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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. I have a love/hate relationship with Arcanum. I like the characters and writing and absolutely love the setting, but I hate the mechanics with a passion. It's as if the developers couldn't decide whether to make the game real time or turn-based, so they tried to marry the two systems and the result was something that failed spectacularly on every level imaginable. Also, the imbalance between technology and magic is so ridiculously large that I wonder if any sort of play testing was done at all. I would love to see a reboot or sequel that kept the great setting and atmosphere and had combat that wasn't complete and utter dog feces.
  2. ^ 5 acres? That's not a garden, that's a farm.
  3. ^ There is a daunting amount of systems and information for a new Warframe player (like myself) and while the game has plenty of tutorials available, it's just so much to try to take in. The Wikia is pretty much a requirement to play the game. That said, the basic gameplay is fun enough on its own that going through the rather steep learning curve hasn't bothered me.
  4. Still playing Warframe. Man, this game is freakin' fun. I got the Hydroid warframe and I'm loving it. It's a water-based caster warframe and has this awesome ability called Tidal Surge, which is basically Morphling's Waveform, to anyone who has played DotA. I went ahead and tossed them some money, it's only right. The game is f2p, the monetization isn't particularly aggressive, and, most importantly, the game is really fun. I feel like I should reward a developer for making a good game and not being completely greedy double dipping scumbags (/glares menacingly in the direction of AAA publishers, particularly Activision/Blizzard and Electronic Arts).
  5. I'm about halfway through the tutorial in American Truck Simulator. Earlier this week I passed my HazMat exam (not a requirement to have a CDL but a nice endorsement to have) and earlier today I went to get fingerprinted and have my background check done (a requirement to get the HazMat endorsement on your CDL). There are only a few places in the state of North Carolina that provide fingerprinting and background check services for the TSA (Transportation Security Administration) and DOT (Department of Transportation). A nice benefit to living right next to a major city like Charlotte is that I have one of these places right here. I'm very confident that I'll pass my pre-trip and back up tests on my first try, it's just a matter of waiting for my turn to test (and continuing to practice in the meanwhile). After that, I can finally start driving tractor trailers on the road and practicing shifting and double clutching (big rig transmissions don't auto-synchronize like passenger car transmissions do, you have to clutch to get to neutral, which synchronizes the transmission, then clutch again to go into gear). During my time doing observation (riding in the trucks and watching other students drive while the instructor taught them) it seems upshifting is relatively easy, it's downshifting where people seem to have problems. Hopefully I catch on quickly and pass my road test (the final test) on my first try. I'm eager to become a professional and start earning money; truckers don't make much right off the bat, but once you drive for a while and your rate/mile increases, you can make a pretty nice living, if you're willing to put in the miles (which I am).
  6. The Eastern European Homeless Person Simulator market is booming!
  7. ^ I had no idea there was competition in the homeless person simulator genre.
  8. Have you ever wanted to live out your fantasy of being a homeless person? Me neither. Someone is making this game anyway. What a time to be alive.
  9. Those chants rants are amazing. "Dwight Howard is always waffling and complaining; he is a coach killer."
  10. How is the amount of worthless filler battles against trash mobs in Pillars 2 compared to the original?
  11. Out of curiosity, what exactly is it that you're practicing? Backing up a tractor trailer.
  12. Great day at school so far today. Everything clicked for me when practicing the offset backup. I got it perfect a couple times in a row with no pull ups. Given that on the test you are given 2 free pull ups before they start marking you down, I'm very confident in my ability to pass (though I'll still practice). The one thing left now is the 90 degree, which, in theory should be easier than the offset (according to my instructor, anyway) since you never lose sight of your target, whereas in the offset you do temporarily lose sight of the target.
  13. Kevin Durant might just be pretty good at basketball.
  14. I'm so torn right now. I love watching this Celtics team that just refuses to lose no matter how many guys they are missing, but I'm sad that Sixersmania is on the verge of coming to an end. Those turnovers by Philly late in the game and in OT killed them.
  15. Warframe is pretty freakin' great. It's sort of like Destiny but with way more content and it's free. I like that you can stealth a lot of the missions, which is fitting since you play a space ninja.
  16. Let's not get carried away. Anyway, I can't let a discussion on Polish music go without my favorite Polish band, SBB. One of the most overlooked and underrated prog bands ever. IMHO these guys are just as good as Yes, ELP, and King Crimson.
  17. ^ Yeah, the translation worked less successfully than something like Nena's 99 Luftballons.
  18. I'm also Polish, although I've spent most of my life in Murica. Lady Pank has multiple songs in English. Also, posting songs from the 80s reveals just how much of an old fart I am. For comparison, here's the original version of the same song in Polish:
  19. Don't worry, they'll do this sort of thing again, they'll just be less overt about it next time. We are talking about Nvidia here.
  20. Perhaps you'd prefer a Polish band singing in English? The Darkest Timeline Continues
  21. The most popular style of wrestling in Japan is called Strong Style. It has a greater emphasis on striking, and especially the participants rarely try to dodge or block strikes, instead opting to take them then return strikes in kind, as a kind of test of resilience. In the past 10 years or so different styles from around the globe have filtered into the WWE (as well as promotions from around the globe) so you see elements of Strong Style and Lucha Libre, and Catch as Catch Can in WWE (and everywhere) so the differences are not as pronounced. WWE's style is still generally slower paced and more methodical than Japanese Strong Style overall and especially when compared to something like Mexican Lucha Libre or Japan's Dragon Gate (which ises a blend of Strong Style and Lucha Libre). As a basic guideline: WWE Style - Slow, methodical, deliberate, lots of playing to the crowd Lucha Libre - Very quick, athletic, and chaotic Strong Style - Lots of striking and tests of toughness Catch as Catch Can - Extremely technical, lots of counters Here's one of my favorite matches ever to showcase what strong style looks like: Here's a women's match from 1993 to show that women in Japan have been going just as hard as the guys for decades (whereas in the WWE women's wrestling has evolved beyond hair pulling and lingerie matches only somewhat recently. WARNING: Not for the faint of heart (it gets real bloody)
  22. To anyone wondering who the woman in my avatars is (her name is Io Shirai) and why I use her pictures, watch this: https://streamable.com/oekdw Also, in case that wasn't impressive enough, since Mayu Iwatani (the woman she suplexes into oblivion) is rather thin and light, here is Io suplexing Viper (a damn good Scottish wrestler who has made a name for herself in Japan over the last couple years), who is literally twice her size (if not more), and her feet are off the ground, therefore she can't jump to help with the suplex, this is pure strength:
  23. You never know what you're going to find in this thread. Sometimes, it's a Polish version of Lynyrd Skynyrd. Speaking of Polish bands...
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