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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. If Mass Effect: Andromeda was in any way related to that sci-fi show from a decade ago starring Kevin Sorbo, I'd actually be interested in it. Alas, it is not.
  2. Twitter is the world's armpit. Edit: On second thought, Twitter is that stretch of skin between your dong (if you're male) or hoohah (if you're female) and your ***hole, the taint. Twitter, the world's taint.
  3. At this point 3 teams have separated themselves from the pack: The Boys, C-Hox, and Pats. I think it's safe to pencil those 3 into the playoffs. On the other end of the spectrum you can safely cross out the Browns, Niners, Jags, Jets, and Bears. That leaves the remaining teams fighting it out over 9 playoff spots.
  4. I just sentenced a town to be burned to the ground, people and all. I can be merciful, when I feel it it can benefit me down the road, but these people surrendered 2 years prior and pledged an oath of loyalty to Kyros, and now they turn around and aid the oathbreakers? An example had to be made. They all had to die. Let the smoldering pile of rubble and corpses be a reminder to everyone within the valley as to what happens when you cross me Kyros.
  5. The Boys win a thriller in Pittsburgh to grab their 8th straight win. Dak and Dez were great; Zeke was spectacular, racking up 209 total yards and 3 TDs. It's pretty hard to argue against Dallas being the best team in the NFC right now. At 8-1 we sit atop the NFC and only Seattle seems to be poised to challenge us for the #1 seed. A first round bye looks fairly probable, granted there are a lot of games left to be played. Here's your weekly helping of Jerry: HOW 'BOUT DEM COWBOYS?
  6. Yes, there are things to do in the environment that use your non-combat skills (athletics, lore, etc.) Doesn't look like there are schedules I've not noticed a proper night/day cycle No alternate methods of transportation I've seen. You're hoofing it. Yes, you can really be evil. Plenty of ruthless and selfish options and some psychopathic stuff in there too. You can absolutely be loyal to Kyros and carry out his will to the letter of his law. The rest of the questions I'm not far enough along to answer.
  7. I went ahead and dropped difficulty down to Story Mode, which made combat significantly less tiresome and has improved my enjoyment of the game. I should have done that from the beginning. By now I should know to lower Obsidian games' difficulty down to the lowest so that I can enjoy them for their quality writing and characters with less bother from generally pretty meh combat. As I've gotten older my appreciation for combat in RPGs has significantly fallen off, unless the combat is implemented really really well.
  8. Depends on what you're looking for. So far I've found the combat to be kinda meh (luckily there hasn't been an exceedingly large amount of it). Keep in mind that I'm not that far in and it might get better once I get higher level and have more abilities to play with. So far I've found the dialogue and choices (there have been a lot of both) interesting and engaging. The writing is solid and I'm invested in some of the characters, particularly Voices of Nerat, who's freakin' awesome. Also, you get the power fantasy of holding people's lives in the palm of your hand, able to serve them salvation or death at your whim.
  9. Small sample size, since I'm still pretty early in the game, but I very much appreciate the lesser focus on combat so far, compared to Pillars. Edit: Good to know, though I am still going to try to minimize wasted time and play it like the clock is against me and I have to hurry for the, you know, immershun factor.
  10. Is the time factor a real thing in the game or just an illusion? For example, if you travel back and forth on the map between locations and waste your time before the edict is set to kill everyone, will the edict actually kill you and end the game or will the time magically expand?
  11. I'm pro voice acting but only if the voice acting is really good. If the voice acting is bad, or even okay, I'd rather just read text and let my mind do the voice acting.
  12. I have to say I'm getting much joy out of watching protesters making petitions to the electoral college to elect Hillary. If the left wingers put this much effort into actually voting they wouldn't have this problem. But hey, keep deflecting the blame, dems who didn't vote, surely it wasn't YOUR fault, right?
  13. I thoroughly enjoyed the Conquest Choose Your Own Adventure mini-game at the beginning. That was really cool. I loved the tokens on a map approach to the presentation too.
  14. I am also playing on normal. After the soul crushing grind of the combat of Pillars, I have no desire to make the combat any more tedious than it has to be. I considered doing story mode, in truth.
  15. Just started up a game and spent 35 minutes making my character, Muriel the Unyielding. I made her an archer/vigor magic user with high subterfuge skill (for manipulating people). Too bad the awesome outfit hides my hair, but I went with the dark skin/silver hair combo, which I always think looks super badass. I am going to try to play my character as a ruthless manipulator. Not a psychopath, she takes no pleasure in killing people or making them suffer, but she has no qualms whatsoever in making people suffer if it has a purpose and helps her reach her goals (the quest for absolute power!). She speaks softly when it benefits her, but will not hesitate to bully people or stab them in the back if she stands to profit from it. Now, let's get this party started! /rubs hands together
  16. I have to wait another 6 hours until I get home from work. *sob*
  17. I'm going to make a guess here and say that there are a good number of people that made a lot of noise on Twitter and Facebook and Tumbler and Snapchat and whatever social platforms they keep coming out with, but when it came time to physically do something, like, you know, vote, they couldn't be bothered. And that's how you wind up with President Trump.
  18. Time to finish up Mad Max so that nothing stands between me and Tyranny tomorrow (except work). Too bad I don't get Veteran's Day off. I guess my company hates the brave men and women that risked and gave their lives for our country.
  19. Majority yes, though there are a fair number of us here that lean libertarian right, myself included. From those that have replied it seems we are definitely overwhelmingly libertarian, though.
  20. Looks like we're getting a new Metro game next year. http://nichegamer.com/2016/11/08/the-latest-metro-game-will-launch-in-2017/
  21. Well, let's all look on the bright side here. We're going to get a lot of Ivanka camera time over the next 4 years.
  22. So it looks like the Republicans won both the House and the Senate too. Wow, what a resounding defeat for the Democrats on all fronts.
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