Homicide are straight up scammers and thugs and to hell with them.
  5. I think you are confusing subjective with objective, Drowsy. Sone people feel 4 > 3. Also, a game can be worse than its predecessor and still be 9/10. I'll go back to Devil Survivor 2 as a 9/10 example of a game I find inferior to its predecessor. Also, FF and Chrono Trigger do not own exclusive rights to the all time jRPG greats club, despite what some people would like to believe.
  6. I can see both sides of it, but tend to lean toward Mamo's side. Lack of innovation is not necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes you don't need to fix what's not broken. For example, SMT Devil Survivor 2 is essentially the same exact game as Devil Survivor just with a new cast of characters and a new story. Basically nothing mechanically was changed or improved. I even liked the story and cast in the first game better. Yet Devil Survivor 2 is still a 9/10 for me.
  7. SteamWorld Dig is really excellent. The follow up, SteamWorld Heist, is also a really good game, albeit a completely different type of game that only shares the setting with its predecessor. I'm really glad I made it past that horrible Gir-Tab boss fight in Axiom Verge and stuck with the game, as I've opened up a bunch of new areas to go to and abilities to use, including a grapple that should finally let me go back to the beginning areas of the game (I haven't been able to go back in ages since there was a jump I couldn't make before) where I know there are tons of areas for me to explore that were inaccessible before, in true metroidvania fashion. Outside of that one outrageously frustrating boss fight, this game is really terrific, potentially the best Metroid game made since 2002 (Metroid Fusion), which was the last time (possibly ever) a main series Metroid game was put out. Technically, this is not a Metroid game, but it might as well be. It's a heck of a lot more Metroid then anything that Nintendo has put out in over a decade, that's for sure. Given how hard Federation Force seems to be bombing, Big N may never make another Metroid game ever again. They'll probably see the failure of Federation Force as people not caring about the series any more, rather than people rejecting a crappy looking spinoff that nobody wanted.
  8. I got to the Gir-Tab boss fight in Axiom Verge and the boss fight is so awful that it made me rage quit the game and just about completely give up on it. Luckily, I found a cheese strat on YouTube to get past this boss. Hopefully none of the bosses later in the game are this horrific because I really enjoy the game otherwise.
  9. Nintendo > Open. Are you daft? As much as I'd love for your pipe dream to come true, I'd also love to annex my own tropical island and rule it as a "benevolent" dictator (El Presidente Keyrock has a nice ring to it), but that ain't happening either.
  10. I am unashamed to say I really liked FF VIII. It's no FF VI, but once that game set the bar for the series nothing has ever come close to matching it, so measuring jRPG games against FF VI is kind of unfair.
  11. Old video, but the game should be coming out quite soon and I don't remember it being talked about on here. It looks like the Commandos/Desperados game set in Edo Period Japan I never knew I wanted.
  12. It's definitely good to have something else you can do during battles against a lot of enemies in D: OS. Enemy turns can take forever.
  13. It was stupid of him to not run to the sideline. That said, it would have been like a 65 yard field goal attempt had he ran to the sideline instead of cutting inside to pick up more yardage. Dan Bailey has plenty of leg, but that's still a really difficult kick to make.
  14. She has starting gear you can get back. I forget where it is, but you can get it back easily. She has hide armor and a bow. Edit: I think you talk to somebody and they give you her gear back, or it's in a chest nearby or something. It's been a while.
  15. It's been a while, but you can leave even though they warn you you might be too low level. I think once you speak to the commander or the mayor or the cat dude they will open the gates for you after warning you. It's been a while so I'm not sure if that information is correct.
  16. @sorophx - For me the combat in D: OS is the highlight of the game. It's certainly not the best turn-based combat system I've ever seen, but I do find it to be pretty solid. The battles can definitely be challenging, especially if you're not used to the system. You really need to pay attention to the environment around you and take advantage of barrels, puddles, and other things that can be exploited to damage, debuff, or split up your enemies. Initiative is of key importance, I always made sure I kept Bairdotr's speed relatively high so that she would regularly be the first one to act in combat, allowing me to use one of the special arrows to stun a key enemy, like a spellcaster or archer, or fire the bouncy arrow (I forget what the skill is called) to hit a bunch of enemies right off the bat. The murder mystery quest, at least for me, was a long term affair. I wouldn't get too hung up on completing it right away, it has a bunch of steps to it. Do a bunch of other stuff (there is plenty to do in and around Cyseal) if you're stumped and you may stumble upon something that moves the quest forward in the process. As for the writing, yeah, it's terrible. At first I found the humor to be a little bit endearing because the game wasn't taking itself all that seriously and there was a bunch of 4th wall breaking and meta jokes and it was "cute" or whatever. That wore thin quite quickly as the quality of the constant barrage of jokes never evolved past terrible and it got quite grating.
  17. The Cowboys lose a nail biter, still it was a positive showing from Dak. He stayed composed and made plays, both in the pocket and on the run. Ultimately, it was the Boys inability to finish drives and come away with 7 instead of 3 that did them in. I'm not expecting much from this season (don't get me wrong, I would prefer if they got wins), so I'm mainly looking to see if Dak can be THE GUY that replaces Tony Romo, who, quite frankly, should really hang it up while he can still walk.
  18. I doubt that. Designing and building a new console is quite expensive and hardware manufacturers often barely break even, or even take a loss, at the beginning of a console's life cycle, then make money off it later in the life cycle. Granted, it's probably far less expensive to design what is a simple upgrade rather than a whole new console. I think this may be a special case because the PS4 and XBone were already significantly underpowered compared to PC the day they released, whereas the PS3 and 360 were somewhat close to high end PC when they released.
  19. I peeled the membrane off a rack of ribs and put the rub on today. Tomorrow morning it goes on the grill around 9 or 10 in the morning to smoke for several hours .
  20. The sad thing is that it doesn't matter much how much horsepower the new PS4 and XBONE have, they will still run at a crappy 30 FPS (for a more cinematic experience) because publishers and hardware manufacturers will always choose shinier over smooth gameplay because shiny sells. When the PS5 and XBOX ZERO come out those will also predominantly run games at 30 FPS just with a brighter coat of paint. Basically, if you want 60 FPS you have 2 choices for hardware: PC or Nintendo. Big N seems to be the only console manufacturer that's sane enough to realize that silky smooth gameplay should be a priority and that they can make up for the lack of shiny via great aesthetic. Of course, Nintendo is completely ****ed in the head in a multitude of other different ways which at the same time makes them sort of endearing and extremely infuriating.
  21. It's okay, the Cowboys have enough suspended guys to start the season as is.
  22. So it's now just like the original engine then! Funny you should write that. In the video detailing the latest release the narrator remarks that the OpenMW engine is likely in a more bug-free state now than Morrowind's engine was at launch. Given Bethesda's track record of releasing hilariously broken games (and getting a free pass from popular media "10/10 best game evar!") that seems quite plausible.
  23. That it is. Surely not the first time community (or professional, for that matter) made adventures took inspiration from popular culture. Open MW has released a new version. At this point, Morrowind is fully playable from start to finish and bug fixing is about all that's left. The 2 biggest things left missing are shadows and distant lands. Once those 2 things get added back in, methinks it's time for me to revisit Vvardenfell.
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