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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. I can't stop watching these Oblivion NPC Dialogue videos Why am I watching these?
  2. Forumites Against Cyberpunk Totalitarian Supremacy
  3. I'm taking the Paradox approach with Cyberpunk, I'll get it 6 months after release.
  4. There's a quest chain about using kimchi to solve people's problems, because of course there is. Japanese games have some of the best looking food in games. Step up your food graphics game, western developers! Cat screenie just because.
  5. I'm preemptively favoriting the LadyCrimson Twitch channel.
  6. I don't know what kind of weird algorithm rabbit hole YouTube is sending me down, but I can't stop myself.
  7. As a trucker, I barely ever get to cook, which makes me sad since I like cooking.
  8. I can't stop watching these Oblivion NPC Dialogue videos: I may need to seek help.
  9. Hokkaido is my favorite level of the reboot series. There are so many fun subplots going on in that level. Plus, you can manipulate someone into killing a target for you, which is delightfully wicked subterfuge.
  10. Why does Popeyes popcorn shrimp have to be so damn delicious? I am going to pay a steep price for this in a few hours.
  11. You should definitely play the HITMAN reboot games. They are very good assassination sandboxes. Some of the "accident" kills are pretty hilarious too.
  12. If I was less lazy I would photoshop the Simpsons Seizure gif and replace the robot on the TV with Cyberpunk.
  13. If I hit Lotto I'm buying a 64 core 5990X Threadripper next year and putting 2 3090s in it, for the memes.
  14. Kinda sucks that I'll have to wait until 2022 for the Steam release. On the other hand, I can be pretty sure that the game will work flawlessly via Proton by then. Also, CPUs and GPUs might even be available by that time... maybe. Anyway, I'm going Suit Only Stealth Assassin all the new locations on Master Difficulty eventually.
  15. At least you are in a queue. I wish AMD or Amazon or Newegg would do a queue like EVGA does. Even if it would wind up being that I'd be waiting for 2 or 3 months, at least I wouldn't have to go through the bull**** of rushing over to a site and clicking "Buy Now" like a madman again and again.
  16. They're just teasing me at this point. I had a 5900X in my cart today at AMD.com. It took me nearly 10 minutes to get the cart to open up then to get to payment info. Entered the info then tried for 15 minutes to process before AMD.com essentially gave me the middle finger. I've been building rigs for over 25 years, never have I encountered a situation where I want to give companies my money and I can't buy anything. Maybe one part I wanted was out of stock for like a week, two tops, but EVERYTHING out of stock for MONTHS? Bonkers.
  17. I mean, you can also use your new graphics card to play other games.
  18. Glad to hear there's another team in the NFL as dysfunctional as muh Boys, @the_dog_days
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